337 research outputs found

    Colonization to Construction: Bridging the Gap Between Ancient Chamorro, Spanish Colonial & Modern Architecture on Guam

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    Guam is an island in the Marianas that, over time, has experienced a rich cultural history brought about by its exposure to colonization, natural disasters, warfare and the continual influx of people and culture. Therefore, the architecture that exists on the island is one that divides itself into four distinct styles with each as a response to external forces that affected the island. By researching each of these styles, one is able to fully understand the holistic view of Guam’s history in order to design architecture that reflects the past with anticipation for the future. This thesis works to explore the four styles by understanding their strengths and shortcomings in order to use this knowledge to design a Cultural Center for Art and Architecture where each style is represented

    A Landau–Kolmogorov inequality for generators of families of bounded operators

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    AbstractA Landau–Kolmogorov type inequality for generators of a wide class of strongly continuous families of bounded and linear operators defined on a Banach space is shown. Our approach allows us to recover (in a unified way) known results about uniformly bounded C0-semigroups and cosine functions as well as to prove new results for other families of operators. In particular, if A is the generator of an α-times integrated family of bounded and linear operators arising from the well-posedness of fractional differential equations of order ÎČ+1 then, we prove that the inequality‖Ax‖2â©œ8M2Γ(α+ÎČ+2)2Γ(α+1)Γ(α+2ÎČ+3)‖x‖‖A2x‖, holds for all x∈D(A2)

    Fundamental solutions for semidiscrete evolution equations via Banach algebras

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    We give representations for solutions of time-fractional differential equations that involve operators on Lebesgue spaces of sequences defined by discrete convolutions involving kernels through the discrete Fourier transform. We consider finite difference operators of first and second orders, which are generators of uniformly continuous semigroups and cosine functions. We present the linear and algebraic structures (in particular, factorization properties) and their norms and spectra in the Lebesgue space of summable sequences. We identify fractional powers of these generators and apply to them the subordination principle. We also give some applications and consequences of our results

    Dynamics of the solutions of the water hammer equations

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Topology and its Applications. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Topology and its Applications, [Volume 203, 15 April 2016, Pages 67-83] DOI10.1016/j.topol.2015.12.076¹[EN] In this note we provide a representation of the solution using an operator theoretical approach based on the theory of C-0-semigroups and cosine operator functions, when considering this phenomenon on a compressible fluid along an infinite pipe. We provide an integro-differential equation that represents this phenomenon and it only involves the discharge. In addition, the representation of the solution in terms of a specific C-0-semigroup lets us show that hypercyclicity and the topologically mixing property can occur when considering this phenomenon on certain weighted spaces of integrable and continuous functions on the real line. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The first and third authors are supported by MEC Projects MTM2010-14909 and MTM2013-47093-P. The first author is also supported by Programa de Investigación y Desarrollo de la UPV, Ref. SP20120700. The second author is partially supported by CONICYT, under Fondecyt Grant number 1140258.Conejero, JA.; Lizama, C.; Ródenas Escribá, FDA. (2016). Dynamics of the solutions of the water hammer equations. Topology and its Applications. 203:67-83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.topol.2015.12.076S678320

    On the boundedness of generalized Ces\`aro operators on Sobolev spaces

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    For ÎČ>0\beta>0 and p≄1p\ge 1, the generalized Ces\`aro operator CÎČf(t):=ÎČtÎČ∫0t(t−s)ÎČ−1f(s)ds \mathcal{C}_\beta f(t):=\frac{\beta}{t^\beta}\int_0^t (t-s)^{\beta-1}f(s)ds and its companion operator CÎČ∗\mathcal{C}_\beta^* defined on Sobolev spaces Tp(α)(tα)\mathcal{T}_p^{(\alpha)}(t^\alpha) and Tp(α)(∣t∣α)\mathcal{T}_p^{(\alpha)}(| t|^\alpha) (where α≄0\alpha\ge 0 is the fractional order of derivation and are embedded in L^p(\RR^+) and L^p(\RR) respectively) are studied. We prove that if p>1p>1, then CÎČ\mathcal{C}_\beta and CÎČ∗\mathcal{C}_\beta^* are bounded operators and commute on Tp(α)(tα)\mathcal{T}_p^{(\alpha)}(t^\alpha) and Tp(α)(∣t∣α)\mathcal{T}_p^{(\alpha)}(| t|^\alpha). We show explicitly the spectra σ(CÎČ)\sigma (\mathcal{C}_\beta) and σ(CÎČ∗)\sigma (\mathcal{C}_\beta^*) and its operator norms (which depend on pp). For 1<p≀21< p\le 2, we prove that CÎČ(f)^=CÎČ∗(f^) \hat{{\mathcal C}_\beta(f)}={\mathcal C}_\beta^*(\hat{f}) and CÎČ∗(f)^=CÎČ(f^)\hat{{\mathcal C}_\beta^*(f)}={\mathcal C}_\beta(\hat{f}) where f^\hat{f} is the Fourier transform of a function f\in L^p(\RR).Comment: 24 page

    Quantum Flows for Secret Key Distribution

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    Despite the unconditionally secure theory of quantum key distribution (QKD), several attacks have been successfully implemented against commercial QKD systems. Those systems have exhibited some flaws, as the secret key rate of corresponding protocols remains unaltered, while the eavesdropper obtains the entire secret key. We propose a new theoretical approach called quantum flows to be able to detect the eavesdropping activity in the channel without requiring additional optical components different from the BB84 protocol because the system can be implemented as a high software module. In this approach, the transmitter interleaves pairs of quantum states, referred to here as parallel and orthogonal (non-orthogonal) states, while the receiver uses active basis selection

    Linear dynamics of semigroups generated by differential operators

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    [EN] During the last years, several notions have been introduced for describing the dynamical behavior of linear operators on infinite-dimensional spaces, such as hypercyclicity, chaos in the sense of Devaney, chaos in the sense of Li-Yorke, subchaos, mixing and weakly mixing properties, and frequent hypercyclicity, among others. These notions have been extended, as far as possible, to the setting of C0-semigroups of linear and continuous operators. We will review some of these notions and we will discuss basic properties of the dynamics of C0-semigroups. We will also study in detail the dynamics of the translation C0-semigroup on weighted spaces of integrable functions and of continuous functions vanishing at infinity. Using the comparison lemma, these results can be transferred to the solution C0-semigroups of some partial differential equations. Additionally, we will also visit the chaos for infinite systems of ordinary differential equations, that can be of interest for representing birth-and-death process or car-following traffic models.The first, third and fourth authors were supported by MINECO and FEDER, grant MTM2016-75963-P. The second author has been partially supported by CONICYT under FONDECYT grant number 1140258 and CONICYT-PIA-Anillo ACT1416.Conejero, JA.; Lizama, C.; Murillo Arcila, M.; Peris Manguillot, A. (2017). Linear dynamics of semigroups generated by differential operators. Open Mathematics. 15(1):745-767. https://doi.org/10.1515/math-2017-0065S745767151Herzog, G. (1997). On a Universality of the Heat Equation. Mathematische Nachrichten, 188(1), 169-171. doi:10.1002/mana.19971880110Kalmes, T. (2010). Hypercyclicity and mixing for cosine operator functions generated by second order partial differential operators. 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