8 research outputs found

    Presentation of the 9th Edition of the Model Checking Contest.

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    International audience; The Model Checking Contest (MCC) is an annual competition of software tools for model checking. Tools must process an increasing benchmark gathered from the whole community and may participate in various examinations: state space generation, computation of global properties, computation of some upper bounds in the model, evaluation of reachability formulas, evaluation of CTL formulas, and evaluation of LTL formulas.For each examination and each model instance, participating tools are provided with up to 3600 s and 16 gigabyte of memory. Then, tool answers are analyzed and confronted to the results produced by other competing tools to detect diverging answers (which are quite rare at this stage of the competition, and lead to penalties).For each examination, golden, silver, and bronze medals are attributed to the three best tools. CPU usage and memory consumption are reported, which is also valuable information for tool developers

    ePNK Applications and Annotations: A Simulator for YAWL Nets

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    MCC: a Tool for Unfolding Colored Petri Nets in PNML Format

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    International audienceMCC is a tool designed for a very specific task: to transform the models of High-Level Petri nets, given in the PNML syntax, into equivalent Place/Transition nets. The name of the tool derives from the annual Model-Checking Contest, a competition of model-checking tools that provides a large and diverse collection of PNML models. This choice in naming serves to underline the main focus of the tool, which is to provide an open and efficient solution that lowers the access cost for developers wanting to engage in this competition. We describe the architecture and functionalities of our tool and show how it compares with other existing solutions. Despite the fact that the problem we target is abundantly covered in the literature, we show that it is still possible to innovate. To substantiate this assertion, we put a particular emphasis on two distinctive features of MCC that have proved useful when dealing with some of the most challenging colored models in the contest, namely the use of a restricted notion of higher-order invariant, and the support of a Petri net scripting language

    The Information Systems Modeling Suite

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    According to our recent proposal, an information system is a combination of a process model captured as a Petri Net with Identifiers, an information model specified in the first-order logic over finite sets with equality, and a specification of how the transitions in the net manipulate information facts. The Information Systems Modeling (ISM) Suite is an integrated environment for developing, simulating, and analyzing models of information systems, released under an open-source license. This paper presents the basic features of the ISM Suite

    Petri Net Reductions for Counting Markings

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    International audienceWe propose a method to count the number of reachable markings of a Petri net without having to enumerate these rst. The method relies on a structural reduction system that reduces the number of places and transitions of the net in such a way that we can faithfully compute the number of reachable markings of the original net from the reduced net and the reduction history. The method has been implemented and computing experiments show that reductions are eective on a large benchmark of models

    A Model Checker Collection for the Model Checking Contest Using Docker and Machine Learning

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    This paper introduces mcc4mcc, the Model Checker Collection for the Model Checking Contest, a tool that wraps multiple model checking solutions, and applies the most appropriate one based on the characteristics of the model it is given. It leverages machine learning algorithms to carry out this selection, based on the results gathered from the 2017 edition of the Model Checking Contest, an annual event in which multiple tools compete to verify different properties on a large variety of models. Our approach brings two important contributions. First, our tool offers the opportunity to further investigate on the relation between model characteristics and verification techniques. Second, it lays out the groundwork for a unified way to distribute model checking software using virtual containers

    MCC’2017 - The Seventh Model Checking Contest

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    International audienceCreated in 2011, the Model Checking Contest (MCC) is an annual competition dedicated to provide a fair evaluation of software tools that verify concurrent systems using state-space exploration techniques and model checking. This article presents the principles and results of the 2017 edition of the MCC, which took place along with the Petri Net and ACSD joint conferences in Zaragoza, Spain