3,252 research outputs found

    The effects of solid rocket motor effluents on selected surfaces and solid particle size, distribution, and composition for simulated shuttle booster separation motors

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    A series of three tests was conducted using solid rocket propellants to determine the effects a solid rocket plume would have on thermal protective surfaces (TPS). The surfaces tested were those which are baselined for the shuttle vehicle. The propellants used were to simulate the separation solid rocket motors (SSRM) that separate the solid rocket boosters (SRB) from the shuttle launch vehicle. Data cover: (1) the optical effects of the plume environment on spacecraft related surfaces, and (2) the solid particle size, distribution, and composition at TPS sample locations

    Characterization of a 5-eV neutral atomic oxygen beam facility

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    An experimental effort to characterize an existing 5-eV neutral atomic oxygen beam facility being developed at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory is described. This characterization effort includes atomic oxygen flux and flux distribution measurements using a catalytic probe, energy determination using a commercially designed quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS), and the exposure of oxygen-sensitive materials in this beam facility. Also, comparisons were drawn between the reaction efficiencies of materials exposed in plasma ashers, and the reaction efficiencies previously estimated from space flight experiments. The results of this study show that the beam facility is capable of producing a directional beam of neutral atomic oxygen atoms with the needed flux and energy to simulate low Earth orbit (LEO) conditions for real time accelerated testing. The flux distribution in this facility is uniform to +/- 6 percent of the peak flux over a beam diameter of 6 cm

    Identifikasi Profil Budaya Organisasi yang Mendukung Implementasi Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi

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    : This research was aimed to evaluate the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System of the Higher Education (SPMI-PT) of Manado State Polytechnic based on the ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS), to identify the organizational culture profile of Manado State Polytechnic, and to examine the relationship between the implementation of ISO 9001 and the culture profile of the institution. Questionnaireswere used in order to achieve the research aims.The study found that the implementation of the eight ISO 9001 principles had not achieved the maximum level of effectiveness, and Clan culture dominated the profile of the organizational culture of Manado State Polytechnic.The research also found that: Clan culture was significantly correlated with the quality principles of Leadership, People Involvement, Process Approach, Factual Approach to Decision Making, and Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships;Market culture was significantly correlated with the quality principle of Customer Focus while Hierarchy culture wassignificantly correlated with the quality principles of Systems Approach to Management,and Continual Improvement. The findings are the basis for the institution to be able to develop a strong organizational culture as a driver in implementing the SPMI-PT effectively and sustainably

    Evaluation of Thermal Control Coatings and Polymeric Materials Exposed to Ground Simulated Atomic Oxygen and Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation

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    Numerous thermal control and polymeric samples with potential International Space Station applications were evaluated for atomic oxygen and vacuum ultraviolet radiation effects in the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory 5 eV Neutral Atomic Oxygen Facility and in the MSFC Atomic Oxygen Drift Tube System. Included in this study were samples of various anodized aluminum samples, ceramic paints, polymeric materials, and beta cloth, a Teflon-impregnated fiberglass cloth. Aluminum anodizations tested were black duranodic, chromic acid anodize, and sulfuric acid anodize. Paint samples consisted of an inorganic glassy black paint and Z-93 white paint made with the original PS7 binder and the new K2130 binder. Polymeric samples evaluated included bulk Halar, bulk PEEK, and silverized FEP Teflon. Aluminized and nonaluminized Chemfab 250 beta cloth were also exposed. Samples were evaluated for changes in mass, thickness, solar absorptance, and infrared emittance. In addition to material effects, an investigation was made comparing diffuse reflectance/solar absorptance measurements made using a Beckman DK2 spectroreflectometer and like measurements made using an AZ Technology-developed laboratory portable spectroreflectometer

    Innovating a new knowledge base for water justice studies:hydrosocial, sociohydrology, and beyond

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    Creating a new knowledge base that centers water justice (Zwarteveen and Boelens, 2014; Sultana, 2018; Wölfle-Hazard, 2022) in hydrosocial and sociohydrology studies involves a broader discussion about why justice matters, how to work toward this goal, and what the implications for research praxis are. The articles in this Research Topic approach different angles of water justice: as law (Fernández and Alba), a social movement (Dame et al.), practice (Pool et al.; Reeves and Bonney), cases of injustice (Caretta et al.), and theory (Krueger and Alba). From this Research Topic, we find that the interrelated concepts of naturecultures and care can be mobilized to create fruitful collaborations between critical social scientists and sociohydrologists
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