21 research outputs found

    Participatory management in SUS through integrating education, and community service: the experience of a family health league as a project of University extension in Fortaleza - Ceará

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    As a result of the experience of two public universities and a private one, the Extension Project "Family Health League" (LSF) introduced a participative management strategy in the field of education of health professionals, with the support of power-ideas such as permanent education in health, popular education, multiprofessional and interdisciplinary groups, primary health attention, family health strategy, participative methodologies and practice inserted in a live territory. This report aims to introduce an experience of integrating teaching to community service through the Family Health League Extension Project (LSF), in the context of the Health-School Municipal System (SMSE) in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. This experience was planned in the spirit of participative management in the National Health System (SUS). The proposal of LSF emerges, in the SMSE, from a recommendation supported by the city's health system which aimed at improving co-management spaces of education and services and used the methods of circle discussion and inverted tent. The protagonism of the project members and of the community in the organization of the project's activities and the amplification of a critical view over social reality and health work are amongst the major advances which emerged from this experience. This project has made possible the integration of teaching, health service and community, from the perspective of a communicative and participative management.Fruto da experiência de duas universidades públicas e uma privada, o Projeto de Extensão Liga Saúde da Família (LSF) constitui-se numa estratégia de gestão participativa no campo da formação de profissionais da área da saúde, com base nos conceitos de educação permanente em saúde, educação popular em saúde, equipe multiprofissional e interdisciplinar, atenção primária à saúde, promoção da saúde, estratégia saúde da família, metodologias participativas de pesquisa e atuação inserida no território vivo. Este relato apresenta a experiência da integração ensino-serviço-comunidade por meio do Projeto de Extensão Liga Saúde da Família, no contexto do Sistema Municipal de Saúde Escola (SMSE), em Fortaleza-Ceará, que dialoga com a gestão participativa no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Esta proposta do LSF foi implantada no SMSE a partir de uma ação apoiada pelo sistema de saúde de Fortaleza que visa potencializar os espaços de co-gestão docente-assistencial, por meio da proposta do método da roda e da tenda invertida. O protagonismo dos integrantes e da comunidade na construção das atividades do projeto e a ampliação do olhar crítico sobre a realidade social e do trabalho em saúde estão entre os maiores avanços surgidos dessa experiência. Esse projeto permitiu a integração ensino - serviço - comunidade, atendendo a uma perspectiva de gestão participativa e dialógica

    COVID-Inconfidentes - SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in two Brazilian urban areas during the pandemic first wave: study protocol and initial results

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    Background: A population study is an important tool that can be used to understand the actual epidemiological scenario of the Covid-19 in different territories, identify its magnitude, understand its transmission dynamics, and its demographic, geographical, and social distribution. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the population of two Brazilian cities during the pandemic first wave and subsequent socioeconomic and health effects. Materials & methods: This paper described the methodological procedures adopted and the prevalence of the SARS-CoV-2 infection in the population. A household survey was conducted between October and December 2020, in two historic cities of Brazil's mining region. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody was detected using the Wondfo® rapid test. The face-to-face interview consisted of administration of a questionnaire containing registration data, sociodemographic and economic variables, living habits, general health condition, mental health, sleep habits, and eating and nutrition. Results: We evaluated 1,762 residents, of which 764 (43.4%) were in Mariana and 998 (56.6%) in Ouro Preto. For both cities, 51.9% of the interviewees were female, with a predominance of the age range 35 to 59 years old (47.2%). The prevalence of the SARS-CoV-2 infection was 5.5% in all cities, 6.2% in Ouro Preto, and 4.7% in Mariana. The prevalence was similar between cities (P>0.05). Conclusion: The study was effective in verifying the seroprevalence of infection by the virus and its findings will enable further analyses of the health conditions of the population related to social isolation and the risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2

    A influência da síndrome de ovários policísticos e síndrome metabólica na escolha do tipo de parto: revisão de literatura

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    Introduction: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Metabolic Syndrome (MS) are interconnected through various physiological pathways, and their coexistence may have significant implications, especially during pregnancy and the childbirth process. During pregnancy, women with PCOS and MS may face an increased risk of obstetric complications. Regarding the impact on childbirth, PCOS and MS can influence the choice of the type of delivery. Methodology: This work constitutes a literature review, following the systematization with the five pillars described below. 1) Problem statement: "What is the influence of PCOS and MS on the choice of the type of delivery?". 2) Relevant studies were identified using the PUBMED platform with the descriptors "Metabolic Syndrome, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Parturition, Pregnancy," PUBMED all in accordance with MESH. 3) Initially, 11 studies were selected; 4 were discarded after a thorough reading as they did not contribute to the problem statement. 4) Data extraction was performed using a text editing program. 5) Experts were consulted. Results: The studies revealed that PCOS and MS are associated with a clinically significant increase in the risk of complications during pregnancy compared to control groups. Additionally, there is a 3 to 4 times higher likelihood of developing pregnancy-induced hypertension and preeclampsia, a threefold increase in the risk of gestational diabetes, and a twofold likelihood of premature birth. The elevated obstetric risk for women with PCOS is reflected in a higher rate of spontaneous abortion. Moreover, it was observed that, compared to the general population, PCOS and MS are more associated with cesarean delivery. Conclusion: Cesarean delivery is predominant in patients with PCOS and MS. Furthermore, there is a higher risk of developing pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, and premature birth.Introdução: A síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP) e a síndrome metabólica (SM) estão interligadas por várias vias físicas, e sua coexistência pode ter implicações significativas, especialmente durante a gravidez e no processo de parto. Durante a gravidez, as mulheres SOP e SM podem enfrentar um risco aumentado de complicações obstétricas. Quanto ao impacto no parto, a SOP e a SM podem influenciar a escolha do tipo de parto Metodologia: Este trabalho trata-se de uma revisão de literatura, de acordo com a sistematização com os 5 pilares descritos a seguir. 1) Questão problema: “Qual a influência da SOP e SM na escolha do tipo de parto?”. 2) Estudos relevantes foram identificados utilizando na plataforma PUBMED os descritores “Metabolic Syndrome, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Parturition, Pregnancy”, na PUBMED, todos de acordo com MESH. 3) 11 estudos foram selecionados inicialmente, 4 foram descartados mediante leitura completa por não contribuir com a questão problema. 4) A extração de dados foi realizada em um programa de edição de texto. 5) Especialistas foram consultados.  Resultado: Os estudos revelaram que a SOP e SM estão associadas a um aumento clinicamente significativo no risco de complicações durante a gravidez, em comparação com os grupos de controle. Além disso, há uma probabilidade de 3 a 4 vezes maior de desenvolver hipertensão causada pela gravidez e pré-eclâmpsia, um aumento de 3 vezes sem risco de diabetes gestacional e uma probabilidade duas vezes maior de parto prematuro. O risco obstétrico elevado para mulheres com SOP se reflete em uma maior taxa de aborto espontâneo. Diante disso, observou-se que em relação a população em geral, SOP e SM associam-se mais com o parto cesariano. Conclusão: O parto cesariano é predominante em pacientes com SOP e SM. Além disso, há maior risco de desenvolver hipertensão causada pela gravidez, pré-eclâmpsia e parto prematuro

    Ways to Measuring Quality of Life in Mental Health

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    As quality is of life considered as a measure of clinical outcome that prioritizes client assessment itself and the effects of a disease, a life change or a treatment has on their daily life and their level of satisfaction and well-being, their evaluation allows obtain a safe parameter for implementing clinical interventions that may have more positive impact on the lives of these people. It is believed that investigate the QoL of a given population is a strategy that will enable to broaden the understanding of the problems experienced by patients in order to facilitate effective future interventions, improving the quality of lived days. This information can also be used to identify patients at higher risk of problems and thus anticipate interventions, contributing to health promotion thereof. Nevertheless, there is currently a growing interest in transforming the QoL in a quantitative measure. To this end, the measurement of quality of life through the perception of the patient has been recommended. Some studies indicate that the measurement of quality of life the mental patient is an indicator of the care he receives and that this issue should be included in the assessment and care planning. There are few studies witch accessed the influence of health intervention on patients ‘quality of life, anxiety, and depressive symptom levels. With this brief contribution, we hope can deepen discussion regards public health and mental wellbeing, as well as the options of measurement instruments to assess mental health interventions and thus able to gather more arguments to answer the following question: What`s the best way for measuring quality of life in Mental health

    Trajetórias da Educomunicação nas Políticas Públicas e a Formação de seus Profissionais

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    Esta obra é composta com os trabalhos apresentados no primeiro subtema, TRAJETÓRIA – Educação para a Comunicação como Política pública, nas perspectivas da Educomunicação e da Mídia-Educação, do II Congresso Internacional de Comunicação e Educação. Os artigos pretendem propiciar trocas de informações e produzir reflexões com os leitores sobre os caminhos percorridos, e ainda a percorrer, tendo como meta a expansão e a legitimação das práticas educomunicativas e/ou mídia-educativas como política pública para o atendimento à formação de crianças, adolescentes, jovens e adultos, no Brasil e no mundo

    A burguesia sem disfarce : a defesa da ignorancia versus as lições do capital

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    Resumo: A Burguesia sem Disfarce: A Defesa da Ignorância x As Lições do Capital, é um conjunto de reflexões que tem por objetivo fundamental compreender a importância da Escola na sociedade burguesa. Neste sentido, esta tese se propõe a analisar as ra zões históricas, elaboradas pela Economia politica, que, em um determinado momento, justificam o impedimento da Escola para aqueles que, no processo da divisão social do: trabalho, não têm outra alternativa que não ganhar sua subsistência com o movimento de seus corpos. Outrossim, procurou-se alcançar os fundamentos que motivaram a expansão da educação primária, como forma de impedir a completa obliteração das crianças e adolescentes, a partir do surgimento da indústria moderna. A partir desses pressupostos, a discussão se estende até dois momentos da história da educação no Brasil: o confronto de interesses entre a Companhia de Jesus e 0 Gabinete pombalino; e o periodo de transição entre o fim do trabalho eséravo, e o inicio do trabalho livre, desde meados até o final do século XIXAbstract: The Bourgeosie without Mask: The Defense of the Ignorance vs The Lessons from the Capita1, is a body of reflexions whose main objective is to undertstand the importance of School in bourgeois society. In this context, this thesis analizes the historical reasons, prested by Political Economics whiel, at a 'certain moment, justify the inaccesibility to School for those who, in the process of the social division of labor, do not have another alte~ native but to earn their subsistence with the movement of their bodies. AIso, an effort was made to deal with the essential facts that were responsible for the expansion of the primary education, as a way to avoid the complete ohliteration of children and teenagers, beginning from.'.the establishmemt Df the' 'modern industry. From these presuppositions, the discussion extends at two moments of the history. of the education in Brazil: the conflict of interests between the Companhia de Jesus and the Gabinete Pombalino; and the transi tion period between the end of s.lave work and the beginning of the free work, from the middle to end of the XIX centur

    Genetic ancestry is associated with systolic blood pressure and glucose in Brazilian children and adolescents.

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    Background: Studies in admixed populations show that the prevalence of obesity and related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension, may vary by ethnic group. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of genetic ancestry with phenotypes associated with obesity in a sample of school children and adolescents from Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais. Methods: We used data from genetic ancestry of 189 individuals previously determined by 15 ancestry informative markers (AIMs), and segregated individuals into three ancestral groups (predominantly African (PAFR), predominantly mixed (PMIX), and predominantly European (PEUR)) using the proportion of ancestry. The ancestral groups were compared with mean values of anthropometric, clinical, biochemical, and demographic variables. The simple linear regression analysis was used to test whether differences in mean values of the dependent variables (blood pressure and glucose) between the ancestral groups were dependent on the other variables. Results: Our results show that the proportions of African (F = 144.2, P < 0.001), Amerindian (F = 15.5, P < 0.001) and European (F = 184.9, P < 0.001) ancestry differed significantly (P < 0.001) among the three ancestral groups. PAFR individuals had higher mean blood pressure (P ≤ 0.029) and glucose (P = 0.025) as compared to PEUR. In the linear regression model, the difference in systolic blood pressure (SBP) values remained significant in all models tested and independent of confounding variables (P ≤ 0.041). The difference in diastolic blood pressure values observed in PAFR and PEUR groups did not remain significant when the metabolic profile was included in the tested model (P = 0.097). The difference in glucose values was significant only between PMIX and PEUR groups and independent of the settings (P ≤ 0.037). Conclusion: The positive correlation between genetic ancestry and SBP and glucose in Brazilian children and adolescents suggests the need for special care in the subgroups of this population

    Phaeophytins from Thyrsacanthus ramosissimus Moric. with inhibitory activity on human dna topoisomerase II-&#945;

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    Our study reports the extraction and isolation of a new phaeophytin derivative 15¹-hydroxy-(15¹-S)-porphyrinolactone, designated anamariaine (1) herein, isolated from the chloroform fraction of aerial parts of Thyrsacanthus ramosissimus Moric. along with the known 15¹-ethoxy-(15¹-S)-porphyrinolactone (2). These compounds were identified by usual spectroscopic methods. Both compounds were subjected to in vitro (inhibitory activity) tests by means of supercoiled DNA relaxation techniques and were shown to display inhibitory activity against human DNA topoisomerase II-α at 50 µM. Interconversion of these two pigments under the mild conditions of the isolation techniques should be highly unlikely but cannot be entirely ruled out