12 research outputs found

    Las estancias de Nuestra Señora de los Reyes de Yapeyú: tenencia de la tierra por uso cotidiano, acuerdo interétnico y derecho natural (Misiones jesuíticas del Paraguay)

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    La conformación de la estructura socio-espacial misionera del pueblo de Yapeyú, una de las llamadas misiones jesuíticas de indios guaraníes, tuvo una evolución particular. En ella incidieron los esfuerzos de la propia comunidad yapeyuana y los lazos de parentesco y reciprocidad creados con grupos étnicos circundantes. El objetivo de este trabajo es señalar como fundamento del proceso el carácter étnicamente heterogéneo de los yapeyuanos y sus relaciones interétnicas con grupos nómadas.The constitution of the missionary social-spatial structure of the Yapeyú town, one of the so-called jesuitical missions of guaraní aborigines, had gone through a particular evolution. It was influenced by the efforts of the community of Yapeyú itself and the bonds of relationships and reciprocity created with the surrounding ethnical groups. The aim of this project is to pinpoint the ethnically heterogenic character of the people from Yapeyú and their interethnic relationships with nomad groups as the grounds of this process

    Vivienda y vida privada: la transformación de los conceptos por la acción evangelizadora de la Compañía de Jesús (provincia Jesuítica de Paraguay, 1604-1767)

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    The autor studies the evolution of houses form between Guaraníes Indians from the architectural point of view. He remarks how tecnics introduced by Jesuits imply changes in the idea of the domestic life.El autor estudia, desde el punto de vista arquitectónico, la evolución de las viviendas entre los indios guaraníes. Observa cómo las técnicas introducidas entre ellos por los jesuitas implicaban cambios en la concepción de la vida doméstica

    La influencia de la retórica clásica en la arquitectura misional

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    En nuestro territorio la evangelización de los indios seria encarada por varias órdenes religiosas y por el clero secular

    La micro-región: espacio y tiempo en la cartografía producida por la interacción jesuítico-guaraní

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    The cultural interaction between the Jesuits and the Guarani Indians appears silently in many of the practices realized in the missionary villages. In some topics a relative adjustment of the priests is visualized like being an Indian custom and in others, is a possible to interpret a process indigenous to reintepretation of their own customs previous to the contact. Regarding the cartography related to the process of configuration of the microregions corresponding to every accession, is a sample of these exchanges.La interacción cultural entre los jesuitas y los indios guaraníes aparece subrepticiamente en muchas de las prácticas realizadas en los pueblos misioneros. En algunos temas se visualiza una adaptación relativa de los sacerdotes a la manera de ser indígena y en otros, es posible interpretar un proceso indígena de reinterpretación de sus propias costumbres anteriores al contacto. Al respecto, la cartografía relacionada con el proceso de configuración de la micro-región correspondiente a cada asentamiento, es una muestra de estos intercambios

    Joseph Cataldini and the foundation of villages in Guayra for successive approaches: knowing understanding

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    The foundations of reductions in the Guayra region followed a methodology based on the understanding of the way of being of indigenous groups. In this context there was absolute respect for the typologies of indigenous spaces and the pre-existing conformity of social hierarchies. This was made possible essentially by the understand-ing of Guarani language and that of the Gualachos or Ibirajaras. Understanding the meaning of a word could be the difference between life and death. The Jesuits and the Indians exchanged knowledge. The technological contribution was important, essential-ly the iron wedges. But it was also the implementation of agricultural techniques and, therefore, the realization of new crops such as sugar cane and cotton. To realize these innovations it was necessary to know the earth, the water and the plants. The introduc-tion of cattle with the provision of milk and the manufacture of butter and cheeses sub-stantially modified the diet. The construction of roads changed the structure of space. What was the ideology that supported the organization of space?We think that there was a philosophy of conformation of the missionary space as a sum of places that can be linked with the ideas of Leibniz. Although this one broke in a few years later in the world of the ideas we maintain that some concepts of the metaphysics of the space of this author could be instrumented some years before in the formation of the Jesuits in the level of the noviciado or later. To continuously fold and unfold the subregions, that is what we call successive approximations. We will analyze these no-tions and the role of Father Joseph Cataldini in his conformation.</p

    Urban scene as apostolic strategy. A truncated contribution from the Company of Jesus to Montevideo.

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    The idea of this work is that the Society of Jesus implemented the project of a church and school to Montevideo in a special place with the aim of putting the cultural identity of residents in value. Site selection framework giving the main square and opposite the town hall constituted, from our point of view, was an apostolic strategy. To support this conceptualization we ill analyze the proposed architectural project, the cultural profile of the neighbors and the structure of the city.This architectural design will be include comparatively in a series of projects and works by the same architect coadjutor of the Society of Jesus, We will introduce on the Canary . Mudejar architecture and will analyze the urban plan of Montevideo to use like reference a painting done some years later and others similar experiences

    El concepto de propiedad, según el paso del tiempo, en la organización territorial jesuítico-guaraní: El caso de Corpus Christi

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    El tiempo va adaptando a unos y a otros. Jesuitas e indígenas debieron componer códigos de convivencia. Entre jesuitas e indígenas, así como también entre indígenas e indígenas tanto como entre guaraníes, como entre guaraníes y otros grupos étnicos. Tanto sedentarios entre sí como entre sedentarios y nómades. El derecho debió adaptarse a culturas diferentes. Los padres curas debieron consultar con los caciques. Los padres debieron investigar junto con los indígenas para sustentar sus alegatos en las diferencias entre pueblo y pueblo. Es decir que se construyó un concepto específico de propiedad para la sociedad misionera.Time adapts to some and to others. Jesuits and indigenous people had to compose codes of coexistence. Between Jesuits and indigenous people as well as between indigenous and indigenous people as well as between Guaraní, and between Guaraní and other ethnic groups. Both sedentary among themselves and between sedentary and nomads. The law had to adapt to different cultures. The priest parents had to consult with the chiefs. The parents had to investigate together with the indigenous people to support their allegations on the differences between town and town. In other words, a specific concept of property was built for the missionary society

    Misiones jesuíticas: el espacio de las máquinas. El factor de la adaptabilidad indígena a los telares mecánicos en la etapa de la pre-revolución industrial (provincia del Paraguay, siglo XVIII)

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    The relations of cultural exchange raised between Guarani Indians and Jesuits have assumed different profiles and parameters as the material item or the activity treats itself. The idea of this article is to value the experiences of the Indians before the contact indicating that, in the woven item, there was a precedent that made easier the managing of the most complex technology. Hereby it is possible to indicate that in some cases adaptative practices existed whereas in others a reintepretation of the way of realizing a certain activity took place directly.Las relaciones de intercambio cultural planteadas entre indios guaraníes y jesuitas han asumido diferentes perfiles y parámetros según se trate del tipo de material o de la actividad. La idea de este artículo es poner en valor las experiencias de los indios previas al contacto señalando que, en la elaboración de tejidos, hubo un antecedente que facilitó el manejo de una tecnología más compleja. De esta manera es posible señalar que en algunos casos existieron prácticas adaptativas y en otros se produjo directamente una reinterpretación de la forma de realizar una determinada actividad

    La escena urbana como estrategia apostólica: Un aporte trunco de la Compañía de Jesús para Montevideo

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    The idea of this work is that the Society of Jesus implemented the project of a church and school to Montevideo in a special place with the aim of putting the cultural identity of residents in value. Site selection framework giving the main square and opposite the town hall constituted, from our point of view, was an apostolic strategy. To support this conceptualization we ill analyze the proposed architectural project, the cultural profile of the neighbors and the structure of the city.This architectural design will be include comparatively in a series of projects and works by the same architect coadjutor of the Society of Jesus, We will introduce on the Canary . Mudejar architecture and will analyze the urban plan of Montevideo to use like reference a painting done some years later and others similar experiences.La idea de este trabajo es que la Compañía de Jesús implementó el proyecto de una iglesia y colegio para Montevideo en un lugar preferencial con el objetivo de poner en valor la identidad cultural de los vecinos e incorporarlos a una vida cristiana “para mayor gloria de Dios”. La elección del sitio dando marco a la plaza principal y enfrente del cabildo constituyó, desde nuestro punto de vista, una estrategia apostólica. Para sustentar esta conceptualización analizaremos el proyecto arquitectónico propuesto, el perfil cultural de los vecinos y la estructura de la ciudad. Para ello incluiremos este diseño arquitectónico comparativamente dentro de una serie de proyectos y obras del mismo coadjutor arquitecto de la Compañía de Jesús, incursionaremos en la arquitectura mudéjar canaria y daremos cuenta de la traza urbana tomando como referencia una pintura realizada algunos años después