540 research outputs found

    Uma análise das barreiras tarifárias no comércio internacional de lácteos.

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    Study protocol for the Preschooler Regulation of Emotional Stress (PRES) procedure

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    Background: Emotional stress regulation (ESR) rapidly develops during the first months of age and includes different behavioral strategies which largely contribute to children's behavioral and emotional adjustment later in life. The assessment of ESR during the first years of life is critical to identify preschool children who are at developmental risk. Although ESR is generally included in larger temperament batteries [e.g., the Laboratory Temperament Assessment Battery (Lab-TAB)], there is no standardized observational procedure to specifically assess and measure ESR in preschool aged children. Aim: Here, we describe the development of an observational procedure to assess ESR in preschool aged children [i.e., the Preschooler Regulation of Emotional Stress (PRES) Procedure] and the related coding system. Methods: Four Lab-TAB emotional stress episodes (i.e., the Stranger, the Perfect Circle, the Missing Sticker, and the Transparent Box) have been selected. Independent coders developed a list of ESR codes resulting in two general indexes (i.e., active engagement and stress level) and five specific indexes (i.e., anger, control, fear, inhibition, sadness). Finally, specific actions have been planned to assess the validity and the coding system reliability of PRES procedure. Ethics and Dissemination: The study has been approved by the Ethical Committee of the Scientific Institute IRCCS Eugenio Medea, Bosisio Parini (Italy). The PRES validation and reliability assessment as well as its use with healthy and at-risk populations of preschool children will be object of future scientific publications and international conference presentations

    Cost effectiveness of outpatient lumbar discectomy

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    Background: Microdiscectomy is the most commonly performed spine surgery and the first transitioning for outpatient settings. However, this transition was never studied, in what comes to cost-utility assessment. Accordingly, this economic study aims to access the cost-effectiveness of outpatient lumbar microdiscectomy when compared with the inpatient procedure. Methods: This is a cost utility study, adopting the hospital perspective. Direct medical costs were retrieved from the assessment of 20 patients undergoing outpatient lumbar microdiscectomy and 20 undergoing inpatient lumbar microdiscectomy Quality-adjusted life-years were calculated from Oswestry Disability Index values (ODI). ODI was prospectively assessed in outpatients in pre and 3- and 6-month post-operative evaluations. Inpatient ODI data were estimated from a meta-analysis. A probabilistic sensitivity analysis was performed and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) calculated. Results: Outpatient procedure was cost-saving in all models tested. At 3-month assessment ICER ranged from €135,753 to €345,755/QALY, higher than the predefined threshold of €60,000/QALY gained. At 6-month costs were lower and utilities were higher in outpatient, overpowering the inpatient procedure. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis showed that in 65% to 73% of simulations outpatient was the better option. The savings with outpatient were about 55% of inpatient values, with similar utility scores. No 30-day readmissions were recorded in either group. Conclusion: This is the first economic study on cost-effectiveness of outpatient lumbar microdiscectomy, showing a significant reduction in costs, with a similar clinical outcome, proving it cost-effective

    Características qualitativas da carcaça de cordeiros de diferentes genótipos submetidos a dois sistemas de produção.

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    Resumo: No sistema de produção de carne, as características qualitativas da carcaça são de fundamental importância para complementar a avaliação do desempenho animal. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar a influência do sistema de produção, bem como diferentes genótipos sobre as características qualitativas da carcaça de cordeiros. Foram observados 24 animais, machos inteiros, das raças ½Dorper x ½SPRD, ½Santa Inês x ½SPRD e ½Somalis x ½SPRD, submetidos à terminação a pasto e em confinamento. Os animais foram abatidos com peso vivo médio de 30 kg. As carcaças foram pesadas e refrigeradas por 24h, quando foram extraídos os Longissimus dorsi e neles mensurados grau de marmoreio, distribuição e textura da gordura, além da cor e textura da carne. A distribuição da gordura na carcaça não sofreu influência de nenhum tratamento (P>0,05), enquanto que o grau de marmoreio e textura da gordura teve interferência do sistema de produção, assim como a cor da carne. Os genótipos avaliados não diferiram nos atributos de distribuição da gordura, como também na textura e cor da carne. Os cordeiros ½Santa Inês x ½SPRD apresentaram as menores médias para grau de marmoreio e textura da gordura. O mestiço ½Dorper x ½SPRD proporcionou os melhores resultados para os parâmetros qualitativos avaliados nesta pesquisa. [Qualitative characteristics the Carcass Lambs Different Submitted Genotypes Two Systems of Production]. Abstract: In system meat production, qualitative characteristics of carcass are basic importance to complement the evaluation of animal performance. Thus, objectified to evaluate the influence of production system, as well different genotypes on qualitative characteristics carcass of lambs. Twenty four animals had been observed, entire males, breeds ½ Dorper x ½ SPRD, ½ Saint Ines x ½ SPRD and ½ Somalis x ½ SPRD, submitted the termination the grass and in confinement. The animals had been abated with average alive weight of 30 kg. The carcasses had been weighed and cooled for 24h, when they had been extracted Longissimus dorsi and in them measured degree of marbling, distribution and texture of the fat and texture beyond the color and texture of the meat. Distribution of fat in carcass did not suffer influence from no treatment (P>0.05), whereas the degree of marbling and texture of fat had interference of the production system, as well the color of meat. Evaluated genotypes had not differed in distribution attributes of fat, as well as in texture and color of meat. The lambs ½ Saint Ines x ½ SPRD presented the average minors for the marbling attributes and texture of fat. The mixed race ½ Dorper x ½ SPRD provided the best ones resulted for the attributes evaluated in this research

    Reinfections by rotavirus in children living in Belém-Pará Brazil

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    Reinfecções por rotavírus foram detectadas em 7 (9,2%) de 76 crianças habitantes da periferia de Belém, Pará, Brasil, no decurso de seus primeiros 20 meses de vida. A presença de rotavírus classificados no subgrupo II ("long pattern") foi assinalada, tanta na primeira como segunda infecções, em cinco desses indivíduos. Em duas situações, a primeira infecção foi causada por rotavírus subgrupo II e, a reinfecção, por rotavírus de subgrupo não claramente caracterizado. Seis diferentes padrões foram observados, não ocorrendo casos em que, numa única criança, se tenham assinalado perfis homólogos. O maior intervalo de tempo registrado entre duas infecções no mesmo indivíduo foi de 19 meses, enquanto que o menor, de 6. Formas sintomáticas em ambos os processos infecciosos se apresentaram em cinco crianças; em duas, os primeiros episódios revelaram-se assintomáticos, sucedendo-se quadros diarréicos. Em seis dos sete indivíduos, observaram-se soroconversões para rotavírus durante a segunda infecção; durante a primeira, entretanto, a elevação significativa nos níveis de anticorpos grupo-específicos se registrou em apenas um caso (Paciente F).Reinfections caused by rotavirus were detected in 7(9.2%) out of 76 children from Belém, Pará, Brazil, followed up since birth to twenty months of age. Rotavirus subgrupo II ("long pattern") in both infections was noted in five children. In two, the first infection was associated with subgroup II and the second ones with a strain whose electropherotype was not determined. Six different electropherotypes were observed in these cases and no homologous profiles were associated with reinfections in the same child. The lenght of time between the two infections ranged from six to 19 months. Diarrhoea in both infections was. observed in five children; in two of them, however, first episodes were asymptomatic. Seroconversions to rotavirus were noted in six of the seven children, during reinfection. In the first infections, however, seroconversion was observed in only one case (Paciente F)

    Dopamine up-regulates Th17 phenotype from individuals with generalized anxiety disorder

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    AbstractOur objective was to evaluate the effect of stress-related dose of dopamine (DA) on the in vitro proliferation and cytokine production in polyclonally-activated T cells from healthy individuals or individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Our results demonstrated that cell cultures from GAD group proliferated less following T cell activation, as compared with control group. The addition of DA reduced the proliferative response in cell cultures from healthy but not from GAD individuals. The cytokine profile in GAD individuals revealed Th1 and Th2 deficiencies associated with a dominant Th17 phenotype, which was enhanced by DA. A similar DA-induced immunomodulation was also observed in PPD-activated cell cultures from GAD individuals. Unlike the control, DA-enhanced Th17 cytokine production in GAD individuals was not affected by glucocorticoid. In conclusion, our results show that the T cell functional dysregulation in GAD individuals is significantly amplified by DA. These immune abnormalities can have impact in increasing the susceptibility of individuals with anxiety disorders to infectious diseases and inflammatory/autoimmune disorders

    Uma análise dos efeitos dos acordos de comércio no mercado lácteo.

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    Traçando mapas: a teoria histórico-cultural e as contribuições para a pesquisa com crianças e suas espacialidades

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    Este texto busca fazer uma reflexão sobre as pesquisas sistematizadas no campo da infância, tendo como enfoque principal as estratégias de pesquisas “com crianças”. O recorte ao qual nos dedicamos são as relações que as crianças estabelecem com o meio, tendo como foco principal as suas espacialidades. A partir das contribuições de pesquisas que se aportam em estratégias de natureza qualitativas e fundamentadas nos aportes da teoria históricas cultural, elege-se o conceito de vivência (perejivanie) como mote em torno do qual nossos trabalhos são desenvolvidos. Para isso, traça-se, inicialmente, a origem da pesquisa com base em paradigmas positivistas e evidenciam-se alguns caminhos que buscaram romper com essa perspectiva: os postulados etnográficos de Malinovky e Boas; o Interacionismo simbólico, cujo precursor é George Herbert Mead; a Etnometodologia de Harold Garfinkel; as contribuições de Marx e os princípios estabelecidos por Vigotski e seus colaboradores.</p