22 research outputs found

    Methodological bias in cluster randomised trials

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    Background: Cluster randomised trials can be susceptible to a range of methodological problems. These problems are not commonly recognised by many researchers. In this paper we discuss the issues that can lead to bias in cluster trials. Methods: We used a sample of cluster randomised trials from a recent review and from a systematic review of hip protectors. We compared the mean age of participants between intervention groups in a sample of 'good' cluster trials with a sample of potentially biased trials. We also compared the effect sizes, in a funnel plot, between hip protector trials that used individual randomisation compared with those that used cluster randomisation. Results: There is a tendency for cluster trials, with evidence methodological biases, to also show an age imbalance between treatment groups. In a funnel plot we show that all cluster trials show a large positive effect of hip protectors whilst individually randomised trials show a range of positive and negative effects, suggesting that cluster trials may be producing a biased estimate of effect. Conclusion: Methodological biases in the design and execution of cluster randomised trials is frequent. Some of these biases associated with the use of cluster designs can be avoided through careful attention to the design of cluster trials. Firstly, if possible, individual allocation should be used. Secondly, if cluster allocation is required, then ideally participants should be identified before random allocation of the clusters. Third, if prior identification is not possible, then an independent recruiter should be used to recruit participants

    Use of 1H and 31P HRMAS to evaluate the relationship between quantitative alterations in metabolite concentrations and tissue features in human brain tumour biopsies

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    [EN] Quantitative multinuclear high-resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS) was performed in order to determine the tissue pH values of and the absolute metabolite concentrations in 33 samples of human brain tumour tissue. Metabolite concentrations were quantified by 1D 1 H and 31P HRMAS using the electronic reference to in vivo concentrations (ERETIC) synthetic signal. 1 H–1 H homonuclear and 1 H–31P heteronuclear correlation experiments enabled the direct assessment of the 1 H–31P spin systems for signals that suffered from overlapping in the 1D 1 H spectra, and linked the information present in the 1D 1 H and 31P spectra. Afterwards, the main histological features were determined, and high heterogeneity in the tumour content, necrotic content and nonaffected tissue content was observed. The metabolite profiles obtained by HRMAS showed characteristics typical of tumour tissues: rather low levels of energetic molecules and increased concentrations of protective metabolites. Nevertheless, these characteristics were more strongly correlated with the total amount of living tissue than with the tumour cell contents of the samples alone, which could indicate that the sampling conditions make a significant contribution aside from the effect of tumour development in vivo. The use of methylene diphosphonic acid as a chemical shift and concentration reference for the 31P HRMAS spectra of tissues presented important drawbacks due to its interaction with the tissue. Moreover, the pH data obtained from 31P HRMAS enabled us to establish a correlation between the pH and the distance between the N(CH3)3 signals of phosphocholine and choline in 1 H spectra of the tissue in these tumour samples.The authors acknowledge the SCSIE-University of Valencia Microscopy Service for the histological preparations. They also acknowledge Martial Piotto (Bruker BioSpin, France) for providing the ERETIC synthetic signal. Furthermore, they acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Government project SAF2007-6547, the Generalitat Valenciana project GVACOMP2009-303, and the E.U.'s VI Framework Programme via the project "Web accessible MR decision support system for brain tumor diagnosis and prognosis, incorporating in vivo and ex vivo genomic and metabolomic data" (FP6-2002-LSH 503094). CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&D&i Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Actions, and financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund.Esteve Moya, V.; Celda, B.; Martínez Bisbal, MC. (2012). Use of 1H and 31P HRMAS to evaluate the relationship between quantitative alterations in metabolite concentrations and tissue features in human brain tumour biopsies. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 403:2611-2625. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00216-012-6001-zS26112625403Cheng LL, Chang IW, Louis DN, Gonzalez RG (1998) Cancer Res 58:1825–1832Opstad KS, Bell BA, Griffiths JR, Howe FA (2008) Magn Reson Med 60:1237–1242Sjobakk TE, Johansen R, Bathen TF, Sonnewald U, Juul R, Torp SH, Lundgren S, Gribbestad IS (2008) NMR Biomed 21:175–185Martinez-Bisbal MC, Marti-Bonmati L, Piquer J, Revert A, Ferrer P, Llacer JL, Piotto M, Assemat O, Celda B (2004) NMR Biomed 17:191–205Erb G, Elbayed K, Piotto M, Raya J, Neuville A, Mohr M, Maitrot D, Kehrli P, Namer IJ (2008) Magn Reson Med 59:959–965Wilson M, Davies NP, Brundler MA, McConville C, Grundy RG, Peet AC (2009) Mol Cancer 8:6Martinez-Bisbal MC, Monleon D, Assemat O, Piotto M, Piquer J, Llacer JL, Celda B (2009) NMR Biomed 22:199–206Martínez-Granados B, Monleón D, Martínez-Bisbal MC, Rodrigo JM, del Olmo J, Lluch P, Ferrández A, Martí-Bonmatí L, Celda B (2006) NMR Biomed 19:90–100Hubesch B, Sappey-Marinier D, Roth K, Meyerhoff DJ, Matson GB, Weiner MW (1990) Radiology 174:401–409Albers MJ, Krieger MD, Gonzalez-Gomez I, Gilles FH, McComb JG, Nelson MD Jr, Bluml S (2005) Magn Reson Med 53:22–29Wijnen JP, Scheenen TW, Klomp DW, Heerschap A (2010) NMR Biomed 23:968–976Podo F (1999) NMR Biomed 12:413–439Griffiths JR, Cady E, Edwards RH, McCready VR, Wilkie DR, Wiltshaw E (1983) Lancet 1:1435–1436Robitaille PL, Robitaille PA, Gordon Brown G, Brown GG (1991) J Magn Reson 92:73–84, 1969Griffiths JR (1991) Br J Cancer 64:425–427Payne GS, Troy H, Vaidya SJ, Griffiths JR, Leach MO, Chung YL (2006) NMR Biomed 19:593–598De Silva SS, Payne GS, Thomas V, Carter PG, Ind TE, deSouza NM (2009) NMR Biomed 22:191–198Wang Y, Cloarec O, Tang H, Lindon JC, Holmes E, Kochhar S, Nicholson JK (2008) Anal Chem 80:1058–1066Lehnhardt FG, Rohn G, Ernestus RI, Grune M, Hoehn M (2001) NMR Biomed 14:307–317Srivastava NK, Pradhan S, Gowda GA, Kumar R (2010) NMR Biomed 23:113–122Akoka S, Barantin L, Trierweiler M (1999) Anal Chem 71:2554–2557Albers MJ, Butler TN, Rahwa I, Bao N, Keshari KR, Swanson MG, Kurhanewicz J (2009) Magn Reson Med 61:525–532Ben Sellem D, Elbayed K, Neuville A, Moussallieh FM, Lang-Averous G, Piotto M, Bellocq JP, Namer IJ (2011) J Oncol 2011:174019Bourne R, Dzendrowskyj T, Mountford C (2003) NMR Biomed 16:96–101Martinez-Bisbal MC, Esteve V, Martinez-Granados B, Celda B (2011) J Biomed Biotechnol 2011:763684, Epub 2010 Sep 5Celda B, Montelione GT (1993) J Magn Reson B 101:189–193Esteve V, Celda B (2008) Magn Reson Mater Phys MAGMA 21:484–484Collins TJ (2007) Biotechniques 43:25–30Govindaraju V, Young K, Maudsley AA (2000) NMR Biomed 13:129–153Fan TW-M (1996) Prog Nucl Magn Reson Spectrosc 28:161–219Ulrich EL, Akutsu H, Doreleijers JF, Harano Y, Ioannidis YE, Lin J, Livny M, Mading S, Maziuk D, Miller Z, Nakatani E, Schulte CF, Tolmie DE, Kent Wenger R, Yao H, Markley JL (2008) Nucleic Acids Res 36:D402–D408Kriat M, Vion-Dury J, Confort-Gouny S, Favre R, Viout P, Sciaky M, Sari H, Cozzone PJ (1993) J Lipid Res 34:1009–1019Subramanian A, Shankar Joshi B, Roy AD, Roy R, Gupta V, Dang RS (2008) NMR Biomed 21:272–288Daykin CA, Corcoran O, Hansen SH, Bjornsdottir I, Cornett C, Connor SC, Lindon JC, Nicholson JK (2001) Anal Chem 73:1084–1090Griffin JL, Lehtimaki KK, Valonen PK, Grohn OH, Kettunen MI, Yla-Herttuala S, Pitkanen A, Nicholson JK, Kauppinen RA (2003) Cancer Res 63:3195–3201Petroff OAC, Prichard JW (1995) In: Kraicer J, Dixon SJ (eds) Methods in neurosciences. 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    The Effects of Cognitive Therapy versus ‘No Intervention’ for Major Depressive Disorder

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    BACKGROUND: Major depressive disorder afflicts an estimated 17% of individuals during their lifetimes at tremendous suffering and costs. Cognitive therapy may be an effective treatment option for major depressive disorder, but the effects have only had limited assessment in systematic reviews. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used The Cochrane systematic review methodology with meta-analyses and trial sequential analyses of randomized trials comparing the effects of cognitive therapy versus 'no intervention' for major depressive disorder. Participants had to be older than 17 years with a primary diagnosis of major depressive disorder to be eligible. Altogether, we included 12 trials randomizing a total of 669 participants. All 12 trials had high risk of bias. Meta-analysis on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression showed that cognitive therapy significantly reduced depressive symptoms (four trials; mean difference -3.05 (95% confidence interval (Cl), -5.23 to -0.87; P<0.006)) compared with 'no intervention'. Trial sequential analysis could not confirm this result. Meta-analysis on the Beck Depression Inventory showed that cognitive therapy significantly reduced depressive symptoms (eight trials; mean difference on -4.86 (95% CI -6.44 to -3.28; P = 0.00001)). Trial sequential analysis on these data confirmed the result. Only a few trials reported on 'no remission', suicide inclination, suicide attempts, suicides, and adverse events without significant differences between the compared intervention groups. DISCUSSION: Cognitive therapy might be an effective treatment for depression measured on Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and Beck Depression Inventory, but these outcomes may be overestimated due to risks of systematic errors (bias) and random errors (play of chance). Furthermore, the effects of cognitive therapy on no remission, suicidality, adverse events, and quality of life are unclear. There is a need for randomized trials with low risk of bias, low risk of random errors, and longer follow-up assessing both benefits and harms with clinically relevant outcome measures

    The inverted free energy landscape of an intrinsically disordered peptide by simulations and experiments

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    The free energy landscape theory has been very successful in rationalizing the folding behaviour of globular proteins, as this representation provides intuitive information on the number of states involved in the folding process, their populations and pathways of interconversion. We extend here this formalism to the case of the A\u3b240 peptide, a 40-residue intrinsically disordered protein fragment associated with Alzheimer's disease. By using an advanced sampling technique that enables free energy calculations to reach convergence also in the case of highly disordered states of proteins, we provide a precise structural characterization of the free energy landscape of this peptide. We find that such landscape has inverted features with respect to those typical of folded proteins. While the global free energy minimum consists of highly disordered structures, higher free energy regions correspond to a large variety of transiently structured conformations with secondary structure elements arranged in several different manners, and are not separated from each other by sizeable free energy barriers. From this peculiar structure of the free energy landscape we predict that this peptide should become more structured and not only more compact, with increasing temperatures, and we show that this is the case through a series of biophysical measurements

    The Effect of Interpersonal Psychotherapy and other Psychodynamic Therapies versus ‘Treatment as Usual’ in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder

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    Major depressive disorder afflicts an estimated 17% of individuals during their lifetimes at tremendous suffering and costs. Interpersonal psychotherapy and other psychodynamic therapies may be effective interventions for major depressive disorder, but the effects have only had limited assessment in systematic reviews.Cochrane systematic review methodology with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis of randomized trials comparing the effect of psychodynamic therapies versus ‘treatment as usual’ for major depressive disorder. To be included the participants had to be older than 17 years with a primary diagnosis of major depressive disorder. Altogether, we included six trials randomizing a total of 648 participants. Five trials assessed ‘interpersonal psychotherapy’ and only one trial assessed ‘psychodynamic psychotherapy’. All six trials had high risk of bias. Meta-analysis on all six trials showed that the psychodynamic interventions significantly reduced depressive symptoms on the 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (mean difference −3.12 (95% confidence interval −4.39 to −1.86;P<0.00001), no heterogeneity) compared with ‘treatment as usual’. Trial sequential analysis confirmed this result.We did not find convincing evidence supporting or refuting the effect of interpersonal psychotherapy or psychodynamic therapy compared with ‘treatment as usual’ for patients with major depressive disorder. The potential beneficial effect seems small and effects on major outcomes are unknown. Randomized trials with low risk of systematic errors and low risk of random errors are needed

    The effects of cognitive therapy versus 'treatment as usual' in patients with major depressive disorder

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    BACKGROUND: Major depressive disorder afflicts an estimated 17% of individuals during their lifetimes at tremendous suffering and costs. Cognitive therapy may be an effective treatment option for major depressive disorder, but the effects have only had limited assessment in systematic reviews. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Cochrane systematic review methodology, with meta-analyses and trial sequential analyses of randomized trials, are comparing the effects of cognitive therapy versus 'treatment as usual' for major depressive disorder. To be included the participants had to be older than 17 years with a primary diagnosis of major depressive disorder. Altogether, we included eight trials randomizing a total of 719 participants. All eight trials had high risk of bias. Four trials reported data on the 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and four trials reported data on the Beck Depression Inventory. Meta-analysis on the data from the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression showed that cognitive therapy compared with 'treatment as usual' significantly reduced depressive symptoms (mean difference -2.15 (95% confidence interval -3.70 to -0.60; P<0.007, no heterogeneity)). However, meta-analysis with both fixed-effect and random-effects model on the data from the Beck Depression Inventory (mean difference with both models -1.57 (95% CL -4.30 to 1.16; P = 0.26, I(2) = 0) could not confirm the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression results. Furthermore, trial sequential analysis on both the data from Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and Becks Depression Inventory showed that insufficient data have been obtained. DISCUSSION: Cognitive therapy might not be an effective treatment for major depressive disorder compared with 'treatment as usual'. The possible treatment effect measured on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression is relatively small. More randomized trials with low risk of bias, increased sample sizes, and broader more clinically relevant outcomes are needed

    Multi-trait analysis characterizes the genetics of thyroid function and identifies causal associations with clinical implications.

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    To date only a fraction of the genetic footprint of thyroid function has been clarified. We report a genome-wide association study meta-analysis of thyroid function in up to 271,040 individuals of European ancestry, including reference range thyrotropin (TSH), free thyroxine (FT4), free and total triiodothyronine (T3), proxies for metabolism (T3/FT4 ratio) as well as dichotomized high and low TSH levels. We revealed 259 independent significant associations for TSH (61% novel), 85 for FT4 (67% novel), and 62 novel signals for the T3 related traits. The loci explained 14.1%, 6.0%, 9.5% and 1.1% of the total variation in TSH, FT4, total T3 and free T3 concentrations, respectively. Genetic correlations indicate that TSH associated loci reflect the thyroid function determined by free T3, whereas the FT4 associations represent the thyroid hormone metabolism. Polygenic risk score and Mendelian randomization analyses showed the effects of genetically determined variation in thyroid function on various clinical outcomes, including cardiovascular risk factors and diseases, autoimmune diseases, and cancer. In conclusion, our results improve the understanding of thyroid hormone physiology and highlight the pleiotropic effects of thyroid function on various diseases