555 research outputs found

    Finding Temporal Patterns in Noisy Longitudinal Data: A Study in Diabetic Retinopathy

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    This paper describes an approach to temporal pattern mining using the concept of user defined temporal prototypes to define the nature of the trends of interests. The temporal patterns are defined in terms of sequences of support values associated with identified frequent patterns. The prototypes are defined mathematically so that they can be mapped onto the temporal patterns. The focus for the advocated temporal pattern mining process is a large longitudinal patient database collected as part of a diabetic retinopathy screening programme, The data set is, in itself, also of interest as it is very noisy (in common with other similar medical datasets) and does not feature a clear association between specific time stamps and subsets of the data. The diabetic retinopathy application, the data warehousing and cleaning process, and the frequent pattern mining procedure (together with the application of the prototype concept) are all described in the paper. An evaluation of the frequent pattern mining process is also presented

    A bayesian multilevel modeling approach for data query in wireless sensor networks

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    In power-limited Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), it is important to reduce the communication load in order to achieve energy savings. This paper applies a novel statistic method to estimate the parameters based on the realtime data measured by local sensors. Instead of transmitting large real-time data, we proposed to transmit the small amount of dynamic parameters by exploiting both temporal and spatial correlation within and between sensor clusters. The temporal correlation is built on the level-1 Bayesian model at each sensor to predict local readings. Each local sensor transmits their local parameters learned from historical measurement data to their cluster heads which account for the spatial correlation and summarize the regional parameters based on level-2 Bayesian model. Finally, the cluster heads transmit the regional parameters to the sink node. By utilizing this statistical method, the sink node can predict the sensor measurements within a specified period without directly communicating with local sensors. We show that this approach can dramatically reduce the amount of communication load in data query applications and achieve significant energy savings

    Asymptotes in SU(2) Recoupling Theory: Wigner Matrices, 3j3j Symbols, and Character Localization

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    In this paper we employ a novel technique combining the Euler Maclaurin formula with the saddle point approximation method to obtain the asymptotic behavior (in the limit of large representation index JJ) of generic Wigner matrix elements DMMâ€ČJ(g)D^{J}_{MM'}(g). We use this result to derive asymptotic formulae for the character χJ(g)\chi^J(g) of an SU(2) group element and for Wigner's 3j3j symbol. Surprisingly, given that we perform five successive layers of approximations, the asymptotic formula we obtain for χJ(g)\chi^J(g) is in fact exact. This result provides a non trivial example of a Duistermaat-Heckman like localization property for discrete sums.Comment: 36 pages, 3 figure

    A method to evaluate the degree of bleaching of IRSL signals in feldspar: The 3ET method

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    In addition to dating, IRSL luminescence signals can preserve information about erosional, transport, and depositional histories of a population of grains. Knowledge of the degree of bleaching can be useful in understanding the processes that occurred during previous depositional events, as certain transport conditions result in a well bleached signal, while others result in grains retaining an inherited signal from prior events. This information can be accessed by making single-grain IRSL measurements across successively increasing temperatures, thereby isolating signals from traps of different bleachabilities. A new approach offers a way to evaluate the completeness of bleaching of a grain by testing patterns of equivalent dose (DE) values measured at three elevated temperatures (3ET), 50, 125, and 225 °C. Consistent DE estimates across two or more temperatures suggest a single bleaching event of sufficient duration to fully depopulate the traps involved. Incompletely bleached grains with inconsistent DE values across temperatures will lack a 3ET “plateau.” Modes in the distribution of DE values for fully bleached grains can suggest depositional ages, subject to assessment of fading. We developed a Python code in a Jupyter Notebook environment for data analysis and visualization to expedite processing the large data sets produced by the 3ET protocol. The 3ET protocol was tested on a radiocarbon dated sequence of playa samples from California, USA and on a set of fluvial terraces in the Marlborough region of New Zealand as part of a larger project to reconstruct regional seismic history. Where standard pIRIR apparent ages can be inconsistent or ambiguous, 3ET age estimates produce generally consistent apparent ages. Modes of 3ET plateaus can be used to infer the most recent and prior events that resulted in a sub-population of grains being fully bleached. These initial results suggest that the 3ET method can be useful to characterize both the age and degree of bleaching of depositional events

    Long‐term trends in the distribution, abundance and impact of native “injurious” weeds

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    Questions: How can we quantify changes in the distribution and abundance of injurious weed species (Senecio jacobaea, Cirsium vulgare, Cirsium arvense, Rumex obtusifolius, Rumex crispus and Urtica dioica), over long time periods at wide geographical scales? What impact do these species have on plant communities? To what extent are changes driven by anthropogenically induced drivers such as disturbance, eutrophication and management? Location: Great Britain. Methods: Data from national surveys were used to assess changes in the frequency and abundance of selected weed species between 1978 and 2007. This involved novel method development to create indices of change, and to relate changes in distribution and abundance of these species to plant community diversity and inferred changes in resource availability, disturbance and management. Results: Three of the six weed species became more widespread in GB over this period and all of them increased in abundance (in grasslands, arable habitats, roadsides and streamsides). Patterns were complex and varied by landscape context and habitat type. For most of the species, there were negative relationships between abundance, total plant species richness, grassland, wetland and woodland indicators. Each individual species responds to a different combination of anthropogenic drivers but disturbance, fertility and livestock management significantly influenced most species. Conclusions: The increase in frequency and abundance of weeds over decades has implications for landscape‐scale plant diversity, fodder yield and livestock health. This includes reductions in plant species richness, loss of valuable habitat specialists and homogenisation of vegetation communities. Increasing land‐use intensity, excessive nutrient input, overgrazing, sward damage, poaching and bare ground in fields and undermanagement or too frequent cutting on linear features may have led to increases in weeds. These weeds do have conservation value so we are not advocating eradication, rather co‐existence, without dominance. Land management policy needs to adapt to benefit biodiversity and agricultural productivity

    Leadership in Improving Schools: A Qualitative Perspective

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    This article reports early case-study data gathered from 20 schools involved in the ‘Impact of School Leadership on Pupil Outcomes’ project. We present and discuss the perceptions of headteachers and other school leaders regarding leadership factors that directly and indirectly affect pupil outcomes in these improving schools. Included are issues relating to the pivotal role played by the headteacher in setting and communicating a strategic vision for the school; models of distributed leadership; and the building of leadership capacity so as to build a collective responsibility for the improvement of pupil outcomes

    The First VERITAS Telescope

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    The first atmospheric Cherenkov telescope of VERITAS (the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System) has been in operation since February 2005. We present here a technical description of the instrument and a summary of its performance. The calibration methods are described, along with the results of Monte Carlo simulations of the telescope and comparisons between real and simulated data. The analysis of TeV Îł\gamma-ray observations of the Crab Nebula, including the reconstructed energy spectrum, is shown to give results consistent with earlier measurements. The telescope is operating as expected and has met or exceeded all design specifications.Comment: Accepted by Astroparticle Physic
