431 research outputs found

    In vitro assessment of the primary stability of the acetabular component in hip arthroplasty

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    In Europa, più di 700'000 interventi di artroplastica d’anca vengono effettuati annualmente. Il tasso di fallimento della chirurgia è del 2-8 % (a 10 anni). Di questo, più del 50% è dovuto alla mobilizzazione asettica della componente acetabolare (più che ad un fallimento legato alla componente femorale). Lo scopo centrale di questo progetto di tesi è quello di creare un pilot-test per la valutazione in vitro della stabilità primaria di una componente acetabolare commerciale, impiantata in una emipelvi sintetica (senza cemento, attraverso la procedura chirurgica press-fit). La valutazione dei micromovimenti prevede un approccio multiplo, costituito dall’utilizzo della Digital Image Correlation (DIC) e di sensori lineari di spostamento. Per adeguare e migliorare le prestazioni dei due strumenti di misura, lo studio prevede: (1.a) l’ottimizzazione delle misure ottenute dalla correlazione di immagini, (1.b) creare ed effettuare la procedura di calibrazione interna dei sensori di spostamento e l’ottimizzazione delle misure ottenute dai sensori stessi come monitor dell’intero pilot-test. La seconda parte del lavoro si prone di implementare una metodologia affidabile per il calcolo delle roto-traslazioni relative tra coppa e osso. La creazione di un algoritmo dedicato, prevede, quindi, di valutare: (2.a) la migrazione permanente e (2.b) i micromovimenti inducibili dai picchi di carico.L’utilizzo della correlazione di immagini è risultato un gran punto di forza dello studio. Grazie al potere della DIC nell’elaborare spostamenti e deformazioni a tutto campo, senza contatto e in stereofotogrammetria, per la prima volta è stato possibile ottenere informazioni 3D del vettore migrazione della coppa. Inoltre, creando una procedura ottimizzata dell’allineamento del provino sotto la macchina, si sono potute riferire tutte le misure ottenute dal pilot-test, all’Aneterior Pelvic Plane (sistema di riferimento di rilevanza clinica)

    Apuesta por el valor de uso: aproximación a la arquitectónica del pensamiento de Bolívar Echeverría

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    En este ensayo nos detenemos en lo que consideramos el fundamento de la arquitectónica del pensamiento deEcheverría, centrándonos en el lanzamiento de un concepto orgánico de cultura vinculado con la problemáticaque desarrolla desde Marx sobre la “forma social-natural”, para reconocer las contradicciones esenciales dela forma de ser del ser social. Nos referiremos a su teoría de los ethe de la modernidad para indagar sobre los anclajesde una modernidad no capitalista. Particularmente, nuestra lectura de su obra busca relevar la politicidad queella contiene al poner en el centro de la discusión teórica la tensión entre valor de uso y valor que se valoriza, quedesplaza la contradicción trabajo-capital del centro del paradigma de la crítica de izquierda y de la idea de revolución,aunque sin omitirla. La persistencia del valor de uso, de las dimensiones cualitativas del mundo de la vida,con y a pesar del dominio del valor nos parece una clave central para afincar un mundo por venir

    Glacial isostatic adjustment in the northern adriatic region: estimates of the contribution from the Alpine ice sheet

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    The present-day sea-level variations and vertical movements in the northern Adriatic Sea and in the highly vulnerable Venetian Lagoon result from a number of simultaneously operating contributions. These include Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA), the global, long-term process arising from interactions between the cryosphere, the solid Earth and the oceans in response to the melting of continental ice sheets. Although the GIA contribution in northern Adriatic Sea has been the subject of various investigations so far, significant uncertainties still exist, especially related to the extent and chronology of the Wurm Alpine ice sheet and to the rheological profile of the mantle. Here, taking advantage of the recent publication of updated deglaciation chronologies for the far field late-Pleistocene ice sheets and for the near-field alpine ice complex, we produce up-to-date estimates of the present-day rates of GIA-induced relative sea-level variations and vertical displacements in the Venetian Lagoon and in the northern Adriatic Sea, which are compared with GNSS and tide-gauge observations. From high-resolution numerical simulations, we find that GIA is responsible for a complex pattern of geodetic signals across the Po plain and the northern Adriatic Sea. The modeled GIA rates are of the order of fractions of mm yr(-1), generally small - but not negligible - compared to the signals observed at local tide gauges and at GNSS sites in the Po plain and facing the Venetian Lagoon. Our results indicate that, while GIA represents a relatively small component among those responsible for present-day land movements and relative sea-level variations in the northern Adriatic Sea, its contribution needs to be taken into account for a correct interpretation of the observed geodetic variations

    Identification of Novel Modifiers of RAN Translation at FMR1 and C9ORF72

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    Nucleotide-repeat expansions (NREs) underlie a heterogeneous group of neurodegenerative and neuromuscular disorders for which there are currently no effective therapies. Recently, it was discovered that NREs in mRNA can support translation initiation in the absence of an AUG start codon across a wide variety of sequence contexts, and that the products of these atypical translation initiation events contribute to neuronal toxicity. The mechanism of this process, known as repeat-associated, non-AUG (RAN) translation, remains unclear. RAN translation at two loci at least—CGG repeats in FMR1 [(associated with Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS)] and G4C2 repeats in C9ORF72 [(associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)/frontotemporal dementia (FTD)]—generates homopolymeric and dipeptide-repeat (DPR) proteins that elicit toxicity through a variety of mechanisms. Additional research into which protein factors [particularly eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs) and other known regulators of translation] mediate or modulate RAN translation would prove advantageous, both in understanding this odd biological phenomenon and identifying potential targets for therapeutic intervention.PHDCellular & Molec Biology PhDUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/168125/1/linsalex_1.pd

    Exploring ISAC Technology for UAV SAR Imaging

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    This paper illustrates the potential of an Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) system, operating in the sub-6 GHz frequency range, for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging via an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) employed as an aerial base station. The primary aim is to validate the system's ability to generate SAR imagery within the confines of modern communication standards, including considerations like power limits, carrier frequency, bandwidth, and other relevant parameters. The paper presents two methods for processing the signal reflected by the scene. Additionally, we analyze two key performance indicators for their respective fields, the Noise Equivalent Sigma Zero (NESZ) and the Bit Error Rate (BER), using the QUAsi Deterministic RadIo channel GenerAtor (QuaDRiGa), demonstrating the system's capability to image buried targets in challenging scenarios. The paper shows simulated Impulse Response Functions (IRF) as possible pulse compression techniques under different assumptions. An experimental campaign is conducted to validate the proposed setup by producing a SAR image of the environment captured using a UAV flying with a Software-Defined Radio (SDR) as a payload

    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma and spermidine/spermine N(1)-acetyltransferase gene expressions are significantly correlated in human colorectal cancer

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    BACKGROUND: The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) is a transcription factor that regulates adipogenic differentiation and glucose homeostasis. Spermidine/spermine N(1)-acetyltransferase (SSAT) and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) are key enzymes involved in the metabolism of polyamines, compounds that play an important role in cell proliferation. While the PPARγ role in tumour growth has not been clearly defined, the involvement of the altered polyamine metabolism in colorectal carcinogenesis has been established. In this direction, we have evaluated the PPARγ expression and its relationship with polyamine metabolism in tissue samples from 40 patients operated because of colorectal carcinoma. Since it is known that the functional role of K-ras mutation in colorectal tumorigenesis is associated with cell growth and differentiation, polyamine metabolism and the PPARγ expression were also investigated in terms of K-ras mutation. METHODS: PPARγ, ODC and SSAT mRNA levels were evaluated by reverse transcriptase and real-time PCR. Polyamines were quantified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). ODC and SSAT activity were measured by a radiometric technique. RESULTS: PPARγ expression, as well as SSAT and ODC mRNA levels were significantly higher in cancer as compared to normal mucosa. Tumour samples also showed significantly higher polyamine levels and ODC and SSAT activities in comparison to normal samples. A significant and positive correlation between PPARγ and the SSAT gene expression was observed in both normal and neoplastic tissue (r = 0.73, p < 0.0001; r = 0.65, p < 0.0001, respectively). Moreover, gene expression, polyamine levels and enzymatic activities were increased in colorectal carcinoma samples expressing K-ras mutation as compared to non mutated K-ras samples. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, our data demonstrated a close relationship between PPARγ and SSAT in human colorectal cancer and this could represent an attempt to decrease polyamine levels and to reduce cell growth and tumour development. Therefore, pharmacological activation of PPARγ and/or induction of SSAT may represent a therapeutic or preventive strategy for treating colorectal cancer

    A Bet on “Use-Value”: A Dive into the Architecture of Bolivar Echeverría’s Thought

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    En este ensayo nos detenemos en lo que consideramos el fundamento de la arquitectónica del pensamiento de Echeverría, centrándonos en el lanzamiento de un concepto orgánico de cultura vinculado con la problemática que desarrolla desde Marx sobre la “forma social-natural”, para reconocer las contradicciones esenciales de la forma de ser del ser social. Nos referiremos a su teoría de los ethe de la modernidad para indagar sobre los anclajes de una modernidad no capitalista. Particularmente, nuestra lectura de su obra busca relevar la politicidad que ella contiene al poner en el centro de la discusión teórica la tensión entre valor de uso y valor que se valoriza, que desplaza la contradicción trabajo-capital del centro del paradigma de la crítica de izquierda y de la idea de revolución, aunque sin omitirla. La persistencia del valor de uso, de las dimensiones cualitativas del mundo de la vida, con y a pesar del dominio del valor nos parece una clave central para afincar un mundo por venir.This paper concentrates on the foundations of the architecture of Echeverría’s thoughts. It focuses on the launch of an organic concept of culture associated with the problems developed by way of Marx about the “social-natural way”, which recognizes the essential contradictions in the existance of the social being. We will refer to Echeverría’s theory of the ethe of modernity to investigate the anchors of a non-capitalist modernity. Particularly, our reading of his works attempts to highlight its political nature, aiming its theoretical discussions toward the tensions between use value and exchange value. Additionally, it displaces –yet does not omit– the labor-capital contradiction that lies at the center of the paradigm of both left-wing criticism and the idea of revolution. We consider the persistence of use-value and the qualitative dimensions of lifeworld both central keys in establishing a world to come

    Integrated Sensing and Communication System via Dual-Domain Waveform Superposition

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    Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) systems are recognized as one of the key ingredients of the sixth generation (6G) network. A challenging topic in ISAC is the design of a single waveform combining both communication and sensing functionalities on the same time-frequency-space resources, allowing tuning the performance of both with partial or full hardware sharing. This paper proposes a dual-domain waveform design approach that superposes onto the frequency-time (FT) domain both the legacy orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signal and a sensing one, purposely designed in the delay-Doppler domain. With a proper power downscaling of the sensing signal w.r.t. OFDM, it is possible to exceed regulatory bandwidth limitations proper of legacy multicarrier systems to increase the sensing performance while leaving communication substantially unaffected. Numerical and experimental results prove the effectiveness of the dual-domain waveform, notwithstanding a power abatement of at least 30 dB of the signal used for sensing compared to the one used for communication. The dual-domain ISAC waveform outperforms both OFDM and orthogonal time-frequency-space (OTFS) in terms of Cramér-Rao bound on delay estimation (up to 20 dB), thanks to its superior resolution, with a negligible penalty on the achievable rate