1,026 research outputs found

    Dispersion processes

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    We study a synchronous dispersion process in which MM particles are initially placed at a distinguished origin vertex of a graph GG. At each time step, at each vertex vv occupied by more than one particle at the beginning of this step, each of these particles moves to a neighbour of vv chosen independently and uniformly at random. The dispersion process ends once the particles have all stopped moving, i.e. at the first step at which each vertex is occupied by at most one particle. For the complete graph KnK_n and star graph SnS_n, we show that for any constant δ>1\delta>1, with high probability, if Mn/2(1δ)M \le n/2(1-\delta), then the process finishes in O(logn)O(\log n) steps, whereas if Mn/2(1+δ)M \ge n/2(1+\delta), then the process needs eΩ(n)e^{\Omega(n)} steps to complete (if ever). We also show that an analogous lazy variant of the process exhibits the same behaviour but for higher thresholds, allowing faster dispersion of more particles. For paths, trees, grids, hypercubes and Cayley graphs of large enough sizes (in terms of MM) we give bounds on the time to finish and the maximum distance traveled from the origin as a function of the number of particles MM

    Pahranagat Shear System, Lincoln County, Nevada

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    The author has identified the following significant results. A structural model which relates strike-slip deformation to Basin Range extensional tectonics was formulated on the basis of analysis and interpreatation of ERTS-1 MSS imagery over southern Lincoln County, Nevada. Study of published geologic data and field reconnaissance of key areas has been conducted to support the ERTS-1 data interpretation. The structural model suggests that a left-lateral strike-slip fault zone, called the Pahranagat Shear System, formed as a transform fault separating two areas of east-west structural extension

    On the Distribution of a Second Class Particle in the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process

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    We give an exact expression for the distribution of the position X(t) of a single second class particle in the asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) where initially the second class particle is located at the origin and the first class particles occupy the sites {1,2,...}

    Rotation in prominences

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    We have studied rotation in non-eruptive limb prominences; in most cases dopplergrams could be used to confirm proper motion measurements. In some cases part of the prominence rotates; in the others, the entire body is in rotation. Velocities of 15–75 km s⁻¹ are found. Of fifty-one prominences studied in 1978, five showed rotation

    A Fredholm Determinant Representation in ASEP

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    In previous work the authors found integral formulas for probabilities in the asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) on the integer lattice. The dynamics are uniquely determined once the initial state is specified. In this note we restrict our attention to the case of step initial condition with particles at the positive integers, and consider the distribution function for the m'th particle from the left. In the previous work an infinite series of multiple integrals was derived for this distribution. In this note we show that the series can be summed to give a single integral whose integrand involves a Fredholm determinant. We use this determinant representation to derive (non-rigorously, at this writing) a scaling limit.Comment: 12 Pages. Version 3 includes a scaling conjectur

    Multi-shocks in asymmetric simple exclusions processes: Insights from fixed-point analysis of the boundary-layers

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    The boundary-induced phase transitions in an asymmetric simple exclusion process with inter-particle repulsion and bulk non-conservation are analyzed through the fixed points of the boundary layers. This system is known to have phases in which particle density profiles have different kinds of shocks. We show how this boundary-layer fixed-point method allows us to gain physical insights on the nature of the phases and also to obtain several quantitative results on the density profiles especially on the nature of the boundary-layers and shocks.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Analysis of scale-free networks based on a threshold graph with intrinsic vertex weights

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    Many real networks are complex and have power-law vertex degree distribution, short diameter, and high clustering. We analyze the network model based on thresholding of the summed vertex weights, which belongs to the class of networks proposed by Caldarelli et al. (2002). Power-law degree distributions, particularly with the dynamically stable scaling exponent 2, realistic clustering, and short path lengths are produced for many types of weight distributions. Thresholding mechanisms can underlie a family of real complex networks that is characterized by cooperativeness and the baseline scaling exponent 2. It contrasts with the class of growth models with preferential attachment, which is marked by competitiveness and baseline scaling exponent 3.Comment: 5 figure

    Spatial Scaling in Model Plant Communities

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    We present an analytically tractable variant of the voter model that provides a quantitatively accurate description of beta-diversity (two-point correlation function) in two tropical forests. The model exhibits novel scaling behavior that leads to links between ecological measures such as relative species abundance and the species area relationship.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Duality and phase diagram of one dimensional transport

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    The observation of duality by Mukherji and Mishra in one dimensional transport problems has been used to develop a general approach to classify and characterize the steady state phase diagrams. The phase diagrams are determined by the zeros of a set of coarse-grained functions without the need of detailed knowledge of microscopic dynamics. In the process, a new class of nonequilibrium multicritical points has been identified.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures (4 eps files