48 research outputs found


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    U ovome radu govori se o organizaciji poduzeća CIAN d.o.o. sa sjediÅ”tem u Splitu. U tu svrhu, prikazane su teorijske odrednice organizacijske poduzeća, odnosno definira se pojam organizacije i organizacijske strukture. NaglaÅ”ava se uloga i značaj izgradnje organizacijske strukture. U radu je opisano nekoliko vrsta organizacijske strukture, i to formalna i neformalna, klasične, hibridna i mjeÅ”ovita te organske organizacijske strukture. Poseban naglasak stavlja se na organizacijsku kulturu i njezine elemente te osnovna obilježja i vrste organizacijskih kultura. U radu je napravljeno istraživanje, a riječ je o intervjuu u poduzeću CIAN d.o.o. Istaknut je model i organizacijska struktura, kultura, resursi i način rada tog poduzeća.This paper deals with the organization of CIAN d.o.o. based in Split. For this purpose, theoretical definitions of organizational enterprises are presented, ie the concept of organization and organizational structure is defined. The role and importance of building an organizational structure is emphasized. The paper describes several types of organizational structure, formal and informal, classical, hybrid and mixed, and organic organizational structures. Special emphasis is placed on organizational culture and its elements, as well as on the basic features and types of organizational cultures. This paper is an exploration, which is an interview with CIAN d.o.o. The model and organizational structure, culture, resources and mode of operation of the company have been highlighted


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    U ovome radu govori se o organizaciji poduzeća CIAN d.o.o. sa sjediÅ”tem u Splitu. U tu svrhu, prikazane su teorijske odrednice organizacijske poduzeća, odnosno definira se pojam organizacije i organizacijske strukture. NaglaÅ”ava se uloga i značaj izgradnje organizacijske strukture. U radu je opisano nekoliko vrsta organizacijske strukture, i to formalna i neformalna, klasične, hibridna i mjeÅ”ovita te organske organizacijske strukture. Poseban naglasak stavlja se na organizacijsku kulturu i njezine elemente te osnovna obilježja i vrste organizacijskih kultura. U radu je napravljeno istraživanje, a riječ je o intervjuu u poduzeću CIAN d.o.o. Istaknut je model i organizacijska struktura, kultura, resursi i način rada tog poduzeća.This paper deals with the organization of CIAN d.o.o. based in Split. For this purpose, theoretical definitions of organizational enterprises are presented, ie the concept of organization and organizational structure is defined. The role and importance of building an organizational structure is emphasized. The paper describes several types of organizational structure, formal and informal, classical, hybrid and mixed, and organic organizational structures. Special emphasis is placed on organizational culture and its elements, as well as on the basic features and types of organizational cultures. This paper is an exploration, which is an interview with CIAN d.o.o. The model and organizational structure, culture, resources and mode of operation of the company have been highlighted

    Aegilops uniaristata Vis. (Poaceae): typification and occurrence in Croatia

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    After 88 years, occurrence of Aegilops uniaristata Vis. (Poaceae) in Croatian flora was confirmed and its distribution is supplemented by new localities. It has been confirmed and its distribution supplemented by new localities. Populations of a few specimens were found in southern Istria, in the vicinity of the small town of Bale, in the village of Krnica and on the Rt Kamenjak promontory, growing within dry Mediterranean grasslands. Based on herbarium revision a lectotype from Visianiā€™s collection in herbarium PAD and an epitype from the herbarium W were designated

    Habitat mapping of Protected Landscape of Donji Kamenjak, Istria (Croatia)

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    The aim of this research was to produce a georeferenced map of habitats of the Protected Landscape of Donji Kamenjak (Istria, Croatia). There were found 20 habitat types according to the National Classification of Habitats with the corresponding codes. The presence of habitat types and vegetation was determined on the basis of characteristic and dominant species. On a relatively small area, a large number of plant communities were found. The vegetation is represented mainly by coastal evergreen forests and maquis with Juniperus oxycedrus L., Pinus halepensis Mill., Quercus ilex L., Erica arborea L. and the eastern Adriatic shrubby habitats of Cisto-Ericetalia Horvatić 1958. A total of 76.49 ha was identified as belonging to Natura 2000 ecological network habitats, representing 18.78% of the total area of Donji Kamenjak. These are mainly rocky pastures of the Chrysopogoni-Euphorbietum nicaeensis Horvatić (1956) 1958 plant community, dominated by heliophilous plants which significantly enrich plant and landscape diversity. However, these are endangered habitats due to the abandonment of traditional system of sheep farming causing the occurrence of different succession stages and the development of the maquis and forests, pointing out the remarkable importance of traditional systems in biodiversity conservation


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    U radu je istraživana vaskularna flora uz donji tok potoka Bliznec, koji dobrim dijelom zahvaća sklop uz fakultetsko dobro Agronomskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom vegetacijske sezone 2009. i 2010. Ustanovljeno je 168 biljnih svojti unutar 133 roda i 56 porodica. Najzastupljenije porodice su Asteraceae (14,88%), Poaceae (7,14%) i Brassicaceae (5,95%). U spektru životnih oblika dominiraju hemikriptofiti (51,34%) i geofiti (17,11%). NajviÅ”e biljaka pripada Å”irokorasprostranjenim vrstama (30,36%) i euroazijskom (27,98%) flornom elementu. Utvrđeno je 11 alohtonih invazivnih vrsta. Rezultati istraživanja prilog su poznavanju flornog sastava grada Zagreba i praćenju stanja alohtonih invazivnih vrsta.Floristic research was conducted along the lower flow of Bliznec stream by the Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb. During the research in years 2009 and 2010 by the stream Bliznec 168 taxa from 133 genera and 56 families, were found. The most numerous families were those of Asteraceae (14,88%), Poaceae (7,14%), and Brassicaceae (5,95%). In the spectrum of life forms, the most dominant were hemicryptophytes (51,34%) and geophyta (17,11%). Most of the plant species were widespread (30,36%) and of Euro-Asian (27,98%) floral element. Total of 11 invasive species were found. The results of research are a contribution to the knowledge of the floral structure of Zagreb, and to monitoring the state of alochtonuous invasive species


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    Tijekom istraživanja samonikle vaskularne flore kamenjarskih paÅ”njaka sjevernojadranskih otoka Krka, Cresa i Paga utvrđeno je 59 ljekovitih i aromatičnih biljaka. Od ustanovljenih 59 vrsta, prema načinu koriÅ”tenja, najviÅ”e vrsta āˆ’ njih 43 āˆ’ može se koristiti u ljekovite svrhe, aromatičnih biljaka ima 4 vrste, dok 12 vrsta istovremeno pripada u ljekovite i aromatične biljke. Analizom ekoloÅ”kih indikatorskih vrijednosti utvrđeno je da su istraživane ljekovite i aromatične biljke većinom prilagođene uvjetima umjereno toplih i suhih staniÅ”ta izloženih suncu. S obzirom na indikatorske vrijednosti za reakciju tla (pH), proučavane vrste imaju vrlo različite vrijednosti, odnosno podjednako su zastupljene vrste koje mogu rasti na kiselim, kao i one koje mogu rasti na alkaličnim tlima. Među istraživanim ljekovitim i aromatičnim biljkama, najzastupljenije su vrste koje su prilagođene tlima siromaÅ”nim hranjivima.In the study of the wild vascular flora growing in rocky pastures of the northern Adriatic islands of Krk, Cres and Pag, 59 medicinal and aromatic plants were found. According to their use, most species - 43 - out of 59 found, can be used for medicinal purposes, 4 species belong to aromatic plants, while 12 species belong to both medicinal and aromatic plants. The analysis of ecological indicator values found that the studied medicinal and aromatic plants were mostly adapted to the conditions of moderately hot and dry habitats exposed to the sun. Given the indicative values for the soil reaction (pH), the studied species have very different values, that is, species that can grow in acidic soil and those that can grow in alkaline soil are equally represented. Among the studied medicinal and aromatic plants, the most common species are those that are adapted to soils that are poor in nutrients

    Plant Diversity of Gornji Kamenjak (Istria, Croatia)

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    The vascular flora of Significant Landscape Gornji Kamenjak in Istria was investigated in different vegetation periods from 2012 to 2013, and a total of 507 plant taxa (468 species and 39 subspecies) were recorded. Part of them werw previously registered, while some are recorded for the first time. The studied area was poorly investigated in the past, therefore there was a need for this study, representing a very detailed floristic survey of the area. The most dominant families were grasses (Poaceae, 11.8%), legumes (Fabaceae, 10.6%), daisies (Asteraceae, 6.5%) and mints (Lamiaceae, 5.5%). The domination of therophytes (37.0%) indicates that the climate of Gornji Kamenjak shows a high influence of the Mediterranean climate, followed by hemicryptophytes (30.8%) and geophytes (12.6%). We recorded a total of 11 invasive species across the whole investigated area, as well as the occurrence of 15 endangered and 13 endemic plant taxa. The results of our research of autochthonous vascular flora indicate high richness and diversity of plant species in the studied area

    Supostavni pristup prilagodbi anglizama u talijanskom i hrvatskom jeziku

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    Quando le parole inglesi penetrano in altre lingue subiscono cambiamenti fonologici che le allontanano dai loro modelli. Nella maggioranza dei casi si nota la sostituzione dei fonemi inglesi determinata dalle regole fonotattiche della lingua ricevente. Dal momento che lā€™inventario e la distribuzione fonologica inglese e italiana diff eriscono notevolmente, i parlanti italiani tendono a sostituire i fonemi inglesi in modo proprio, avvicinandoli al sistema materno. Di conseguenza, diff eriscono anche gli esiti di adattamento nelle diverse lingue riceventi. Dā€™altra parte, in croato la transfonemizzazione avviene secondo principi diversi da quelli caratteristici dellā€™italiano. Partendo da tali presupposti si analizzano dal punto di vista contrastivo i modi di adattamento fonologico delle voci inglesi in italiano e in croato. La sostituzione dei fonemi puĆ² essere determinata dal fatto che il prestito accade per via scritta, quando la pronuncia viene infl uenzata dalla grafi a. La maggior parte degli anglismi sono accolti oggi attraverso il parlato, con realizzazioni fonetiche che variano dallā€™una allā€™altra categoria sociale. In base a diversi tipi di transfonemizzazione nellā€™articolo si cerca di individuare le divergenze fonologiche prevedibili tra gli anglicismi nelle due lingue esaminate.U posljednjih pedeset godina engleski je preuzeo mjesto francuskoga kao najprisutnijega stranog jezika u Italiji. Porast anglizama primjećuje se i u drugim europskim zemljama, između kojih i u Hrvatskoj. U suvremenom talijanskom jeziku smanjila se i uloga francuskoga kao jezika posrednika jer engleske riječi ulaze u talijanski jezik izravnim putem. Slično tomu, za hrvatski je prije bila odlučujuća posrednička uloga njemačkog jezika. Kad engleske riječi ulaze u druge jezike, integriraju se i na fonoloÅ”koj razini doživljujući promjene koje ih udaljuju od njihovih predložaka. Iako nisu unaprijed isključene inovacije u sustavu jezika primatelja, bilo one koje se odnose na fonemski inventar ili na njihovu distribuciju, u najvećem broju slučajeva zapaža se supstitucij a engleskih fonema u skladu s fonoloÅ”kim pravilima jezika primatelja. Odatle proizlaze različiti rezultati fonoloÅ”ke prilagodbe engleskih riječi u talij anskom i hrvatskom jeziku. U članku se supostavnom metodom proučava prilagodba engleskih riječi u ta dva jezika. Ako je riječ uÅ”la u jezik pisanim putem, transfonemizacij u može odrediti grafija stranoga predloÅ”ka. Velik broj engleskih riječi danas se posuđuje preko govornoga jezika. U proučavanja načina prilagodbe anglizama u nekim smo se slučajevima oslonili i na sociolingvističko stajaliÅ”te kako bismo mogli bolje utvrditi jezične i izvanjezične čimbenike koji upravljaju formiranjem izgovora posuđenica iz engleskog jezika. Analizirajući tipove transfonemizacije nastojali smo utvrditi predvidljive fonoloÅ”ke divergencije između talijanskih i hrvatskih anglizama