23 research outputs found

    Association between isotretinoin use and central retinal vein occlusion in an adolescent with minor predisposition for thrombotic incidents: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>We report an adolescent boy with minimal pre-existing risk for thromboses who suffered central retinal vein occlusion associated with isotretinoin use for acne. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first well documented case of this association.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>An otherwise healthy 17-year-old white man who was treated with systemic isotretinoin for recalcitrant acne was referred with central retinal vein occlusion in one eye. Although a detailed investigation was negative, DNA testing revealed that the patient was a heterozygous carrier of the G20210A mutation of the prothrombin gene. Despite the fact that this particular mutation is thought to represent only a minor risk factor for thromboses, it is probable that isotretinoin treatment greatly increased the risk of a vaso-occlusive incident in this patient.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Isotretinoin use may be associated with sight- and life-threatening thrombotic adverse effects even in young patients with otherwise minimal thrombophilic risk. Physicians should be aware of such potential dangers.</p

    An electrogenic redox loop in sulfate reduction reveals a likely widespread mechanism of energy conservation

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    The bioenergetics of anaerobic metabolism frequently relies on redox loops performed by membrane complexes with substrate- and quinone-binding sites on opposite sides of the membrane. However, in sulfate respiration (a key process in the biogeochemical sulfur cycle), the substrate- and quinone-binding sites of the QrcABCD complex are periplasmic, and their role in energy conservation has not been elucidated. Here we show that the QrcABCD complex of Desulfovibrio vulgaris is electrogenic, as protons and electrons required for quinone reduction are extracted from opposite sides of the membrane, with a H+/e− ratio of 1. Although the complex does not act as a H+-pump, QrcD may include a conserved proton channel leading from the N-side to the P-side menaquinone pocket. Our work provides evidence of how energy is conserved during dissimilatory sulfate reduction, and suggests mechanisms behind the functions of related bacterial respiratory complexes in other bioenergetic contexts

    Brain energy rescue:an emerging therapeutic concept for neurodegenerative disorders of ageing

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    The brain requires a continuous supply of energy in the form of ATP, most of which is produced from glucose by oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, complemented by aerobic glycolysis in the cytoplasm. When glucose levels are limited, ketone bodies generated in the liver and lactate derived from exercising skeletal muscle can also become important energy substrates for the brain. In neurodegenerative disorders of ageing, brain glucose metabolism deteriorates in a progressive, region-specific and disease-specific manner — a problem that is best characterized in Alzheimer disease, where it begins presymptomatically. This Review discusses the status and prospects of therapeutic strategies for countering neurodegenerative disorders of ageing by improving, preserving or rescuing brain energetics. The approaches described include restoring oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis, increasing insulin sensitivity, correcting mitochondrial dysfunction, ketone-based interventions, acting via hormones that modulate cerebral energetics, RNA therapeutics and complementary multimodal lifestyle changes

    Crisaborole and its potential role in treating atopic dermatitis: overview of early clinical studies

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD), a chronic, relapsing, inflammatory skin disease that is characterized by intense pruritus and eczematous lesions with up to 90% of patients presenting with mild to moderate disease. Current topical treatments for AD have not changed in over 15 years and are associated with safety concerns. In AD, overactivity of phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4), leads to inflammation and disease exacerbation. Crisaborole Topical Ointment, 2%, is a novel, nonsteroidal, topical anti-inflammatory PDE4 inhibitor currently being investigated for the treatment of mild to moderate AD. Preliminary studies in children and adults demonstrated favorable efficacy and safety profiles. Crisaborole may represent an anti-inflammatory option that safely minimizes the symptoms and severity of AD and that can be used for both acute and long-term management

    The effect of isotretinoin on triglycerides and liver aminotransferases Influência da isotretinoína nas transaminases hepáticas e triglicerídeos

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    BACKGROUND: Isotretinoin has been used to treat the most severe cases of acne; however, it may provoke adverse events in mucocutaneous and hepatic tissues, lead to alterations in lipid levels and cause teratogenicity. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the profile of changes in alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and triglyceride levels in patients who had been treated with oral isotretinoin dispensed by the São Mateus/ES pharmacy for special drugs. METHODS: A retrospective, observational, longitudinal study was conducted by carrying out a secondary analysis of each patient's data. RESULTS: Of the 130 patients who received isotretinoin between January and December 2009, only 70 were actually treated for 3 months or more and handed in the results of their laboratory tests. Of these 70 patients, 39 (55.7%) were female. The mean age of the women (23.9 years) was higher than the mean age of the men (20.1 years). There was a statistically significant increase in the levels of triglycerides (87.01 ± 48.25 versus 105.32 ± 48.76 mg/dL), AST (20.44 ± 6.26 versus 24.38 ± 11.92 U/L) and ALT (18.24 ± 8.31 versus 23.34 ± 20.03 U/L) performed prior to and 3 months or more after oral isotretinoin treatment. After treatment with oral isotretinoin, triglyceride levels had increased beyond the normal range in 11% of the patients, while 8.6% had elevated AST levels and 7.3% had increased ALT levels. CONCLUSION: The results in this population show that the use of oral isotretinoin for the treatment of acne may result in altered triglyceride, AST and ALT levels. These findings are in accordance with data published previously in the scientific literature, confirming the need to monitor these patients.<br>FUNDAMENTOS: A isotretinoína tem sido usada no tratamento dos casos mais graves de acne, embora possa induzir reações adversas nos tecidos mucocutâneos e hepáticos, alterações nos níveis lipídicos e teratogenicidade. OBJETIVOS: Este estudo avaliou o perfil de alterações nas concentrações de Alanina Aminotransferrase, Aspartato Aminotransferrase e triglicerídeos em pacientes que fizeram uso de isotretinoína oral fornecida pelo serviço Farmácia de Medicamentos Excepcionais de São Mateus/ES. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo observacional longitudinal exploratório retrospectivo, utilizando coleta de dados secundários de cada paciente. RESULTADOS: Dos 130 pacientes que receberam isotretinoína no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2009, somente 70 realizaram o tratamento por 3 meses ou mais e apresentaram os resultados dos exames. Desses 70 pacientes, 39 (55,7%) eram do sexo feminino. A média de idade das mulheres (23,9 anos) foi maior do que a média de idade dos homens (20,1 anos). Houve aumento estatisticamente significante nas dosagens de triglicerídeos (87,01±48,25 versus 105,32 ± 48,76), Aspartato Aminotransferrase (20,44 ± 6,26 versus 24,38 ± 11,92) e Alanina Aminotransferrase (18,24 ± 8,31 versus 23,34 ± 20,03), realizadas antes e após 3 meses ou mais de tratamento com isotretinoína oral. Após o tratamento com isotretinoína oral, 11% dos pacientes apresentaram elevação de triglicerídeos acima dos valores normais, 8,6% apresentaram elevação da Aspartato Aminotransferrase e 7,3% tiveram elevação da Alanina Aminotransferrase. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados mostraram que o uso de isotretinoína oral para o tratamento da acne, na população estudada, pode levar a alterações nas dosagens de triglicerídeos, Alanina Aminotransferrase e Aspartato Aminotransferrase, como mostrado pela literatura científica, confirmando a necessidade de monitoramento