53 research outputs found

    Dynamical mass generation by source inversion: Calculating the mass gap of the Gross-Neveu model

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    We probe the U(N) Gross-Neveu model with a source-term JΨˉΨJ\bar{\Psi}\Psi. We find an expression for the renormalization scheme and scale invariant source J^\hat{J}, as a function of the generated mass gap. The expansion of this function is organized in such a way that all scheme and scale dependence is reduced to one single parameter d. We get a non-perturbative mass gap as the solution of J^=0\hat{J}=0. In one loop we find that any physical choice for d gives good results for high values of N. In two loops we can determine d self-consistently by the principle of minimal sensitivity and find remarkably accurate results for N>2.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, added referenc

    The Kramers equation simulation algorithm II. An application to the Gross-Neveu model

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    We continue the investigation on the applications of the Kramers equation to the numerical simulation of field theoretic models. In a previous paper we have described the theory and proposed various algorithms. Here, we compare the simplest of them with the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm studying the two-dimensional lattice Gross-Neveu model. We used a Symanzik improved action with dynamical Wilson fermions. Both the algorithms allow for the determination of the critical mass. Their performances in the definite phase simulations are comparable with the Hybrid Monte Carlo. For the two methods, the numerical values of the measured quantities agree within the errors and are compatible with the theoretical predictions; moreover, the Kramers algorithm is safer from the point of view of the numerical precision.Comment: 20 pages + 1 PostScript figure not included, REVTeX 3.0, IFUP-TH-2

    On ghost condensation, mass generation and Abelian dominance in the Maximal Abelian Gauge

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    Recent work claimed that the off-diagonal gluons (and ghosts) in pure Yang-Mills theories, with Maximal Abelian gauge fixing (MAG), attain a dynamical mass through an off-diagonal ghost condensate. This condensation takes place due to a quartic ghost interaction, unavoidably present in MAG for renormalizability purposes. The off-diagonal mass can be seen as evidence for Abelian dominance. We discuss why ghost condensation of the type discussed in those works cannot be the reason for the off-diagonal mass and Abelian dominance, since it results in a tachyonic mass. We also point out what the full mechanism behind the generation of a real mass might look like.Comment: 7 pages; uses revtex

    (Borel) convergence of the variationally improved mass expansion and the O(N) Gross-Neveu model mass gap

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    We reconsider in some detail a construction allowing (Borel) convergence of an alternative perturbative expansion, for specific physical quantities of asymptotically free models. The usual perturbative expansions (with an explicit mass dependence) are transmuted into expansions in 1/F, where F1/g(m)F \sim 1/g(m) for mΛm \gg \Lambda while F(m/Λ)αF \sim (m/\Lambda)^\alpha for m \lsim \Lambda, Λ\Lambda being the basic scale and α\alpha given by renormalization group coefficients. (Borel) convergence holds in a range of FF which corresponds to reach unambiguously the strong coupling infrared regime near m0m\to 0, which can define certain "non-perturbative" quantities, such as the mass gap, from a resummation of this alternative expansion. Convergence properties can be further improved, when combined with δ\delta expansion (variationally improved perturbation) methods. We illustrate these results by re-evaluating, from purely perturbative informations, the O(N) Gross-Neveu model mass gap, known for arbitrary NN from exact S matrix results. Comparing different levels of approximations that can be defined within our framework, we find reasonable agreement with the exact result.Comment: 33 pp., RevTeX4, 6 eps figures. Minor typos, notation and wording corrections, 2 references added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Sul modernismo italiano

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    Da alcuni si dibatte sulla possibilità di utilizzare anche in ambito italiano la categoria critica di modernismo, attraverso la quale definire quel periodo letterario di inizio secolo, contraddistinto da forti istanze innovative e sperimentali, coniugate però con un legame mai scisso con la precedente tradizione ottocentesca. Questo libro, attraverso undici di saggi di altrettanti studiosi, si pone l’obiettivo di inquadrare teoricamente il concetto di modernismo – indicandone possibili confini cronologici, caratteristiche epistemologiche, specifici procedimenti tecnico-stilistici – e di verificarne l’efficacia critica attraverso la lettura di alcuni degli autori più significativi del Novecento italiano: Pirandello, Svevo, Montale, Ungaretti

    Presentazione [Le forme della poesia]

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    Montale e il canone poetico del Novecento

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    Il volume considera la presenza di Eugenio Montale nel canone poetico del Novecento, riservando particolare attenzione alle più recenti espressioni poetiche

    Environmental impact of the acid fumarole plume of a passively degassing volcano (Vulcano Island, Italy)

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    Abstract This paper investigates the role played by the fumarolic plume of a passive degassing volcano in the genesis of rock coatings (RC) and in the introduction and re-distribution of metals and trace elements in the surficial environment. At La Fossa active volcano (Vulcano Island) and in the surrounding environment RC develop owing to exposure of the ground surface to the volcanic acid plume produced by the passive degassing of La Fossa. Significant positive anomalies of a wide variety of metals and trace elements (including Bi, Ag, Se, Te, Sb, Pb, As, Cu, Tl and Cd) were observed either in distal and proximal RC. Most of these anomalies are interpreted to be the result of the transport and subsequent deposition of trace elements, likely to form volatile compounds, in the fumarolic plume. Two main processes seem to control the geochemistry of RC: one is represented by the leaching and subsequent deposition of elements from the proximal toward the distal RC; the other is the direct input of trace elements carried by the emitted volcanic aerosol. The fact that most of the trace elements (particularly Pb, As, Tl, Bi, Te, Se, Cd) enriched in the RC of Vulcano are highly toxic and potentially dangerous to health in high concentration, indicates that the atmospheric metal injection by the quiescently degassing La Fossa volcano together with the subsequent deposition and remobilization by means of surficial waters may represent an environmental hazard that should be taken into account in evaluating the potential impact of volcanic air pollution on human health