34 research outputs found

    Acidente com material perfurocortante entre profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital universitário

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    Os riscos ocupacionais a que os profissionais da equipe de enfermagem estão sujeitos no desempenho de suasfunções são consideráveis. Assim estabeleceu-se como objetivo deste estudo analisar os acidentes perfurocortantesno período de 2002 a 2006, envolvendo a equipe de enfermagem de um hospital universitário, para compreender ocontexto em que ocorrem. A utilização destas informações pode ser ferramenta de prevenção. Estudo descritivo,retrospectivo quantitativo e qualitativo. Na análise quantitativa foi utilizada estatística descritiva e na qualitativao discurso do sujeito coletivo. Por meio das fichas de notificação do Núcleo de Vigilância Epidemiológica doHospital, foi possível identificar acidentes do gênero no período pesquisado. Entrevistas foram direcionadas àsvítimas de acidentes que tiveram como paciente-fonte portador de Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida/Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana, hepatite B e C. Os achados demonstraram que ainda persiste um grau significativodo desconhecimento ou banalização dos acidentes entre profissionais da saúde

    Genetic distance of inbred lines and prediction of maize single-cross performance using RAPD markers

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    To evaluate the genetic diversity of 18 maize inbred lines, and to determine the correlation between genetic distance and single-cross hybrid performance, we have used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), a PCR-based technique. Eight of these lines came from a Thai synthetic population (BR-105), and the others derived from a Brazilian composite population (BR-106). Thirty two different primers were used giving a total of 325 reproducible amplification products, 262 of them being polymorphic. Genetic divergence was determinated using Jaccard's similarity coefficient, and a final dendrogram was constructed using an unweighted pair-group method with arithmetical averages (UPGMA). Cluster analysis divided the samples into three distinct groups (GI, GII and GIII) that were confirmed by principal-coordinate analysis. The genetic distances (GD) were correlated with important agronomic traits for single-cross hybrids and heterosis. No correlation was found when group division was not considered, but significant correlations were detected between GI x GII and GI x GIII GDs with their respective single-cross hybrid grain-yield values. Three groups were identified; that is, the BR-106 population was divided in two different groups and the BR-105 population remained mostly as one group. The results indicated that RAPD can be used as a tool for determining the extent of genetic diversity among tropical maize inbred lines, for allocating genotypes into different groups, and also to aid in the choice of the superior crosses to be made among maize inbred lines, so reducing the number of crosses required under field evaluation.9481023103