6,076 research outputs found


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    The advances during the last 15 years in our knowledge of the biology and control of arthropod pests of livestock and vectors of animal disease agents exceed those made in any similar period in past history. Before 1942 we relied mainly on rotenone, pyrethrum, the thiocyanates, and the arseni­cals for control of lice, ticks, mites, biting flies, and cattle grubs. While ef­fective against some pests under certain conditions, these materials were not practical for wide-scale use and did not meet the public demand for better insecticides. Today we have highly effective and low-cost insecticides such as DDT, lindane, TDE, toxaphene, methoxychlor, chlordane, and syner­gized pyrethrum for control of livestock insects. Their use has saved the live­ stock grower many millions of dollars annually and has benefited the con­ sumer by making more and better animal products available. Of almost equal importance to the development of the new insecticides are the contributions made to our knowledge of the biology and habits of several livestock insects and their transmission of agents of animal diseases. Many new ideas and approaches to studies on insect biology and control have been developed during the last few years. A good example of this is the unique method for the control of screw-worms by release of sterilized male flies over an area. The sterile males mate with the native females, but the eggs are infertile and thus reduce the numbers of screw-worms. Another ex­ ample of new trends is the promising research with insecticides that can be given internally to livestock for destruction of external pests. These studies will be discussed in detail in the following pages. Although great progress has been made in the use of insecticides, two disturbing factors have arisen to cause worry as to the future efficiency of chemical means of control. The first is the increasing and widespread de­velopment of resistance of insects to insecticides, particularly to the chlo­rinated hydrocarbons. House flies have developed such a high degree of re­sistance to DDT and related materials that satisfactory control is impossible in most areas. Organic phosphorus insecticides have so far performed in a creditable manner in controlling house flies, but there are indications that these chemicals may eventually fail. As yet no reports on resistance of horn flies, horse flies, deer flies, stable flies, sheep keds, or lice of livestock have appeared

    Debugging tasked Ada programs

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    The applications for which Ada was developed require distributed implementations of the language and extensive use of tasking facilities. Debugging and testing technology as it applies to parallel features of languages currently falls short of needs. Thus, the development of embedded systems using Ada pose special challenges to the software engineer. Techniques for distributing Ada programs, support for simulating distributed target machines, testing facilities for tasked programs, and debugging support applicable to simulated and to real targets all need to be addressed. A technique is presented for debugging Ada programs that use tasking and it describes a debugger, called AdaTAD, to support the technique. The debugging technique is presented together with the use interface to AdaTAD. The component of AdaTAD that monitors and controls communication among tasks was designed in Ada and is presented through an example with a simple tasked program

    The labidostommatid palpus: a morphological enigma (Acariformes: Prostigmata)

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    International audienceHypotheses are reviewed concerning which segments of the primitively five-segmented palpus are coalesced to form the simple, linear, four-segmented form characteristic of labidostommatid mites. Among alternatives, those of either a femurogenu or a tibiotarsus are not based on convincing evidence. Instead, based on ontogeny of the peculiar palpal structure and chaetome of labidostommatids, a case is made that the proximal segment, which bears a single, ventral, postlarval seta, is a basifemur, with the trochanter autapomorphically either coalesced with it or subsumed into the base. Consequently, the second segment is a telofemur, articulating with the third article, which is an unusual, coalescent genuotibia. The phylogenetic significance of various interpretations of segmental coalescence are considered. Ontogenetic studies of palpal musculature and gene expression are needed to provide more substantive evidence

    Discrete adjoint approximations with shocks

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    This paper is concerned with the formulation and discretisation of adjoint equations when there are shocks in the underlying solution to the original nonlinear hyperbolic p.d.e. For the model problem of a scalar unsteady one-dimensional p.d.e. with a convex flux function, it is shown that the analytic formulation of the adjoint equations requires the imposition of an interior boundary condition along any shock. A 'discrete adjoint' discretisation is defined by requiring the adjoint equations to give the same value for the linearised functional as a linearisation of the original nonlinear discretisation. It is demonstrated that convergence requires increasing numerical smoothing of any shocks. Without this, any consistent discretisation of the adjoint equations without the inclusion of the shock boundary condition may yield incorrect values for the adjoint solution

    From 3D landscape visualization to environmental simulation: The contribution of sound to the perception of virtual environments

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    This research investigated the perceptual interaction of combining sound with 3D landscape visualizations. Images sourced from Google Earth at St. James's Park, London, UK, showing terrain only, terrain with built form or terrain with primarily vegetation were paired with four sound conditions using recordings from the park (i.e. ‘no sound’, anthropogenic, mechanical and natural). Perceived realism and preference were evaluated using a survey delivered via the Internet and in a controlled laboratory environment (N = 199 total). Analysis using repeated measures ANOVA indicated the interaction of sound and 3D visualizations significantly alters environmental perception both positively and negatively. Sounds and visuals that are congruent receive higher realism and preference ratings while the more incongruent the combination is, the lower the corresponding ratings. The lowest realism and preference ratings are given to visualizations showing terrain only combined with speech. The highest realism ratings overall correspond to visualization with built form combined with speech, and visualizations showing primarily vegetation paired with a birdcall. The absolute highest realism rating was for the visualization with primarily vegetation and some built form paired with speech, while the highest preference ratings correspond to visualizations showing vegetation paired with birdcall or no sound. Aural-visual data collected via the web-based survey was comparable to data collected in the laboratory and overall realism ratings for the Google Earth visualizations were low (e.g. below 3 on a 1–5 likert type scale). The results suggest there is an opportunity to increase experiential authenticity of 3D landscape visualizations with sound

    General Relativistic Radiative Transfer

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    We present a general method to calculate radiative transfer including scattering in the continuum as well as in lines in spherically symmetric systems that are influenced by the effects of general relativity (GR). We utilize a comoving wavelength ansatz that allows to resolve spectral lines throughout the atmosphere. The used numerical solution is an operator splitting (OS) technique that uses a characteristic formal solution. The bending of photon paths and the wavelength shifts due to the effects of GR are fully taken into account, as is the treatment of image generation in a curved spacetime. We describe the algorithm we use and demonstrate the effects of GR on the radiative transport of a two level atom line in a neutron star like atmosphere for various combinations of continuous and line scattering coefficients. In addition, we present grey continuum models and discuss the effects of different scattering albedos on the emergent spectra and the determination of effective temperatures and radii of neutron star atmospheres

    Rigid open-cell polyurethane foam for cryogenic insulation

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    Lightweight polyurethane foam assembled in panels is effective spacer material for construction of self-evacuating multilayer insulation panels for cryogenic liquid tanks. Spacer material separates radiation shields with barrier that minimizes conductive and convective heat transfer between shields

    Lightweight multilayer insulation system Final report

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    Self evacuating multilayer insulation panel systems for liquid hydrogen space tankag

    Service-Relationship Programming Framework for the Social IoT

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    We argue that for a true realization of innovative programming opportunities for smart spaces, the developers should be equipped with informative tools that assist them in building domain-related applications. Such tools should utilize the services offered by the space's smart things and consider the different relationships that may tie these services opportunistically to build applications. In this paper, we utilize our Inter-thing relationships programming framework to present a distributed programming ecosystem. The framework broadens the restricted set of thing-level relationships of the evolving social IoT paradigm with a set of service-level relationships. Such relationships provide guidance into how services belonging to different things can be combined to build meaningful applications. We also present a uniform way of describing the thing services and the service-level relationships along with new capabilities for the things to dynamically generate their own services, formulate the corresponding programmable interfaces (APIs) and create an ad-hoc network of socially related smart things at runtime. We then present the semantic rules that guide the establishment of IoT applications and finally demonstrate the features of the framework through a proof-of-concept application