15,040 research outputs found

    Neuraminidase Activity in \u3cem\u3eDiplococcus pneumoniae\u3c/em\u3e

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    Kelly, R. T. (Marquette University School of Medicine, Milwaukee, Wis.), D. Greiff, and S. Farmer. Neuraminidase activity in Diplococcus pneumoniae. J. Bacteriol. 91:601–603. 1966.—A method for the quantitation of neuraminidase in the presence of N-acetylneuraminic acid aldolase is described. The neuraminidase content of Diplococcus pneumoniae was found to be dependent on the media employed for growth; the highest enzyme activity per milligram of bacterial protein was obtained with Todd-Hewitt broth. Neuraminidase production was stimulated in D. pneumoniae by the addition of N-acetylneuraminlactose, N-acetylneuraminic acid, or N-acetylmannosamine to the growth medium. Three rough strains of D. pneumoniae, which were nonpathogenic for mice, lacked neuraminidase activity. Seven of 12 smooth strains contained neuraminidase; enzyme activity was not detected in the remaining 5 smooth strains. There was no correlation between the presence of neuraminidase activity and the capsular type or between neuraminidase production and animal virulence

    Geochemistry and deposition of Be-7 in river‐estuarine and coastal waters

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    The atmospheric flux of cosmogenic Be-7 (53.3-day half-life) and the mode of ?Be deposition in river- estuarine and coastal environments have been examined. The atmospheric flux of ?Be commonly sup- ports inventories ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 pCi/cm 2 (1 pCi = 0.037 Bq). Beryllium 7 concentrations in water phase samples, collected across salinity gradients in several estuaries along the eastern coastline of the United States, range from 0.03 to 0.53 pCi/L and primarily reflect variations in Be-7supply and sorption kinetics. The major process controlling the concentration of Be-7 on estuarine suspended particles appears to be the length of time that these particles remain in the water column. Field particle-to- water distribution coefficients for Be-7have a median value of about 4 x 10 \u27• but range over an order of magnitude reflecting short-term variations in 7Be input, particle dynamics, and particulate iron content rather than equilibrium sorption-desorption responses to changes in water salinity or particle type. Residence times of 7Be in the water column range from a few days in estuarine areas of rapid fine-particle deposition, to several weeks in high-energy environments where pronounced sediment resuspension reintroduces deposited 7Be back into the water column. Inventories of ?Be in sediments range-from nondetectable to 3.3 pCi/cm 2, with the highest inventories in areas where fine particles are accumulating rapidly. Such sites are also major repositories for other particle-reactive substances. A ?Be budget for the James estuary indicates that less than 5% of the expected ?Be input is in the water column and that the short-term estuarine trapping efficiency for atmospherically derived ?Be is somewhere between 50 and 100%

    Variation of almond yield, biometry, α-tocopherol levels, and antioxidant properties with nitrogen fertilization

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    A two years’ experiment (2015–2016) was set in a factorial design in which the effect of two application forms of nitrogen (N) (soil and soil + foliar spray) in different doses (0, 25, 50, and 100 kg N ha-1) on almond (Prunus dulcis Mill. cv. “Masbovera”) was evaluated. Kernel yield, biometric properties, phytochemicals, and antioxidant activities were assessed. The results showed that almond kernel yield increases with an increment in N rate doses and was positively correlated with kernel weight and thickness, and negatively with fruit weight. The levels of α-tocopherol and total polyphenol content were higher with lower N doses (25 and 50 kg N ha–1). The antioxidant activities were positively correlated with polyphenol content. Based on our results, excessive N rates over 50 kg/ha depreciate the levels of α-tocopherol, total polyphenols, and antioxidant bioactivities of kernels. Practical applications Almond is an important nut (dry) fruit that contains high levels of α-tocopherol, moderate levels of polyphenols, and high antioxidant activities, all responsible for their claimed health-promoting properties. Almond trees are known by their alternate behavior in which kernel yield and levels of phytochemicals and other compounds are highly variable between years. This article studies the usage of a sustainable nitrogen fertilization program toward a reduction of their alternate behavior, preserving and promoting their antioxidant properties and their levels of phytochemicals, particularly α-tocopherol and polyphenols. Our findings may provide a useful guide for adequate nitrogen fertilization program toward a better almond kernel qualityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effect of different types of hepatic injury on the estrogen and androgen receptor activity of liver

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    Mammalian liver contains receptors for both estrogens and androgens. Hepatic regeneration after partial hepatectomy in male rats is associated with a loss of certain male-specific hepatic characteristics. In this study we investigated the effects of lesser forms of hepatic injury on the levels of estrogen and androgen receptor activity in the liver. Adult male rats were subjected to portacaval shunt, partial portal vein ligation, hepatic artery ligation, or two-thirds partial hepatectomy. Another group of animals was treated with cyclosporine. At the time of sacrifice the livers were removed and used to determine the estrogen and androgen receptor activity in the hepatic cytosol. A significant reduction (p < 0.05) in the hepatic cytosolic androgen receptor activity and a slight increase in the estrogen receptor activity occurred following total portosystemic shunting. Partial ligation of the portal vein, which produces a lesser degree of portosystemic shunting, had no effect on the levels of the estrogen and androgen receptor activity present within hepatic cytosol. Cyclosporine-treated animals had significantly greater (p < 0.01) levels of estrogen receptor activity in the hepatic cytosol compared to vehicle-treated control animals. Levels of estrogen and androgen receptor activity within the hepatic cytosol remained unchanged after ligation of the hepatic artery. The reduction in the cytosolic estrogen and androgen receptor activity in the liver after partial hepatectomy was confirmed. In summary, certain types of hepatic injury are associated with profound changes in the estrogen and androgen receptor content within the liver. © 1989 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted

    Localization of a 64-kDa phosphoprotein in the lumen between the outer and inner envelopes of pea chloroplasts

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    The identification and localization of a marker protein for the intermembrane space between the outer and inner chloroplast envelopes is described. This 64-kDa protein is very rapidly labeled by [γ-32P]ATP at very low (30 nM) ATP concentrations and the phosphoryl group exhibits a high turnover rate. It was possible to establish the presence of the 64-kDa protein in this plastid compartment by using different chloroplast envelope separation and isolation techniques. In addition comparison of labeling kinetics by intact and hypotonically lysed pea chloroplasts support the localization of the 64-kDa protein in the intermembrane space. The 64-kDa protein was present and could be labeled in mixed envelope membranes isolated from hypotonically lysed plastids. Mixed envelope membranes incorporated high amounts of 32P from [γ-32P]ATP into the 64-kDa protein, whereas separated outer and inner envelope membranes did not show significant phosphorylation of this protein. Water/Triton X-114 phase partitioning demonstrated that the 64-kDa protein is a hydrophilic polypeptide. These findings suggest that the 64-kDa protein is a soluble protein trapped in the space between the inner and outer envelope membranes. After sonication of mixed envelope membranes, the 64-kDa protein was no longer present in the membrane fraction, but could be found in the supernatant after a 110000 × g centrifugation

    Serumproteinbindung von ACTH

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    3H- 1–23-Corticotropin wurde an Dextrangel (Sephadex G-25) gebunden und konnte durch Serumproteine, Albumin oder 0,1 N HCl eluiert werden. Mittels Dextrangelfiltration wurde gefunden, daß3H-ACTH kompetitiv an Serumproteine (Albumin) und Dextrangel gebunden wurde. Auch für natürliches Schweine-ACTH und endogenes ACTH in Patientenplasma (Adrenalektomie) wurde mittels biologischer ACTH-Bestimmung die Bindung von ACTH an Proteine bestätigt.3H- 1–23 corticotropin was bound to dextran gel (sephadex G-25) and was eluted by either serum proteins, albumin or 0.1 N HCl. Competitive binding of3H-ACTH to serum proteins (albumin) and dextran gel was shown by dextran gel filtration. Likewise natural ACTH (pig) and endogenous ACTH from plasma of an adrenalectomized patient were shown to be partly protein bound using biological ACTH-assay