2,326 research outputs found

    Influence of κ-carbide interface structure on the formability of lightweight steels

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    κ-carbide (κ) in high aluminium (Al) steels is grown from austenite (γ) via γ → γ + κ or γ → α + κ (α represents ferrite), and is a lamellar structure. This work demonstrates that the formability of high Al lightweight steels is affected by the lattice misfit and interface shape between κ and matrix. The cold workability can be improved by either to change the steel chemical constitution or to implement an electro-thermo-mechanical process. For ferrite-matrix-based high Al steel, electric-current promotes the spheroidization and refinement of κ structure and reduces volume fraction of κ phase. This retards the crack nucleation and propagation, and hence improves the materials formability. The observation is caused by a direct effect of electric-current rather than side effects

    Stability of martensite with pulsed electric current in dual-phase steels

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    Softening frequently occurs in dual-phase steels under isothermal tempering of martensite. Recently, non-isothermal tempering is implemented to decrease the softening process in dual-phase steels. Here, we have discovered using high power electropulsing treatment can significantly enhance the strengthening effects via the formation of ultrafine-grained ferrite with nano-cementite particles in tempered martensitic-ferritic steels. To the best our knowledge, electropulsing treatment is a proper candidate to retard even to recovery the softening problems in the tempering of martensite in comparison with other isothermal and non-isothermal tempering methods

    Cosmological constraints on the generalized holographic dark energy

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    We use the Markov ChainMonte Carlo method to investigate global constraints on the generalized holographic (GH) dark energy with flat and non-flat universe from the current observed data: the Union2 dataset of type supernovae Ia (SNIa), high-redshift Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), the observational Hubble data (OHD), the cluster X-ray gas mass fraction, the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO), and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) data. The most stringent constraints on the GH model parameter are obtained. In addition, it is found that the equation of state for this generalized holographic dark energy can cross over the phantom boundary wde =-1.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: significant text overlap with arXiv:1105.186

    Group testing with Random Pools: Phase Transitions and Optimal Strategy

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    The problem of Group Testing is to identify defective items out of a set of objects by means of pool queries of the form "Does the pool contain at least a defective?". The aim is of course to perform detection with the fewest possible queries, a problem which has relevant practical applications in different fields including molecular biology and computer science. Here we study GT in the probabilistic setting focusing on the regime of small defective probability and large number of objects, p0p \to 0 and NN \to \infty. We construct and analyze one-stage algorithms for which we establish the occurrence of a non-detection/detection phase transition resulting in a sharp threshold, Mˉ\bar M, for the number of tests. By optimizing the pool design we construct algorithms whose detection threshold follows the optimal scaling MˉNplogp\bar M\propto Np|\log p|. Then we consider two-stages algorithms and analyze their performance for different choices of the first stage pools. In particular, via a proper random choice of the pools, we construct algorithms which attain the optimal value (previously determined in Ref. [16]) for the mean number of tests required for complete detection. We finally discuss the optimal pool design in the case of finite pp

    Surface structure and solidification morphology of aluminum nanoclusters

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    Classical molecular dynamics simulation with embedded atom method potential had been performed to investigate the surface structure and solidification morphology of aluminum nanoclusters Aln (n = 256, 604, 1220 and 2048). It is found that Al cluster surfaces are comprised of (111) and (001) crystal planes. (110) crystal plane is not found on Al cluster surfaces in our simulation. On the surfaces of smaller Al clusters (n = 256 and 604), (111) crystal planes are dominant. On larger Al clusters (n = 1220 and 2048), (111) planes are still dominant but (001) planes can not be neglected. Atomic density on cluster (111)/(001) surface is smaller/larger than the corresponding value on bulk surface. Computational analysis on total surface area and surface energies indicates that the total surface energy of an ideal Al nanocluster has the minimum value when (001) planes occupy 25% of the total surface area. We predict that a melted Al cluster will be a truncated octahedron after equilibrium solidification.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, 34 reference

    Modelling solute transport in soil columns using advective-dispersive equations with fractional spatial derivatives

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    Solute transport in soils is commonly simulated with the advective–dispersive equation, or ADE. It has been reported that this model cannot take into account several important features of solute movement through soil. Recently, a new model has been suggested that results in a solute transport equation with fractional spatial derivatives, or FADE. We have assembled a database on published solute transport experiments in soil columns to test the new model. The FADE appears to be a useful generalization of the ADE. The order of the fractional differentiation reflects differences in physical conditions of the solute transport in soi

    Diffractive Higgs Production at the LHC

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    We use diffractive parton distributions obtained from fits to the diffractive structure function measured at HERA to predict cross sections for single diffractive Higgs production at the LHC. The dominant background processes are also considered. Although some 5% - 15% of Higgs events are predicted to be diffractive in this model, the ratio of signal to background is not significantly improved.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, incl. 6 postscript figures, uses epsf.st

    First Report of Alternaria Black Spot Disease Caused by Alternaria alternata on the Invasive Weed Solanum rostratum in Xinjiang, China

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    Solanum rostratum is a noxious weed, native to Mexico and the USA, which has invaded Liaoning, Jilin, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Xinjiang and Beijing, China (Eminniya et al., 2013). In August 2015, foliar symptoms of yellowish to black spots were observed on plants of S. rostratum nearby an agricultural plantation in Changji, Xinjiang. The following year, about 17% of the 206 plants surveyed on about 0.2 ha of deserted farmland were infected from July-September (at 19-35°C under 29-97% RH)

    Does accelerating universe indicates Brans-Dicke theory

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    The evolution of universe in Brans-Dicke (BD) theory is discussed in this paper. Considering a parameterized scenario for BD scalar field ϕ=ϕ0aα\phi=\phi_{0}a^{\alpha} which plays the role of gravitational "constant" GG, we apply the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to investigate a global constraints on BD theory with a self-interacting potential according to the current observational data: Union2 dataset of type supernovae Ia (SNIa), high-redshift Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) data, observational Hubble data (OHD), the cluster X-ray gas mass fraction, the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO), and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) data. It is shown that an expanded universe from deceleration to acceleration is given in this theory, and the constraint results of dimensionless matter density Ω0m\Omega_{0m} and parameter α\alpha are, Ω0m=0.2860.0390.047+0.037+0.050\Omega_{0m}=0.286^{+0.037+0.050}_{-0.039-0.047} and α=0.00460.01710.0206+0.0149+0.0171\alpha=0.0046^{+0.0149+0.0171}_{-0.0171-0.0206} which is consistent with the result of current experiment exploration, α0.132124\mid\alpha\mid \leq 0.132124. In addition, we use the geometrical diagnostic method, jerk parameter jj, to distinguish the BD theory and cosmological constant model in Einstein's theory of general relativity.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure