1,272 research outputs found

    BAY 11-7082 Is a Broad-Spectrum Inhibitor with Anti-Inflammatory Activity against Multiple Targets

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    BAY 11-7082 (BAY) is an inhibitor of κB kinase (IKK) that has pharmacological activities that include anticancer, neuroprotective, and anti-inflammatory effects. In this study, BAY-pharmacological target pathways were further characterized to determine how this compound simultaneously suppresses various responses. Primary and cancerous (RAW264.7 cells) macrophages were activated by lipopolysaccharide, a ligand of toll-like receptor 4. As reported previously, BAY strongly suppressed the production of nitric oxide, prostaglandin E2, and tumor necrosis factor-α and reduced the translocation of p65, major subunit of nuclear factor-κB, and its upstream signaling events such as phosphorylation of IκBα, IKK, and Akt. In addition, BAY also suppressed the translocation and activation of activator protein-1, interferon regulatory factor-3, and signal transducer and activator of transcription-1 by inhibiting the phosphorylation or activation of extracellular signal-related kinase, p38, TANK-binding protein, and Janus kinase-2. These data strongly suggest that BAY is an inhibitor with multiple targets and could serve as a lead compound in developing strong anti-inflammatory drugs with multiple targets in inflammatory responses

    Chromatin-induced Spindle Assembly Plays an Important Role in Metaphase Congression of Silkworm Holocentric Chromosomes

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    The kinetochore plays important roles in cell cycle progression. Interactions between 4 chromosomes and spindle microtubules allow chromosomes to congress to the middle of the 5 cell and to segregate the sister chromatids into daughter cells in mitosis. The chromosome 6 passenger complex (CPC), composed of the Aurora B kinase and its regulatory subunits 7 INCENP, Survivin, and Borealin, plays multiple roles in these chromosomal events. In the 8 genome of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, which has holocentric chromosomes, the CPC 9 components and their molecular interactions were highly conserved. In contrast to 10 monocentric species, however, the silkworm CPC co-localized with the chromatin-driven 11 spindles on the upper side of prometaphase chromosomes without forming bipolar mitotic 12 spindles. Depletion of the CPC by RNAi arrested the cell cycle progression at prometaphase 13 and disrupted the microtubule network of the chromatin-driven spindles. Interestingly, 14 depletion of mitotic centromere-associated kinesin (MCAK) recovered formation of the 15 microtubule network but did not overcome the cell cycle arrest at prometaphase. These 16 results suggest that the CPC modulates the chromatin-induced spindle assembly and 17 metaphase congression of silkworm holocentric chromosomes

    Regulatory gaps between LNG carriers and LNG fuelled ships

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    Given a number of marine vessels treating the liquefied natural gas either as cargo or fuel, this paper examined the regulatory gaps of two different international Codes – the InternationalCodeof the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk and the International Code of Safety for Ships Using Gases or Other Low-flashpoint Fuels – from the regulatory standpoint. Results of the gap analysis have identified and discussed the key areas encountered with regulatory discrepancies or ambiguities that might interrupt the proper design, construction and operation of LNG carrier and LNG fuelled ship. A systematic investigation and harmonisation process across the Codes was proposed to mitigate the potential issues that may arise from the discordant regulations. Also, the International Maritime Organization was suggested to take proactive action to improve such dissonances while a general insight into the importance of filling those gaps was provided for rule-makers and stakeholders

    Cell Deformation by Single-beam Acoustic Trapping: A Promising Tool for Measurements of Cell Mechanics

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    We demonstrate a noncontact single-beam acoustic trapping method for the quantification of the mechanical properties of a single suspended cell with label-free. Experimentally results show that the single-beam acoustic trapping force results in morphological deformation of a trapped cell. While a cancer cell was trapped in an acoustic beam focus, the morphological changes of the immobilized cell were monitored using bright-field imaging. The cell deformability was then compared with that of a trapped polystyrene microbead as a function of the applied acoustic pressure for a better understanding of the relationship between the pressure and degree of cell deformation. Cell deformation was found to become more pronounced as higher pressure levels were applied. Furthermore, to determine if this acoustic trapping method can be exploited in quantifying the cell mechanics in a suspension and in a non-contact manner, the deformability levels of breast cancer cells with different degrees of invasiveness due to acoustic trapping were compared. It was found that highly-invasive breast cancer cells exhibited greater deformability than weakly-invasive breast cancer cells. These results clearly demonstrate that the single-beam acoustic trapping technique is a promising tool for non-contact quantitative assessments of the mechanical properties of single cells in suspensions with label-free.1

    Deep Learning-based Synthetic High-Resolution In-Depth Imaging Using an Attachable Dual-element Endoscopic Ultrasound Probe

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    Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) imaging has a trade-off between resolution and penetration depth. By considering the in-vivo characteristics of human organs, it is necessary to provide clinicians with appropriate hardware specifications for precise diagnosis. Recently, super-resolution (SR) ultrasound imaging studies, including the SR task in deep learning fields, have been reported for enhancing ultrasound images. However, most of those studies did not consider ultrasound imaging natures, but rather they were conventional SR techniques based on downsampling of ultrasound images. In this study, we propose a novel deep learning-based high-resolution in-depth imaging probe capable of offering low- and high-frequency ultrasound image pairs. We developed an attachable dual-element EUS probe with customized low- and high-frequency ultrasound transducers under small hardware constraints. We also designed a special geared structure to enable the same image plane. The proposed system was evaluated with a wire phantom and a tissue-mimicking phantom. After the evaluation, 442 ultrasound image pairs from the tissue-mimicking phantom were acquired. We then applied several deep learning models to obtain synthetic high-resolution in-depth images, thus demonstrating the feasibility of our approach for clinical unmet needs. Furthermore, we quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed the results to find a suitable deep-learning model for our task. The obtained results demonstrate that our proposed dual-element EUS probe with an image-to-image translation network has the potential to provide synthetic high-frequency ultrasound images deep inside tissues.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Micro solid oxide fuel cell fabricated on porous stainless steel: a new strategy for enhanced thermal cycling ability

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    Miniaturized solid oxide fuel cells (micro-SOFCs) are being extensively studied as a promising alternative to Li batteries for next generation portable power. A new micro-SOFC is designed and fabricated which shows enhanced thermal robustness by employing oxide-based thin-film electrode and porous stainless steel (STS) substrate. To deposit gas-tight thin-film electrolyte on STS, nano-porous composite oxide is proposed and applied as a new contact layer on STS. The micro-SOFC fabricated on composite oxide- STS dual layer substrate shows the peak power density of 560 mW cm−2 at 550 °C and maintains this power density during rapid thermal cycles. This cell may be suitable for portable electronic device that requires high power-density and fast thermal cycling.1111Ysciescopu

    spatio temporal contextualization of queries for microtexts in social media mathematical modeling

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    Abstract In this paper, we present our ongoing project on query contextualization by integrating all possible IoT-based data sources. Most importantly, mobile users are regarded as the IoT sensors which can be the textual data sources with spatio-temporal contexts. Given a large amount of text streams, it has been difficult for the traditional information retrieval systems to conduct the searching tasks. The goal of this work is i ) to understand and process microtexts in social media (e.g., Twitter and Facebook), and ii ) to reformulate the queries for searching for relevant microtexts in these social media

    Crescimento reduzido por salinidade, fotoquímica PS2 e conteúdo de clorofila em rabanete

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    When plants are grown under saline conditions, photosynthetic activity decreases leading to reduced plant growth, leaf area, chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence. Seeds and seedlings of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) were grown in NaCl solutions under controlled greenhouse conditions. The NaCl concentrations in complete nutrient solutions were 0 (control), 4.7, 9.4 and 14.1 dS m-1. The salinity reduced germination percentage and also delayed the germination rate as the salt level increased. Lengths and fresh weights of root and shoot decreased with the increasing salt concentration. Furthermore, photochemical efficiency of PS2 (Fv/Fm), photochemical quenching coefficient (qP), non photochemical quenching coefficient (qN), leaf area and chlorophyll content (SPAD value) were also reduced (P < 0.001) by salt stress. In contrast, the Fo/Fm ratio increased with increasing salt concentration while salinity showed no effect on the efficiency of excitation captured by open PS2 (Fv'/Fm'), electron transport rate (ETR), and leaf water content. Linear regression shows that the photochemical efficiency of PS2 (Fv/Fm) had a positive relationship with the photochemical quenching coefficient (qP), leaf area and chlorophyll content but had no relation with Fv'/Fm', Fo/Fm, and qN.Quando plantas crescem sob condições de salinidade, sua atividade fotossintética diminui levando a um crescimento reduzido, menor área foliar, conteúdo de clorofila e fluorescência de clorofila. Sementes e plântulas de rabanete (Raphanus sativus L.) foram germinadas e conduzidas em soluções de NaCl sob condições controladas de casa de vegetação. As concentrações de NaCl adicionado a solução nutritiva completa foram 0 (Controle), 4,7; 9,4 e 14,1 dS m-1. A salinidade diminui a percentagem de germinação e também atrasou a taxa de germinação com o aumento do nível de sal. Comprimento e peso fresco da parte aérea e da raiz decresceram com o aumento da concentração salina. Além disso, a eficiência fotoquímica de PS2 (Fv/Fm), o coeficiente fotoquímico de 'quenchin" (q p), o coeficiente não fotoquímico de "quenching" (q n), a área foliar e o teor de clorofila (valor SPAD) também foram reduzidos (P < 0,001) por estresse de sal. Ao contrário, a relação Fo/Fm aumentou com a concentração salina, ao passo que a salinidade não teve efeito sobre a eficiência de excitação capturada pelo PS2 aberto (Fv'/Fm'), taxa de transporte eletrônico (ETR) e conteúdo de água na folha. Através de regressão linear mostrou-se que a eficiência fotossintética de PS2 (Fv/Fm) teve uma relação positiva com o coeficiente fotoquímico de "quenching" (q p), área foliar e conteúdo de clorofila, mas nenhuma relação com (Fv/Fm), (Fo/Fm), e q n

    Actin Cytoskeleton and Golgi Involvement in Barley stripe mosaic virus Movement and Cell Wall Localization of Triple Gene Block Proteins.

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    Barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV) induces massive actin filament thickening at the infection front of infected Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. To determine the mechanisms leading to actin remodeling, fluorescent protein fusions of the BSMV triple gene block (TGB) proteins were coexpressed in cells with the actin marker DsRed: Talin. TGB ectopic expression experiments revealed that TGB3 is a major elicitor of filament thickening, that TGB2 resulted in formation of intermediate DsRed:Talin filaments, and that TGB1 alone had no obvious effects on actin filament structure. Latrunculin B (LatB) treatments retarded BSMV cell-to-cell movement, disrupted actin filament organization, and dramatically decreased the proportion of paired TGB3 foci appearing at the cell wall (CW). BSMV infection of transgenic plants tagged with GFP-KDEL exhibited membrane proliferation and vesicle formation that were especially evident around the nucleus. Similar membrane proliferation occurred in plants expressing TGB2 and/or TGB3, and DsRed: Talin fluorescence in these plants colocalized with the ER vesicles. TGB3 also associated with the Golgi apparatus and overlapped with cortical vesicles appearing at the cell periphery. Brefeldin A treatments disrupted Golgi and also altered vesicles at the CW, but failed to interfere with TGB CW localization. Our results indicate that actin cytoskeleton interactions are important in BSMV cell-to-cell movement and for CW localization of TGB3