22 research outputs found

    Silicon-isotope composition of diatoms as an indicator of past oceanic change

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    International audienceSilicon is essential for the growth of diatoms, a group of phytoplankton with opal (amorphous hydrated silica) shells. Diatoms largely control the cycling of silicon in the ocean and, conversely, diatom silica production rates can be limited by the availability of silicic acid. Diatoms are biogeochemically important in that they account for an estimated 75% of the primary production occurring in coastal and nutrient-replete waters1, rising to more than 90% during ice-edge blooms such as occur in the Ross Sea, off Antarctica. There are few means by which to reconstruct the history of diatom productivity and marine silicon cycling, and thus to explore the potential contribution of diatoms to past oceanic biogeochemistry or climate. Indices based on the accumulation of sedimentary opal are often biased by the winnowing and focusing of sediments and by opal dissolution. Normalization of opal accumulation records using particlereactive natural radionuclides may correct for sediment redistribution artefacts and the dissolution of opal within sediments, but not for opal dissolution before it arrives at the sea floor. Half of the opal produced in the euphotic zone may dissolve before sinking to a depth of 200m, constituting a potentially large bias to both normalized and uncorrected records of opal accumulation. Here we exploit the potential that variations in the ratio of 30Si to 28Si in sedimentary opal may provide information on past silicon cycling that is unbiased by opal dissolution. Our silicon stable-isotope measurements suggest that the percentage utilization of silicic acid by diatoms in the Southern Ocean during the last glacial period was strongly diminished relative to the present interglacial

    Fossil proxies of near-shore sea surface temperatures and seasonality from the late Neogene Antarctic shelf

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    We evaluate the available palaeontological and geochemical proxy data from bivalves, bryozoans, silicoflagellates, diatoms and cetaceans for sea surface temperature (SST) regimes around the nearshore Antarctic coast during the late Neogene. These fossils can be found in a number of shallow marine sedimentary settings from three regions of the Antarctic continent, the northern Antarctic Peninsula, the Prydz Bay region and the western Ross Sea. Many of the proxies suggest maximum spring–summer SSTs that are warmer than present by up to 5 °C, which would result in reduced seasonal sea ice. The evidence suggests that the summers on the Antarctic shelf during the late Neogene experienced most of the warming, while winter SSTs were little changed from present. Feedbacks from changes in summer sea ice covermay have driven much of the lateNeogene ocean warming seen in stratigraphic records. Synthesized late Neogene and earliest Quaternary Antarctic shelf proxy data are compared to the multi-model SST estimates of the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project (PlioMIP) Experiment 2. Despite the fragmentary geographical and temporal context for the SST data, comparisons between the SSTwarming in each of the three regions represented in the marine palaeontological record of theAntarctic shelf and the PlioMIP climate simulations show a good concordance

    A comparison of adaptive radiations of Antarctic fish with those of nonAntarctic fish

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    Antarctic biologists frequently emphasize the differences between the modern Antarctic environment and its fauna, and aquatic habitats and faunas elsewhere in the world. While it is valid to portray Antarctica as remote and its fauna as endemic and cold adapted, this approach tends to obscure broad scale similarities between Antarctic and non-Antarctic faunas. For example, the Antarctic fish fauna shares an evolutionary response to its habitat with fish in some tropical, temperate and boreal lakes. In this review we compare some well studied lacustrine radiations of fish with the two radiations of marine fish in the Antarctic Region of the Southern Ocean, notothenioids and liparids. We shall first make the case that, unlike other marine habitats, the Antarctic Region fulfills most of the essential parameters of lakes containing radiations of fish and that this large component of the world ocean is equivalent to a closed basin. Therefore in spite of its vastness, the Antarctic Region provides a comparable opportunity for studying evolutionary biology within a confined area. It is likely that notothenioids, and possibly liparids, are the first known examples of species flocks or radiations of marine fish. Thus the high Antarctic shelf and upper slope is an insular evolutionary site, with endemic faunas equally as interesting, but less well known, as those in ancient lakes throughout the world