11 research outputs found

    Estimation of repeatability coeficients for production of fruits and solid albumen in hybrids of coconut palm

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar os coeficientes de repetibilidade para produção de fruto e de albúmem sólido em coqueiro (cocos nucifera) pelos métodos estatísticos da análise de variância (ANOVA), componentes principais (covariância e correlação) e análise estrutural (covariância). Detectou-se variabilidade significativa entre os híbridos em relação à produção de frutos e de albúmen sólido. Os coeficientes de repetibilidade foram menores quando foram usados os procedimentos da análise de variância e análise estrutural (correlação). Ao considerar satisfatório o nível de 90%, como critério de predição na escolha de híbridos com superioridade quanto às duas características, e tomando-se por base a estimativa do coeficiente de repetibilidade obtida pelo método dos componentes principais (covariância), recomenda-se realizar cinco e três avaliações para produções de frutos e de albúmen sólido, respectivamente.The objective of this work was to estimate the coefficient of repeatability for production of fruits and solid albumen in coconut palm (cocos nucifera) using statistical methods of the variance analysis (ANOVA), main components (covariance and correlation) and structural analysis (covariance). Significant variability was detected between hybrids for fruits and solid albumen productions. Repeatability coeficients obtained by the variance analysis and structural analysis (correlation) showed the smallest values. If the level of 90% is considered sufficient to select hybrids with relative superiority for fruit and solid albumen productions based on the estimation of repeatability by the main components method (covariance), then it would be recommended to perform five and three evaluations for fruit and solid albumen productions, respectively

    Nutrição e produção de coqueiro cultivado com adubação mineral no estado do Pará

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    A adubação é a prática que tem maior impacto na produtividade do coqueiro; ainda assim, as informações sobre a nutrição da cultura são relativamente escassas no Estado do Pará. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito das adubações nitrogenada, fosfatada, potássica e magnesiana sobre o estado nutricional e a produção do coqueiro nas condições edafoclimáticas de Moju (PA). O experimento foi conduzido durante dez anos, na fazenda SOCOCO®, e utilizou-se do delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, e três níveis de P, três níveis de K e três níveis de Mg, na presença e na ausência de N. A resposta à aplicação dos tratamentos foi estudada em termos de concentração foliar dos macronutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S) e dos micronutrientes (B e Cl), e da produção do número de cocos/planta/ano, peso de albúmen fresco (PAF)/coco e PAF/ ha/ano. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância (p<0,05); e as médias, comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. De forma geral, a aplicação de N não influenciou as concentrações foliares dos macronutrientes e dos micronutrientes estudados. Por sua vez, as adubações fosfatada, potássica e magnesiana influenciaram a nutrição das plantas de coqueiro. As adubações fosfatada e potássica, isoladamente ou em interação, aumentaram a produção de cocos/planta e o PAF/ha. A partir do 6º ano de idade das plantas, os níveis de 54 kg/ha/ano de P2 O5 e 96 kg/ha/ano de K2 O são indicados para o cultivo do coqueiro na região da presente pesquisa. A adubação nitrogenada não influenciou os parâmetros de produção, e a adubação magnesiana aumentou a produção na presença da adubação potássica.Fertilization greatly affects coconut productivity; nevertheless, information on crop nutrition is relatively scarce for coconut in the state of Pará, Brazil. This study evaluated the effect of fertilization with nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and magnesium (Mg) on the nutritional status and coconut yield under the edaphoclimatic conditions of the municipality of Moju, Pará State (Brazil). The experiment was conducted for 10 years on a SOCOCO® Farm and used a randomized block design with three replications. Three levels of P, K, and Mg were used in presence and absence of N. Response to fertilization in the treatments was studied in terms of leaf concentration of macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S) and micronutrients (B and Cl). We also assessed the number of coconuts/plant/year, fresh albumen weight (FAW)/coconut and FAW/ ha/year. The results were subjected to the analysis of variance (p<0.05) and the means compared by the Tukey test. In general, N fertilization did not influence concentration of macronutrients and micronutrients in leaves. In turn, P, K and Mg fertilization influenced nutrition of coconut palm. P and K fertilizations, isolated or in combination, increased the production of coconut/plant and FAW/ha. From the 6th year of plant age, 54 kg/ha/year of P2 O5 and 96 kg/ha/year of K2 O are indicated for the coconut culture in the region of the current study. N fertilization did not influence production parameters and Mg fertilization increased production in the presence of K fertilization. Indexing Terms: Amazon, Cocos nucífera L., macronutrients

    Translocation of pesticides in coconut palm by endotherapy with the addition of different adjuvants

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    Commercial pesticides were selected, mixed and applied in coconut stems (Cocos nucifera Linn.) by endotherapy with various adjuvants. Tissue samples from the coconut stem were collected at different heights and days, and subjected to extraction and analysis by modified QuEChERS (“Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe") and UHPLC-MS/MS (ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry). The translocations of 3-hydroxy-carbofuran, carbendazim, carbofuran, difenoconazole, imidacloprid, thiabendazole, thiamethoxam, thiophanate-methyl and spirodiclofen, using salts, citric acid and organosilicones as adjuvants, were evaluated and compared 2 and 30 days after the applications. The results showed that each pesticide had a different translocation profile, modified by the presence of the adjuvants. The most significant modifications were obtained using organosilicones, which enhanced the translocation process by 40% for most pesticides, followed by acidification (30%) and the addition of salts (22%).

    Cyproconazole Translocation in Coconut Palm Tree Using Vegetative Endotherapy: Evaluation by LC-MS/MS and Mathematical Modeling

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    Endotherapy is a potential eco-friendly alternative to conventional pesticide application techniques in coconut (Cocos nucifera Linn.) palms. Field trials applying cyproconazole by vegetative endotherapy using two different injection methods, pressurized and nonpressurized, were tested. Stem samples above the injection point were collected 2 to 45 days after application, and fruits were collected up to 45 to 120 days after application. Residue analyses on the coconut fruit and stem above the point of application of cyproconazole were performed on different days using modified QuEChERS (an acronym for &ldquo;quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe&rdquo;) and LC-MS/MS MS (liquid chromatography&ndash;tandem mass spectrometry). For cyproconazole application in 2 m tall hybrid coconut palms, the residue analysis results revealed that the pressurized method achieves faster translocation and higher concentrations of cyproconazole in the upper part than the nonpressurized method, even when applying half the volume. After 120 days of application, both methods showed residue-free fruits, ensuring fruit quality. Based on these experimental results, mathematical models were developed to aid in interpreting translocation in the stem. The modeling was extrapolated for taller coconut palms, and a prediction was simulated for coconut leaf disease. The modeling was fitted to the stem translocation data, indicating that the pressurized method performs better in translocation efficiency

    Damage by Homalinotus depressus in commercial coconut palm crops in the Amazonian region of Brazil

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    The coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L., Arecaceae) has great economic and social importance for many industrial and non-industrial products. Pests can reduce its productivity and cause its death. In 2005, larvae and adults of a Curculionidae were observed damaging the floral stalk of coconut palms in commercial plantations in the municipality of Moju, Pará State, in the Brazilian Amazon. Insects were identified as the black coconut bunch weevil, Homalinotus depressus (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Cholini). This is the first report of this pest damaging coconut palms in Brazil

    Avaliaçao de híbridos de coqueiro (Cocos nucifera L.) para produção de frutos e de albúmen sólido fresco Performance of hybrids of coconut palm for production of fruits and solid fresh albumen

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    Avaliou-se o desempenho de seis híbridos de coqueiro para produção de frutos e de albúmen sólido fresco no Município de Moju, PA. Os híbridos avaliados foram: PB 121 (Anão-amarelo da Malásia x Gigante Oeste Africano); PB 111 (Anão-vermelho de Camarões x Gigante Oeste Africano); PB 141 (Anão-verde do Brasil x Gigante Oeste Africano); PB 123 (Anão-amarelo da Malásia x Gigante de Renel); PB 132 (Anão-vermelho da Malásia x Gigante da Polinésia) e PB 113 (Anão-vermelho de Camarões x Gigante de Renel), em delineamento em blocos casualizados com seis repetições. Verificou-se, pela análise de variância, diferença significativa para tratamentos, resultante da heterogeneidade do material genético estudado. As fontes de variação ano e a interação anos x tratamentos foram também altamente significativas, evidenciando que o comportamento dos híbridos foi induzido por aquelas fontes de variação. Considerando o desempenho dos híbridos no período de 9 anos de avaliação para produção de frutos e de albúmen fresco, pode-se recomendar para plantio os híbridos PB 111, PB 113, PB 141 nas condições do Estado do Pará, com vistas a atender às indústrias (albúmen sólido), quanto à venda de cocos "in natura" para consumo de água.<br>The performance of six hybrids of coconut palm were evaluated for fruit and solid fresh albumen production in Moju, State of Pará. The evaluated hybrids were: PB 121 (Dwarf Yellow of Malaysia x West African Giant); PB 111 (Dwarf Red of Cameron x West Afican Giant); PB 141 (Dwarf Green of Brazil x West Aficam Giant); PB 123 (Dwarf Yellow of Malaysia x Renel's Giant); PB 132 (Red Dwarf of Malaysia x (Giant from Polynesia); PB 113 (Dwarf Red of Cameron x Renel's Giant) in hazard blocks and six repetitions. It was verified through variance analysis, significancy difference between treatments, as result of the heterogeneity of the studied genetic material. The sources of variation year and the interaction years x treatments showed also highly significant, evidencing that the behavior of the hybrids was induced for those sources of variation. Considering the performance of the hybrids in the period of nine years of evaluation for fruit and fresh solid albumen production, the hybrids PB 111, PB 113 and PB 141 may be recommended for planting in Pará State

    Characterization of the lipid profile from coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) oil of different varieties by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry associated with principal component analysis and independent component analysis

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    Coconut oil (CO) from fifteen different varieties of coconuts (Cocos nucifera L.) and one CO processed on an industrial scale were analyzed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and the data processed using the chemometric tools principal component analysis and independent component analysis. ESI-MS fingerprinting of lipid compounds showed predominance of diacylglycerols and triacylglycerols, as confirmed by high-resolution MS measurements. Chemometric processing of the ESI-MS data differentiated the coconut oil samples, showing that different coconut varieties/cultivars produce oils with distinguishable abundances of lipidic compounds. Thus ESI-MS analysis followed by data treatment using chemometric tools offers a tool able to classify the industrial coconut oils in a fast, simple and effective way, as well as serving as a potential method to identify the coconut varieties by the CO origin, and the occurrence of any adulteration. The procedure may also be applied for quality control of the industrial processes123189197CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP311671/2015-22012/18318-4; 2013/19161-4; 2016/23157-0The authors wish to thank the São Paulo Research Foundation for fellowships (processes number J.A.F 2012/18318-4, J.M.S. 2013/19161-4 and D.R.M. 2016/23157-0), National Institute of Science and Technology in Bioanalytics, the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (process number 311671/2015-2), Prof. Carol H. Collins for language review and Prof. Douglas N. Rutledge (AgroParisTech) for teaching the principles of ICA to our grou