1,469 research outputs found

    The Lusiad, or Portugals historical poem by Luís Vaz de CamÔes and edited by Michael W. Charney

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    LuĂ­s Vaz de CamĂ”es (c. 1524-1580), the famous Lisbon poet, composed Os Lusiades in 1572 to glorify the expedition and exploits of Vasco da Gama in the Indian Ocean. It is a lengthy and epic poem, consisting of ten cantos, the portion relating to mainland Southeast Asia limited to a portion of the last of these. Only this portion is reproduced below. The chief utility of this information for the historian is that it helps us to understand how much, by 1572, Portuguese at home knew about the region. Some information is of special interest, such as the reference to the Gwe. The following translation was made in 1655 by Richard Fanshaw and printed in London for Humphrey Moseley at the Prince’s Arms in St. Paul’s Church-yard. According to the translator’s preface, Fanshaw completed the translation on 1 May 1655 at Tankersley Park. The following text is derived from the British Library original (shelfmark g.11385). Other English translations include Vise Strangford’s version of 1804 (n.p.: Carpenter, BL shelfmark B28.a.31), Edward Quillinan’s version, with notes by John Adamson, of 1853 (n.p.: Edward Moxon, BL shelfmark x15/3449), William Julius Mickie’s 1877 edition (London: George Bell & Sons, BL shelfmark W53/4181), and others in the twentieth century. As the first English translation, the one most late seveneteenth and eighteenth century English travelers would have read, warrants special attention. Edited for the SOAS Bulletin of Burma Research by Michael W. Charney

    Finding Function in Form: Compositional Character Models for Open Vocabulary Word Representation

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    We introduce a model for constructing vector representations of words by composing characters using bidirectional LSTMs. Relative to traditional word representation models that have independent vectors for each word type, our model requires only a single vector per character type and a fixed set of parameters for the compositional model. Despite the compactness of this model and, more importantly, the arbitrary nature of the form-function relationship in language, our "composed" word representations yield state-of-the-art results in language modeling and part-of-speech tagging. Benefits over traditional baselines are particularly pronounced in morphologically rich languages (e.g., Turkish)

    Arsenic in rice agrosystems (water, soil and rice plants) in Guayas and Los Rios provinces, Ecuador

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    Geogenic arsenic (As) can accumulate and reach high concentrations in rice grains, thus representing a potential threat to human health. Ecuador is one of the main consumers of rice in South America. However, there is no information available about the concentrations of As in rice agrosystems, although some water bodies are known to contain high levels of the element. We carried out extensive sampling of water, soil, rice plants and commercial rice (obtained from local markets). Water samples were analysed to determine physico-chemical properties and concentrations of dissolved arsenic. Soil samples were analysed to determine total organic C, texture, total Fe and amorphous Fe oxyhydroxides (Fe-ox), total arsenic (tAs) and the bioavailable fraction (As-Me). The different plant parts were analysed separately to determine total (tAs), inorganic (iAs) and organic arsenic (oAs). Low concentrations of arsenic were found in samples of water (generally 80%) in all parts of the rice plants. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    S3 x Z2 model for neutrino mass matrices

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    We propose a model for lepton mass matrices based on the seesaw mechanism, a complex scalar gauge singlet and a horizontal symmetry S_3 \times \mathbbm{Z}_2. In a suitable weak basis, the charged-lepton mass matrix and the neutrino Dirac mass matrix are diagonal, but the vacuum expectation value of the scalar gauge singlet renders the Majorana mass matrix of the right-handed neutrinos non-diagonal, thereby generating lepton mixing. When the symmetry S3S_3 is not broken in the scalar potential, the effective light-neutrino Majorana mass matrix enjoys ÎŒ\mu--τ\tau interchange symmetry, thus predicting maximal atmospheric neutrino mixing together with Ue3=0U_{e3} = 0. A partial and less predictive form of ÎŒ\mu--τ\tau interchange symmetry is obtained when the symmetry S3S_3 is softly broken in the scalar potential. Enlarging the symmetry group S_3 \times \mathbbm{Z}_2 by an additional discrete electron-number symmetry \mathbbm{Z}_2^{(e)}, a more predicitive model is obtained, which is in practice indistinguishable from a previous one based on the group D4D_4.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, final version for publication in JHE

    Maximal atmospheric neutrino mixing and the small ratio of muon to tau mass

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    We discuss the problem of the small ratio of muon mass to tau mass in a class of seesaw models where maximal atmospheric neutrino mixing is enforced through a ÎŒ\mu--τ\tau interchange symmetry. We introduce into those models an additional symmetry TT such that mÎŒ=0m_\mu = 0 in the case of exact TT invariance. The symmetry TT may be softly broken in the Higgs potential, and one thus achieves mÎŒâ‰Șmτm_\mu \ll m_\tau in a technically natural way. We speculate on a wider applicability of this mechanism.Comment: 10 pages, plain LaTeX, no figures, minor changes, final version for J. Phys.

    A model realizing the Harrison-Perkins-Scott lepton mixing matrix

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    We present a supersymmetric model in which the lepton mixing matrix UU obeys, at the seesaw scale, the Harrison--Perkins--Scott \textit{Ansatz}--vanishing Ue3U_{e3}, maximal atmospheric neutrino mixing, and sin⁡2ξ⊙=1/3\sin^2{\theta_\odot} = 1/3 (ξ⊙\theta_\odot is the solar mixing angle). The model features a permutation symmetry S3S_3 among the three lepton multiplets of each type--left-handed doublets, right-handed charged leptons, and right-handed neutrinos--and among three Higgs doublets and three zero-hypercharge scalar singlets; a fourth right-handed neutrino, a fourth Higgs doublet, and a fourth scalar singlet are invariant under S3S_3. In addition, the model has seven \mathbbm{Z}_2 symmetries, out of which six do not commute with S3S_3. Supersymmetry is needed in order to eliminate some quartic terms from the scalar potential, quartic terms which would make impossible to obtain the required vacuum expectation values of the three Higgs doublets and three scalar singlets. The Yukawa couplings to the charged leptons are flavour diagonal, so that flavour-changing neutral Yukawa interactions only arise at loop level.Comment: 16 pages, plain LaTeX, no figures; some clarifying remarks in the conclusions and references added, version accepted for publication in JHE

    Neutrino helicity asymmetries in leptogenesis

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    It is pointed out that the heavy singlet neutrinos characteristic of leptogenesis develop asymmetries in the abundances of the two helicity states as a result of the same mechanism that generates asymmetries in the standard lepton sector. Neutrinos and standard leptons interchange asymmetries in collisions with each other. It is shown that an appropriate quantum number, B-L', combining baryon, lepton and neutrino asymmetries, is not violated as fast as the standard B-L. This suppresses the washout effects relevant for the derivation of the final baryon asymmetry. One presents detailed calculations for the period of neutrino thermal production in the framework of the singlet seesaw mechanism.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, revtex, matches PRD versio

    Coupling production networks and regional assets in manufacturing clusters

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    Paradoxically, the ongoing process of globalisation goes hand in hand with a surge of interest in the ‘local’ sources of firm competitiveness. In this paper, we develop a frame of analysis that helps to understand ‘coupling’ of production networks and regional development. Our aim is to reflect on the ‘spatiality’ of different types of networks, and to study the dynamic coupling process between these networks and regional assets. We apply the framework to two case studies – shipbuilding in Turku and machine building in Porto. Our analysis points towards the relevance of regional assets facilitating this coupling process and in strengthening regions as magnets for global production networks, reinforcing the long term sustainability of different types of clusters

    Gruta Nova da Columbeira (Bombarral, Portugal): Fundplatz-Stratigraphie, Alter der MoustĂ©rien-Schichtenfolge, und Schlussfolgerungen fĂŒr die Chronologie des Aussterbens der Neanderthaler auf der Iberischen Halbinsel

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    The Gruta Nova da Columbeira is recurrently mentioned in the literature concerning the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition in Iberia as documenting the persistence beyond 30 000 calendar years ago of a Neanderthal-associated Mousterian. This claim is based on conventional radiocarbon dates obtained in the 1960’s and the 1970’s. In order to assess its validity, we undertook archival research to obtain unpublished details concerning the actual composition and chemistry of the dated samples, replicated the dating of samples of the same kind (carbonaceous sediments) and collected in the same deposits from the back of the cave whence came the 1970’s results, and obtained an U-series age estimate for a bone tool from the base of the Mousterian sequence excavated at the entrance of the cave in 1962. We then cross-checked all the stratigraphic and dating information thus assembled against the original field documents. Our results show that (a) the cave entrance sequence formed between MIS-5 and early MIS-3, (b) the deposits at the back of the cave probably formed in the Tardiglacial, and (c) the presence in these deposits of significant amounts of inherited charcoal derived from the entrance area explains the “Early Upper Palaeolithic” (EUP) age determinations obtained for the 1970’s samples. The association of such determinations with the Mousterian has been based on an unwarranted assumption of lateral stratigraphic continuity. While the entrance deposits correspond to an in situ Mousterian sequence, those from the back of the cave are primarily made of clay accumulated under temporary waterlogged conditions, with the few artefacts of Middle Palaeolithic affinities recovered therein being in secondary position. The evidence from Gruta Nova can no longer be used to counter the existence of a late Aurignacian in the region. In southern and western Iberia, the Neandertal-to-modern and Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transitions occurred no later than about 37 000 years ago.Auf der Grundlage konventioneller Radiokarbondaten aus den 1960er und 1970er Jahren werden Grabungsergebnisse aus der Gruta Nova da Columbeira (Bombarral) in der Fachliteratur auch heute noch verschiedentlich als Beleg fĂŒr eine zeitliche Überlappung des spĂ€ten MoustĂ©rien mit dem Ă€lterem JungpalĂ€olithikum genannt. Die unerwartet jungen 14C-Daten werden weiterhin als Beleg fĂŒr eine Fortdauer der Neanderthaler bis in eine Zeit jĂŒnger als 30 000 Jahre vor heute herangezogen. Zur ÜberprĂŒfung dieser Hypothese haben wir zahlreiche historische Dokumente zu den frĂŒheren Grabungen, wie auch der 14C-Datierungen, zusammengestellt und einer kritischen Sichtung unterzogen. Mit Hilfe der historischen Grabungsdokumente konnten zahlreichen Details der ursprĂŒnglichen Stratigraphie von Gruta Nova rekonstruiert werden. Auf dieser Grundlage wurden dann gezielt Nachuntersuchungen vorgenommen, um Probenmaterial zur erneuten 14C-Datierung aus gleicher stratigraphischer Position zu erhalten. Ferner wurde eine U/Th-Datierung an einem Knochenwerkzeug des MoustĂ©rien aus der Basis der Schicht 8 vorgenommen. Die Datierungsergebnisse zeigen, (1) dass es am Höhleneingang tatsĂ€chlich Fundschichten mit Artefakten gibt, die zwischen MIS-5 und MIS-3 datieren, aber (2), dass die ursprĂŒnglich anhand der 14C-Daten als ein „frĂŒhes JungpalĂ€olithikum“ interpretierten Schichten im rĂŒckwĂ€rtigen Teil der Höhle wahrscheinlich aus dem SpĂ€tglazial und durch Sedimente mit alten Holzkohlen aus dem Eingangsbereich kontaminiert wurden. Wie die Rekonstruktion der stratigraphischen Situation zeigt, gibt es in Gruta Nova — bei den heute nicht mehr akzeptablen 14C-Daten — keine ernstzunehmenden Indizien fĂŒr die Existenz eines spĂ€ten MoustĂ©rien. Damit liegt auch kein Beleg fĂŒr einen spĂ€ten Übergang - nach 37 000 Jahren vor heute - vom Mittel- zum JungpalĂ€olithikum im sĂŒdlichen und westlichen Bereich der Iberischen Halbinsel vor

    Adding mindfulness practice to exercise therapy for female recreational runners with patellofemoral pain:a randomized controlled trial

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    Context Considering current models that highlight the role of psychological components in pain management, mindfulness practice may be an effective strategy in the management of pain. Objective To examine the effects of adding an 8-week mindfulness program to exercise therapy on the perceptions of pain severity, knee function, fear of movement, and pain catastrophizing of female recreational runners with patellofemoral pain (PFP). Design Randomized controlled clinical trial. Setting University laboratory. Patients or Other Participants Thirty female runners (age = 28.3 ± 7.08 years) with PFP were randomly assigned to the exercise or mindfulness-exercise group. Intervention(s) The exercise-only group followed a protocol (18 weeks, 3 sessions/wk) that featured training modifications to help control injury-related symptoms. The mindfulness-exercise group received an 8-week mindfulness intervention in addition to the exercise protocol. The mindfulness component started 4 weeks before the exercise component; therefore, the 2 components overlapped during the first 4 weeks of the intervention. Main Outcome Measure(s) Usual pain, pain during stepping, and pain during running were assessed using visual analog scales. Functional limitations of the knee were assessed using the Knee Outcome Survey. Fear of movement, pain catastrophizing, and coping strategies were measured via the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, the Pain Catastrophizing Scale, and the Coping Strategies Questionnaire, respectively. These outcomes were assessed at baseline, at week 9, and after 18 weeks. Results Pain during running, pain during stepping, and functional limitations of the knee were less for the mindfulness-exercise group than for the exercise-only group (P values < .05). The mindfulness-exercise group reported greater perceived treatment effects than the exercise-only group (P < .05). Pain catastrophizing was less and coping strategies were more favorable for mindfulness-exercise participants than for exercise-only participants (P values < .05). Conclusions Mindfulness practice can be an effective adjunct to exercise therapy in the rehabilitation of PFP in recreational female runners
