547 research outputs found

    A presentation for the mapping class group of the closed non-orientable surface of genus 4

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    Finite presentations for the mapping class group M(F) are known for arbitrary orientable compact surface F. If F is non-orientable, then such presentations are known only when F has genus at most 3 and few boundary components. In this paper we obtain finite presentation for the mapping class group of the closed non-orientable surface of genus 4 from its action on the so called ordered complex of curves.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Unshellable Triangulations of Spheres

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    A direct proof is given of the existence of non-shellable triangulations of spheres which, in higher dimensions, yields new examples of such triangulations

    Unknotting information from Heegaard Floer homology

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    We use Heegaard Floer homology to obtain bounds on unknotting numbers. This is a generalisation of Ozsváth and Szabó's obstruction to unknotting number one. We determine the unknotting numbers of 910, 913, 935, 938, 1053, 10101 and 10120; this completes the table of unknotting numbers for prime knots with crossing number nine or less. Our obstruction uses a refined version of Montesinos' theorem which gives a Dehn surgery description of the branched double cover of a knot

    The slicing number of a knot

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    An open question asks if every knot of 4-genus g_s can be changed into a slice knot by g_s crossing changes. A counterexample is given.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol2/agt-2-41.abs.html Version 3: reference to Murakami and Yasuhara adde

    The mapping class group of a genus two surface is linear

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    In this paper we construct a faithful representation of the mapping class group of the genus two surface into a group of matrices over the complex numbers. Our starting point is the Lawrence-Krammer representation of the braid group B_n, which was shown to be faithful by Bigelow and Krammer. We obtain a faithful representation of the mapping class group of the n-punctured sphere by using the close relationship between this group and B_{n-1}. We then extend this to a faithful representation of the mapping class group of the genus two surface, using Birman and Hilden's result that this group is a Z_2 central extension of the mapping class group of the 6-punctured sphere. The resulting representation has dimension sixty-four and will be described explicitly. In closing we will remark on subgroups of mapping class groups which can be shown to be linear using similar techniques.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol1/agt-1-34.abs.htm

    Intrinsic Linking and Knotting in Virtual Spatial Graphs

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    We introduce a notion of intrinsic linking and knotting for virtual spatial graphs. Our theory gives two filtrations of the set of all graphs, allowing us to measure, in a sense, how intrinsically linked or knotted a graph is; we show that these filtrations are descending and non-terminating. We also provide several examples of intrinsically virtually linked and knotted graphs. As a byproduct, we introduce the {\it virtual unknotting number} of a knot, and show that any knot with non-trivial Jones polynomial has virtual unknotting number at least 2.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Invariants of genus 2 mutants

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    Pairs of genus 2 mutant knots can have different Homfly polynomials, for example some 3-string satellites of Conway mutant pairs. We give examples which have different Kauffman 3-variable polynomials, answering a question raised by Dunfield et al in their study of genus 2 mutants. While pairs of genus 2 mutant knots have the same Jones polynomial, given from the Homfly polynomial by setting v=s^2, we give examples whose Homfly polynomials differ when v=s^3. We also give examples which differ in a Vassiliev invariant of degree 7, in contrast to satellites of Conway mutant knots.Comment: 16 pages, 20 figure

    Unoriented HQFT and its underlying algebra

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    Turaev and Turner introduced a bijection between unoriented topological quantum field theories and extended Frobenius algebras. In this paper, we will show that there exists a bijective correspondence between unoriented (1 + 1)-dimensional homotopy quantum field theories and extended crossed group algebras.Comment: 23 pages, 29 figures, I rearrange the main theorem and correct some typo