1,796 research outputs found

    Papillary carcinoma arising in struma ovarii versus ovarian metastasis from primary thyroid carcinoma: a case report and review of the literature

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    We present a case of a postmenopausal woman diagnosed with an ovarian mass containing thyroid follicles and foci of papillary thyroid carcinoma during pathological examination. This patient referred having had a metachronous thyroid malignancy 10 years before. The differential diagnosis between a thyroid malignancy arising from a struma ovarii and a metastatic ovarian tumor originating from thyroid-cancer is challenging. Struma ovarii should be considered when thyroid components are the predominant element or when thyroid malignant tissue is identified within an ovarian lesion. Thyroid carcinoma arising from a struma ovarii is reported to occur in a minority of cases. Of these, papillary carcinoma is the most frequent subtype encountered. Regarding primary thyroid carcinomas, papillary carcinomas have a lower metastatic potential when compared to follicular carcinomas, and most of the metastases occur in the cervical lymph nodes. Ovarian metastases are exceedingly rare and generally associated with widespread disease. However, they must be considered in the presence of previous history of malignant thyroid carcinoma. The authors review the main clinical, imaging and therapeutic aspects of both these entities and present the most likely diagnosis

    Febrile Syndrome and Coma.Case Report and Comments

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    A endocardite infecciosa é relativamente pouco frequente na idade pediátrica, mas a sua morbilidade e mortalidade são elevadas. Os autores descrevem um caso clínico de endocardite infecciosa aguda por Staphylococcus aureus numa criança de 5 anos de idade, sem factores de risco conhecidos, diagnosticada na sequência de complicações neurológicas (degradação súbita do estado de consciência e sinais neurológicos focais) resultantes de enfarte talâmico bilateral. A localização da lesão na TAC cranioencefálica sugere provável lesão de variante anatómica da artéria paramediana tálamosubtalâmica posterior. A propósito deste caso os autores fazem uma breve revisão desta forma de apresentação e das opções terapêuticas

    An overview of the alfa crux cubesat mission for narrowband communication

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    The development and operation of a reliable voice and data communication systems in remote or difficult-to-reach areas is still a challenge in the modern world. In this framework, the mission Alfa Crux, based on a nanosatellite system under development at the Laboratory of Simulation and Control of Aerospace Systems (LODESTAR), University of Brasilia (UnB), Brazil, proposes the use of narrow bandwidth to create data and voice connections from low orbit. The Alfa Crux system aims at contributing to improve agricultural monitoring, water level controlling in rivers and reservoirs, as well as improving the communications technology between devices (M2M) and the Internet of Things (IoT), especially in remote regions where communication infrastructures on land are unreliable or cost prohibitive. The main problem addressed in this work concerns the development of a nanosatellite communication system based on UHF amateur radio frequency band. The choice of the frequency band is based on the fact that the use of narrowband in nanosatellite communication systems has relevant characteristics such as energy efficiency, spectrum, reliability, performance, safety, communication range, among others. This paper presents an overview of the communication architecture of the space mission of the Alfa Crux nanosatellite

    The role of the tyrosine kinase Wzc (Sll0923) and the phosphatase Wzb (Slr0328) in the production of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) by Synechocystis PCC 6803

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    Many cyanobacteria produce extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) mainly composed of heteropolysaccharides with unique characteristics that make them suitable for biotechnological applications. However, manipulation/optimization of EPS biosynthesis/characteristics is hindered by a poor understanding of the production pathways and the differences between bacterial species. In this work, genes putatively related to different pathways of cyanobacterial EPS polymerization, assembly, and export were targeted for deletion or truncation in the unicellular Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. No evident phenotypic changes were observed for some mutants in genes occurring in multiple copies in Synechocystis genome, namely ¿wzy (¿sll0737), ¿wzx (¿sll5049), ¿kpsM (¿slr2107), and ¿kpsM¿wzy (¿slr2107¿sll0737), strongly suggesting functional redundancy. In contrast, ¿wzc (¿sll0923) and ¿wzb (¿slr0328) influenced both the amount and composition of the EPS, establishing that Wzc participates in the production of capsular (CPS) and released (RPS) polysaccharides, and Wzb affects RPS production. The structure of Wzb was solved (2.28 Å), revealing structural differences relative to other phosphatases involved in EPS production and suggesting a different substrate recognition mechanism. In addition, Wzc showed the ATPase and autokinase activities typical of bacterial tyrosine kinases. Most importantly, Wzb was able to dephosphorylate Wzc in vitro, suggesting that tyrosine phosphorylation/dephosphorylation plays a role in cyanobacterial EPS production.Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), Grant/Award Number: NORTE‐01‐0145‐FE?ER‐000008 and NORTE‐01‐0145‐FE?ER‐000012; FCT ‐ Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia/ Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior, Grant/Award Number: PTDC/BIA‐ MIC/28779/2017, SFRH/BD /119920/2016, SFRH/B?/84914/2012 and SFRH/BD/99715/ 2014; FEDER ‐ Fundo Europeu de Desen‐ volvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020 ‐ Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Grant/Award Number: POCI‐01‐0145‐ FE?ER‐007274 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This work was financed by FEDER—Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020— Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI); projects NORTE‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐000012—Structured Programme on Bioengineering Therapies for Infectious ?iseases and Tissue Regeneration and NORTE‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐000008— Porto Neurosciences and Neurologic Disease Research Initiative at i3S, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement; and by Portuguese funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior in the framework of the project “Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences” (POCI‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐007274 and PTDC/BIA‐ MIC/28779/2017) and grants SFRH/BD /119920/2016 (MS), SFRH/ BD /99715/2014 (CF), and SFRH/BD /129921/2017 (JPL). The au‐ thors thank F. Chauvat and the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA), Direction des Sciences du Vivant, for providing the cas‐ sette for the deletion of the Synechocystis sll0923, the staff of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, France) and SOLEIL (Essonne, France) synchrotrons, Filipe Pinto, Frederico Silva, Hugo Osório, and Joana Furtado for their technical assistance

    Intervention effects of Ganoderma lucidum spores on epileptiform discharge hippocampal neurons and expression of Neurotrophin-4 and N-Cadherin

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    Epilepsy can cause cerebral transient dysfunctions. Ganoderma lucidum spores (GLS), a traditional Chinese medicinal herb, has shown some antiepileptic effects in our previous studies. This was the first study of the effects of GLS on cultured primary hippocampal neurons, treated with Mg2+ free medium. This in vitro model of epileptiform discharge hippocampal neurons allowed us to investigate the anti-epileptic effects and mechanism of GLS activity. Primary hippocampal neurons from <1 day old rats were cultured and their morphologies observed under fluorescence microscope. Neurons were confirmed by immunofluorescent staining of neuron specific enolase (NSE). Sterile method for GLS generation was investigated and serial dilutions of GLS were used to test the maximum non-toxic concentration of GLS on hippocampal neurons. The optimized concentration of GLS of 0.122 mg/ml was identified and used for subsequent analysis. Using the in vitro model, hippocampal neurons were divided into 4 groups for subsequent treatment i) control, ii) model (incubated with Mg2+ free medium for 3 hours), iii) GLS group I (incubated with Mg2+ free medium containing GLS for 3 hours and replaced with normal medium and incubated for 6 hours) and iv) GLS group II (neurons incubated with Mg2+ free medium for 3 hours then replaced with a normal medium containing GLS for 6 hours). Neurotrophin-4 and N-Cadherin protein expression were detected using Western blot. The results showed that the number of normal hippocampal neurons increased and the morphologies of hippocampal neurons were well preserved after GLS treatment. Furthermore, the expression of neurotrophin-4 was significantly increased while the expression of N-Cadherin was decreased in the GLS treated group compared with the model group. This data indicates that GLS may protect hippocampal neurons by promoting neurotrophin-4 expression and inhibiting N-Cadherin expression

    Magnetoresistance in Sn-Doped In2O3Nanowires

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    In this work, we present transport measurements of individual Sn-doped In2O3nanowires as a function of temperature and magnetic field. The results showed a localized character of the resistivity at low temperatures as evidenced by the presence of a negative temperature coefficient resistance in temperatures lower than 77 K. The weak localization was pointed as the mechanism responsible by the negative temperature coefficient of the resistance at low temperatures

    Electronic and magnetic properties of SnO2/CrO2 thin superlattices

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    In this article, using first-principles electronic structure calculations within the spin density functional theory, alternated magnetic and non-magnetic layers of rutile-CrO2 and rutile-SnO2 respectively, in a (CrO2)n(SnO2)n superlattice (SL) configuration, with n being the number of monolayers which are considered equal to 1, 2, ..., 10 are studied. A half-metallic behavior is observed for the (CrO2)n(SnO2)n SLs for all values of n. The ground state is found to be FM with a magnetic moment of 2 μB per chromium atom, and this result does not depend on the number of monolayers n. As the FM rutile-CrO2 is unstable at ambient temperature, and known to be stabilized when on top of SnO2, the authors suggest that (CrO2)n(SnO2)n SLs may be applied to spintronic technologies since they provide efficient spin-polarized carriers