17 research outputs found

    Grands foraminifères benthiques de l’Oligocène et sédimentation du bassin de Burdur, sud-ouest de l’Anatolie, Turquie

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    Cette étude se concentre sur les successions de l’Oligocène du bassin de Burdur, au sud-ouest de l’Anatolie (Turquie), qui contiennent principalement des calcaires siliciclastiques avec de grands foraminifères benthiques. Les coupes des niveaux oligocènes de Burdur-1 et de Burdur-2 sont décrites et ont été échantillonnées pour la lithologie, la biostratigraphie, l’analyse des microfaciès et le contenu paléontologique. Les plus grands foraminifères benthiques ont été principalement échantillonés dans les calcaires de la partie supérieure de la coupe de Burdur-2. L’analyse des lames minces de l’assemblage de grands foraminifères benthiques révèle que la partie supérieure de la coupe de Burdur-2 contient Nummulites fichteli Michelotti, 1841, Operculina complanata (Defrance, 1822), Nephrolepidina praemarginata (Douvillé, 1908), Eulepidina sp, Planorbulina sp., Amphistegina sp. et Asterigerina sp. Cette association de foraminifères représente la Zone de foraminifères benthiques peu profonds n°22 (SBZ 22) d’âge Rupélien-Chattien inférieur. L’analyse sédimentologique des coupes de Burdur-1 et Burdur-2 a révélé une association de conglomérat massif non organisé, de grès à litages parallèles, de mudstone massif, de conglomérat massif, de grès massif, de conglomérat organisé bien trié, de grès à lits parallèles bien trié et de faciès calcaire à lits parallèles contenant des microfossiles. Les communautés de faciès carbonatés de type éventail alluvial/rivière, fan-delta, plage et plateforme peu profondes ont été identifiées par corrélation latérale et verticale des faciès. Il en est déduit que le cône alluvial de Burdur s’est développé dans un bassin de Graben qui s’est ouvert et a été inondé par une branche de l’océan Téthys qui a envahi le sud-ouest de l’Anatolie pendant l’Oligocène.This study focuses on the Oligocene successions that contain predominantly siliciclastic, limestones with larger benthic foraminifera in the Burdur Basin of southwest Anatolia, Turkey. The Burdur-1 and Burdur-2 sections in the Oligocene deposits are described sedimentologically and were sampled for lithology, biostratigraphy, microfacies analysis and fossil content. Larger benthic foraminifera were mainly recovered from limestones in the upper part of the Burdur-2 section. Thin-section analysis of the larger benthic foraminiferal assemblage reveals that the upper part of the Burdur-2 section includes Nummulites fichteli Michelotti, 1841, Operculina complanata (Defrance, 1822), Nephrolepidina praemarginata (Douvillé, 1908), Eulepidina sp., Planorbulina sp., Amphistegina sp., and Asterigerina sp. This foraminiferal association represents the Shallow Benthic Foraminifera Zone 22 (SBZ 22) of Rupelian-early Chattian age. Sedimentological analysis in the Burdur-1 and Burdur-2 sections has revealed an association of massive-unorganized conglomerate, parallel-bedded sandstone, massive mudstone, graded-massive conglomerate, graded-massive sandstone, well-sorted organized conglomerate, well-sorted parallel-bedded sandstone and microfossil-bearing parallel-bedded limestone facies. Alluvial fan / river, fan-delta, beach and shallow shelf carbonate facies communities were identified by lateral and vertical correlation of facies. It is concluded that the large Burdur Fan developed in a graben basin that opened and was flooded by a branch of the Tethyan Ocean that invaded southwest Anatolia during the Oligocene.</p

    The position of Akkașdağı mammal locality in the neo-tectonic framework of Çankırı basin, Turkey

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    Seyitoğlu, Gürol, Karadenizli, Levent, Kazanci, Nizamettin, Sen, Sevket (2005): The position of Akkașdağı mammal locality in the neo-tectonic framework of Çankırı basin, Turkey. Geodiversitas 27 (4): 519-525, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.537443

    3D model related to the publication: Orliac M.J., Karadenizli L., Antoine P.-O., Sen S. 2015. Small suids (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the late Early Miocene of Turkey and a short overview of Early Miocene small suoids in the Old World.

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    International audience3D model related to the publication: Orliac M.J., Karadenizli L., Antoine P.-O., Sen S. 2015. Small hyotheriine suids (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the late early Miocene of Turkey and a short overview of early Miocene small suoids in the Old World. METHODS Before restoration of the fragmentary cranium n° SMT-1, a portion of the left upper molar raw (broken appart) was scanned in order to visualize the morphology of the roots of the molars (Orliac et al., 2015: fig. 3). AVIZO 6.3 (Visualization Sciences Group) software was used to produce the 3D surface model. This 3D model is provided in .ply format, and as such can be opened with a wide range of freeware. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT


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    Çankırı-Çorum havzası, Orta Anadolu'da Tersiyer'de gelişen havzalardan birisidir ve Paleosen'den Pliyosen'e kadar önemli tortul birikimine sahip olmuştur. Bu çalışmada havzanın Erken- Orta Miyosen dönemindeki tektonik rejimi ve buna bağlı gelişen sedimanter ortamlar ele alınmıştır. Bu jeolojik dönemde havzada genişlemeli tektonik rejimin hakim olduğu ve birbirleri ile yanal-düşey geçişli olan Kumartaş ve Hançili formasyonlarının depolandığı görülür. Formasyonların yaşı memeli fosillere dayanılarak (MN 3, 4, 5) verilmiş ve uygun istiflerden ölçülü kesitler alınarak fasiyes analizi yapılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda belirlenen fasiyesler şunlardır; masif-organize olmayan konglomera, dereceli-matriks destekli konglomera, tabakalı-tane destekli konglomera, masif kumtaşı, düzlemsel çapraz tabakalı kumtaşı, teknemsi çapraz tabakalı kumtaşı, ripıl çapraz laminalı kumtaşı, boylanmalı- tabakalı kumtaşı, masif çakıllı çamurtaşı, organik maddece zengin kiltaşı, masif marn, laminalı, yeşil-sarı renkli kiltaşı, tabakalı-fosilli kireçtaşı, ooidli kireçtaşı, kömür ve tüfittir. Fasiyesler birbirleri ile yanal ve düşey geçişli olup belirli fasiyes toplulukları oluşturmaktadırlar. Fasiyes toplulukları, Erken-Orta Miyosen döneminde üç farklı sedimanter ortam oluştuğunu göstermektedir. Bunlar; alüvyal yelpaze ve akarsu (kütle akma katkılı örgülü akarsu, menderesli akarsu ve taşkın düzlüğü), göl kıyısı (fan-delta, kıyı yakını kum barları, karbonat bankları) ve göl merkezi (derin ve sığ göl) ortamlarıdır. Bölgedeki genişlemeli tektonik rejime bağlı olarak gelişen normal faylar havza kenarı ve havza içindeki paleoyükseltilerin düşey hareketlerini kontrol etmişler ve buna bağlı olarak göl seviyesi oynamalarına neden olmuşlardır. Göl seviyesinin düştüğü periyodlarda kara alanlarında derin kazıma olup kırıntılı malzemeyi göl içine taşıyan alüvyal yelpaze ve fan delta süreçleri hakim olmuştur. Tersine işleyen süreçlerde ise göl seviyesi yükselmeleri sonucunda göl içine dolan malzeme yeniden işlenerek kum barlarını oluşturmaktadır. Ayrıca kırıntılı getiriminin olmadığı periyodlarda karbonat çökelimi etkin olup, banklar oluşturmuşlardır. Belirli zamanlarda su seviyesi yükselmeleri büyük derinlik oluşturmuş ve havza içindeki paleoyükseltileri bile örtecek düzeye gelmişlerdir. Havza Geç Pliyosen'de batı kenarı normal faylı, doğu kenarı bindirmeli bir tektonik kama ile parçalanmış ve depolanan Miyosen tortulları deformasyona uğramıştır

    Oligocene ruminants from the Kizilirmak Formation, Cankiri-Corum Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey

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    WOS: 000392102400007A new assemblage of ruminants from five distinct Oligocene localities of the Kizilirmak Formation, Central Anatolia, Turkey is described. The tragulids Iberomeryx parvus, and Iberomeryx sp. (large), as well as a probable large lophiomerycid have been recognized. The stem pecoran Dremotherium guthi, cf. Palaeohypsodontus and a large indeterminate Pecora have been identified as well. In the five localities, the majority of the ruminant material is referred to Iberomeryx parvus, but the sample from the locality Tepe 641 (upper member of the Kizilirmak Formation) shows some distinctive characters suggesting a more derived species/forms that probably lived in more open environments. The ruminant taxa recorded in the Kizilirmak Formation are congruent with a late Oligocene age, probably close in age to the Benara fauna of southern Georgia. The possible occurrence of Palaeohypsodontus in Central Anatolia would significantly expand its geographical range and suggest biogeographical affinities with Central Asia. The ruminant fauna from the Kizilirmak Formation suggests the existence of lowland forests with more open landscapes in central Anatolia during the late Oligocene.TUBITAK, ParisTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK); CNRS, ParisCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS); MNHN, Paris; General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA, Ankara)Ministry of Energy & Natural Resources - TurkeyThis work was carried out with the support of several agencies and institutions: the TUBITAK, the CNRS, the MNHN, Paris, and the General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA, Ankara). We thank C. Karaca and C. Ozturk (MTA Museum, Ankara), and all the persons who contributed to the field work. We thank P. Loubry (UMR 7207-CR2P) for the photographs. GM thanks J. van der Made for the good quality photos of the type of I. parvus. We thank the reviewers for their remarks that have improved the manuscript