565 research outputs found

    CoSS: Co-optimizing Sensor and Sampling Rate for Data-Efficient AI in Human Activity Recognition

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    Recent advancements in Artificial Neural Networks have significantly improved human activity recognition using multiple time-series sensors. While employing numerous sensors with high-frequency sampling rates usually improves the results, it often leads to data inefficiency and unnecessary expansion of the ANN, posing a challenge for their practical deployment on edge devices. Addressing these issues, our work introduces a pragmatic framework for data-efficient utilization in HAR tasks, considering the optimization of both sensor modalities and sampling rate simultaneously. Central to our approach are the designed trainable parameters, termed 'Weight Scores,' which assess the significance of each sensor modality and sampling rate during the training phase. These scores guide the sensor modalities and sampling rate selection. The pruning method allows users to make a trade-off between computational budgets and performance by selecting the sensor modalities and sampling rates according to the weight score ranking. We tested our framework's effectiveness in optimizing sensor modality and sampling rate selection using three public HAR benchmark datasets. The results show that the sensor and sampling rate combination selected via CoSS achieves similar classification performance to configurations using the highest sampling rate with all sensors but at a reduced hardware cost.Comment: Accepeted by the 2nd Workshop on Sustainable AI (AAAI24

    Case report: Acute pancreatitis in lung adenocarcinoma with small cell transformation after multiple line targeted therapy

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    In lung cancer, metastasis to the liver, bones, brain, and adrenal glands is more commonly observed, whereas pancreatic metastasis from lung cancer is relatively rare. We present a case of a patient with an 8-year history of lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) who was admitted to our institution exhibiting symptoms consistent with acute pancreatitis. Subsequent histopathological examination through puncture confirmed the occurrence of pancreatic metastasis originating from small cell lung cancer (SCLC). During a multidisciplinary team discussion, we reached a consensus in diagnosing the patient with post-transformation small cell carcinoma alongside moderately severe pancreatitis, which was determined to be a consequence of pancreatic metastasis. The patient received a regimen of etoposide and cisplatin chemotherapy. This unique clinical case highlights the importance of further investigating the factors contributing to pancreatic metastasis in patients with lung cancer, as the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Understanding these exceptional metastatic events is vital in devising effective therapeutic strategies and improving patient prognosis. Our findings emphasize the need for continued surveillance and comprehensive management of lung cancer patients, particularly those with resistant forms of the disease, to promptly identify and address the progression of metastatic events to uncommon sites such as the pancreas

    Ocena wpływu pandemii COVID-19 na chińską gospodarkę i przedsiębiorstwa handlu zagranicznego z perspektywy zrównoważonego rozwoju

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    The COVID-19 epidemic has had a significant effect on China's economy and mainly on foreign trade enterprises. This virus has affected the social economy and business performance, becoming a primary test of governance aptitude and the national governance system. As a result, a neural network can be used to study and analyze the economic and social development during the COVID-19 epidemic. Good nonlinear forecasting can be achieved using neural network techniques since they overcome the limitations of traditional forecasting methods. Economic forecasts usually have great uncertainty and are affected by factors with complex relationships. However, using the B.P. network on economic forecasts can have a good forecasting effect. Economic analysis in the context of the new crown epidemic will provide more reference to future complex emergencies. However, countermeasures have been established based on financial institutions, governments, and enterprises. These measures are formulated to cope with the challenges faced by foreign trade enterprises based on the scrutiny of international public emergencies. They include exploration of international cooperation, advancing the new open economy system, speeding up transformation and upgrading, and perfecting the public safety emergency system. Other measures include cooperatively promoting high-quality development of foreign trade enterprises, enabling internal capacities to improve management capabilities, and establishing an external environment based on environmental perfection of the rule of law and policy. However, countermeasures have been established based on financial institutions, governments, and enterprises. These measures are formulated to cope with the challenges faced by foreign trade enterprises based on the scrutiny of international public emergencies. They include exploration of international cooperation, advancing the new open economy system, speeding up transformation and upgrading, and perfecting the public safety emergency system. Other measures include cooperatively promoting high-quality development of foreign trade enterprises, enabling internal capacities to improve management capabilities, and establishing an external environment based on environmental perfection of the rule of law and policyEpidemia COVID-19 wywarła znaczący wpływ na gospodarkę Chin, a przede wszystkim na przedsiębiorstwa handlu zagranicznego. Wirus wpłynął na gospodarkę społeczną i wyniki przedsiębiorstw, stając się głównym testem umiejętności rządzenia i krajowego systemu zarządzania. Do badania i analizy rozwoju gospodarczego i społecznego w czasie epidemii COVID-19 mogą zostać wykorzystane sieci neuronowe. Dobre prognozowanie nieliniowe można osiągnąć przy użyciu technik sieci neuronowych, ponieważ przezwyciężają one ograniczenia tradycyjnych metod prognozowania. Prognozy gospodarcze zwykle charakteryzują się dużą niepewnością i wpływają na nie czynniki o złożonych relacjach. Korzystając z sieci B.P. dotyczącej prognoz gospodarczych można  osiągnąć dobry efekt prognostyczny. Analiza ekonomiczna w kontekście nowej epidemii zapewni więcej odniesień do przyszłych złożonych sytuacji kryzysowych. Środki zaradcze zostały opracowane w oparciu o instytucje finansowe, rządy i przedsiębiorstwa. Środki te zostały wdrożone, aby sprostać wyzwaniom stojącym przed przedsiębiorstwami handlu zagranicznego w oparciu o analizę międzynarodowych sytuacji kryzysowych. Obejmują one eksplorację współpracy międzynarodowej, rozwój nowego systemu gospodarki otwartej, przyspieszenie transformacji i modernizacji oraz doskonalenie systemu wspierania bezpieczeństwa publicznego. Inne środki obejmują wspólne promowanie wysokiej jakości rozwoju przedsiębiorstw handlu zagranicznego, wspieranie wewnętrznych zdolności poprawy zarządzania oraz stworzenie środowiska zewnętrznego opartego na praworządności w zakresie przepisów prawa i reguł polityki

    Aromatic Amino Acid Mutagenesis at the Substrate Binding Pocket of Yarrowia lipolytica

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    The lipase2 from Yarrowia lipolytica (YLLip2) is a yeast lipase exhibiting high homologous to filamentous fungal lipase family. Though its crystal structure has been resolved, its structure-function relationship has rarely been reported. By contrast, there are two amino acid residues (V94 and I100) with significant difference in the substrate binding pocket of YLLip2; they were subjected to site-directed mutagenesis (SDM) to introduce aromatic amino acid mutations. Two mutants (V94W and I100F) were created. The enzymatic properties of the mutant lipases were detected and compared with the wild-type. The activities of mutant enzymes dropped to some extent towards p-nitrophenyl palmitate (pNPC16) and their optimum temperature was 35°C, which was 5°C lower than that of the wild-type. However, the thermostability of I100F increased 22.44% after incubation for 1 h at 40°C and its optimum substrate shifted from p-nitrophenyl laurate (pNPC12) to p-nitrophenyl caprate (pNPC10). The above results demonstrated that the two substituted amino acid residuals have close relationship with such enzymatic properties as thermostability and substrate selectivity

    Energy-efficient, low-latency, and non-contact eye blink detection with capacitive sensing

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    This work described a novel non-contact, wearable, real-time eye blink detection solution based on capacitive sensing technology. A custom-built prototype employing low-cost and low-power consumption capacitive sensors was integrated into standard glasses, with a copper tape electrode affixed to the frame. The blink of an eye induces a variation in capacitance between the electrode and the eyelid, thereby generating a distinctive capacitance-related signal. By analyzing this signal, eye blink activity can be accurately identified. The effectiveness and reliability of the proposed solution were evaluated through five distinct scenarios involving eight participants. Utilizing a user-dependent detection method with a customized predefined threshold value, an average precision of 92% and a recall of 94% were achieved. Furthermore, an efficient user-independent model based on the two-bit precision decision tree was further applied, yielding an average precision of 80% and an average recall of 81%. These results demonstrate the potential of the proposed technology for real-world applications requiring precise and unobtrusive eye blink detection

    Lack of Aquaporin 3 in bovine erythrocyte membranes correlates with low glycerol permeation

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. May 2011; 408 (3): 477-481.In general, erythrocytes are highly permeable to water, urea and glycerol. However, expression of aquaporin isoforms in erythrocytes appears to be species characteristic. In the present study, human (hRBC) and bovine (bRBC) erythrocytes were chosen for comparative studies due to their significant difference in membrane glycerol permeability. Osmotic water permeability (Pf) at 23 ºC was (2.89 ± 0.37) × 10-2 and (5.12 ± 0.61) × 10-2 cm s-1 for human and bovine cells respectively, with similar activation energies for water transport. Glycerol permeability (Pgly) for human ((1.37 ± 0.26) × 10-5 cm s-1) differed in three orders of magnitude from bovine erythrocytes ((5.82 ± 0.37) ×10-8 cm s-1) that also showed higher activation energy for glycerol transport. When compared to human, bovine erythrocytes showed a similar expression pattern of AQP1 glycosylated forms on immunoblot analysis, though in slight higher levels, which could be correlated with the 1.5-fold larger Pf found. However, AQP3 expression was not detectable. Immunofluorescence analysis confirmed the absence of AQP3 expression in bovine erythrocyte membranes. In conclusion, lack of AQP3 in bovine erythrocytes points to the lipid pathway as responsible for glycerol permeation and explains the low glycerol permeability and high Ea for transport observed in ruminants

    Experiments on bright field and dark field high energy electron imaging with thick target material

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    Using a high energy electron beam for the imaging of high density matter with both high spatial-temporal and areal density resolution under extreme states of temperature and pressure is one of the critical challenges in high energy density physics . When a charged particle beam passes through an opaque target, the beam will be scattered with a distribution that depends on the thickness of the material. By collecting the scattered beam either near or off axis, so-called bright field or dark field images can be obtained. Here we report on an electron radiography experiment using 45 MeV electrons from an S-band photo-injector, where scattered electrons, after interacting with a sample, are collected and imaged by a quadrupole imaging system. We achieved a few micrometers (about 4 micrometers) spatial resolution and about 10 micrometers thickness resolution for a silicon target of 300-600 micron thickness. With addition of dark field images that are captured by selecting electrons with large scattering angle, we show that more useful information in determining external details such as outlines, boundaries and defects can be obtained.Comment: 7pages, 7 figure

    Experimental and Field Investigations on the Impact-Resistance Mechanical Properties of Negative Poisson’s Ratio Bolt/Cable

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    AbstractDynamic impact tests of negative Poisson’s ratio (NPR) and rebar bolts under different impact wavelengths were carried out using a self-developed NPR bolt tensile impact test system. Additionally, a field anti-impact test using blasting was performed to simulate rockburst, and the field anti-impact characteristics of the NPR and conventional cable were compared and analysed. The experimental test results revealed that the peak impact force of the NPR and rebar bolts was inversely proportional to the wavelength. The NPR bolt underwent only constant resistance structural deformation, and the rod body did not break. The rebar bolt body fractured and necked. Under the same impact wavelength, the impact force and elongation of the two bolt types were proportional to the impact velocity. Compared with the greater peak impact force of the rebar bolt, the NPR bolt output structure deformation reduced the peak impact force. At the same impact velocity, as the wavelength increased, the impact force of the NPR bolt decreased rapidly, and the number of peaks also decreased. The impact force peak value of the rebar bolt was high, the impact force-time curve had multipeak characteristics, and no apparent rapid attenuation occurred. The field test results indicated that the NPR cable could produce slip deformation under the action of an explosion impact force to absorb the impact energy and that it had special mechanical properties to maintain a constant resistance. Under the same equivalent blasting impact energy, the conventional cable test section collapsed completely. The NPR cable test section was stable overall, verifying that the NPR cable had better impact-resistance mechanical properties than conventional cable. The research results provide a reliable basis for the effectiveness of NPR bolts/cables in preventing rockbursts