37 research outputs found

    Implementasi Sistem Keamanan File Menggunakan Algoritma Blowfish pada Jaringan LAN

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    Keamanan suatu informasi menjadi hal yang sangat penting saat ini. Banyak orang kemudian berusaha untuk mencari cara bagaimana mengamankan informasi dalam melakukan pertukaran informasi. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan metode enkripsi menggunakan algoritma simetri. Namun terdapat kendala dalam penggunaan kunci untuk tipe algoritma simetri, dimana kunci yang digunakan untuk enkripsi dan dekripsi harus sama, sedangkan jika kunci untuk dekripsi dikirimkan terpisah akan menyebabkan kunci dapat diketahui dengan mudah oleh penyadap. Pada penelitian ini dirancang suatu aplikasi enkripsi dan dekripsi file menggunakan algoritma Blowfish serta mengimplementasikannya pada jaringan LAN. Pengujian terhadap sistem akan dilakukan dengan mengukur kinerja dari algoritma Blowfish dari segi waktu enkripsi dan dekripsi, waktu pemecahan kunci, serta avalanche effect. Pada akhirnya sistem ini dapat mengatasi kelemahan pada konsep algoritma simetri dalam hal pengiriman data


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    ABSTRAKSI: Kemajuan teknologi informasi dan peningkatan kebutuhan jaminan keamanaan mendorong percepatan sistem identifikasi pribadi yang cerdas berbasis biometrik. Sistem identifikasi iris memiliki kelebihan terutama dalam hal akurasi keberhasilan, stabilitas jangka panjang, kemudahan penggunaan, dan rendahnya faktor penyebab timbulnya kesalahan.Pada penelitian ini, diusulkan suatu metode ekstraksi ciri menggunakan dekomposisi transformasi wavelet sehingga mampu mengenali ciri-ciri khusus dari suatu citra iris mata. Kemudian akan diterapkan Levenshtein Distance dalam pengambilan keputusan. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh tingkat akurasi pengenalannya 98,77% dengan False Acceptance Rate (FAR) 0,80% dan False Rejection Rate (FRR) 1,67%. Sistem ini juga mampu mengatasi ketidakkonsistenan rotasi pada saat pengambilan citra iris mata, dan mengenali citra yang ditambah noise. Oleh karena itu, sistem identifikasi pola iris yang ditunjukkan mempunyai potensi untuk dapat diandalkan dan menjadi teknologi biometrik yang akurat.Kata Kunci : biometrik, identifikasi iris, dekomposisi transformasi wavelet, Levenshtein DistanceABSTRACT: The recent advances in information technology and the increasing requirement for security have resulted in the rapid development of intelligent personal identification system based on biometrics. Iris recognition system overrates another biometric identification system in it high level of accuracy, long-term stability, easier to use, and the low factor of mistake. At this research, proposed a feature extracting method using wavelet decomposition transformation so that can recognize important feature information from eye iris image. Then, will be applied Levenshtein Distance in decision making. From the testing result is obtained by level of identification accuracy of 98,77 with 0,80% of False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and 1,67% of False Rejection Rate (FRR). This system also can overcome rotational inconsistance during image acquisition, and recognize image that added noise. Therefore, this iris pattern recognition system has potential a reliable and accurate biometric technology.Keyword: biometric, iris identification, wavelet decomposition, transformation, Levenshtein Distanc

    DWT-SMM-based audio steganography with RSA encryption and compressive sampling

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    Problems related to confidentiality in information exchange are very important in the digital computer era. Audio steganography is a form of a solution that infuses information into digital audio, and utilizes the limitations of the human hearing system in understanding and detecting sound waves. The steganography system applies compressive sampling (CS) to the process of acquisition and compression of bits in binary images. Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) algorithms are used as a system for securing binary image information by generating encryption and decryption key pairs before the process is embedded. The insertion method uses statistical mean manipulation (SMM) in the wavelet domain and low frequency sub-band by dividing the audio frequency sub-band using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) first. The optimal results by using our system are the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) above 45 decibel (dB) and 5.3833 bit per second (bps) of capacity also our system has resistant to attack filtering, noise, resampling and compression attacks

    Hand gesture recognition using discrete wavelet transform and hidden Markov models

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    Gesture recognition based on computer-vision is an important part of human-computer interaction. But it lacks in several points, that was image brightness, recognition time, and accuracy. Because of that goal of this research was to create a hand gesture recognition system that had good performances using discrete wavelet transform and hidden Markov models. The first process was pre-processing, which done by resizing the image to 128x128 pixels and then segmented the skin color. The second process was feature extraction using the discrete wavelet transform. The result was the feature value in the form of a feature vector from the image. The last process was gesture classification using hidden Markov models to calculate the highest probability of feature matrix which had obtained from the feature extraction process. The result of the system had 72% of accuracy using 150 training and 100 test data images that consist five gestures. The newness thing found in this experiment were the effect of acquisition and pre-processing. The accuracy had been escalated by 14% compared to Sebastien’s dataset at 58%. The increment effect propped by brightness and contrast value


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    Pengenalan sidik jari merupakan bagian dari teknologi biometrik. Klasifikasi sidik jari yang paling popular adalah Henry classification system. Henry membagi sidik jari berdasarkan garis polanya menjadi lima kelas yaitu arch (A), tented arch (T), left loop (L), right loop (R), dan whorl (W). Penelitian ini menggunakan Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) dengan model arsitektur Residual Network-50 (ResNet-50) untuk mengembangkan sistem klasifikasi sidik jari. Dataset yang digunakan diperoleh dari website National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) berupa citra sidik jari grayscale 8-bit. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa pemrosesan awal Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) dalam model CNN dapat meningkatkan performa akurasi dari sistem klasifikasi sidik jari sebesar 11,79%. Pada citra tanpa CLAHE diperoleh akurasi validasi 83,26%, sedangkan citra dengan CLAHE diperoleh akurasi validasi 95,05%

    Modified DCT-based Audio Watermarking Optimization using Genetics Algorithm

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    Ease process digital data information exchange impact on the increase in cases of copyright infringement. Audio watermarking is one solution in providing protection for the owner of the work. This research aims to optimize the insertion parameters on Modified Discrete Cosine Transform (M-DCT) based audio watermarking using a genetic algorithm, to produce better audio resistance. MDCT is applied after reading host audio, then embedding in MDCT domain is applied by Quantization Index Modulation (QIM) technique. Insertion within the MDCT domain is capable of generating a high imperceptible watermarked audio due to its overlapping frame system. The system is optimized using genetic algorithms to improve the value of imperceptibility and robustness in audio watermarking. In this research, the average SNR reaches 20 dB, and ODG reaches -0.062. The subjective quality testing on the system obtains an average MOS of 4.22 out of five songs tested. In addition, the system is able to withstand several attacks. The use of M-DCT in audio watermaking is capable of producing excellent imperceptibility and better watermark robustness


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    An orderly & transparent administrative management of Preschool institutions is critical to improving the service performance of any Preschool institution. The recording of income and expenditure at Little Moslem Preschool, Bojongsoang, Bandung, is currently still being manually carried out. This practice already causes several problems, such as difficulties finding data when needed, calculation errors, and making reports that related parties do not become readily accessible due to data factors. Apart from this, no security system can be accessed directly by interested parties for peace and comfort in the school environment. Therefore, a solution is needed in financial administration applications, CCTV assistance, and applications for monitoring security and activities in Little Moslem Preschool. As mentioned earlier, administrative & assistive goals can be realized through a combination of modules within a PHP-based application connected to the network. This program is accompanied by training on the use of the application by managers, teachers, and parents of Little Moslem Preschool students. Based on the survey, 98,45% of participants had understood and used this application, so that in addition to being able to face digital challenges, with this activity it is hoped that the creation of an early childhood education institution that has quality, good service, and satisfying service of the institution's users is eventually made possible. --- Pengelolaan lembaga PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini) harus tertib, transparan, dan teratur secara administrasi demi meningkatkan kinerja Lembaga/instansi PAUD tersebut. Pencatatan pendapatan dan pengeluaran di PG dan TK IT Little Moslem, Bojongsoang, Bandung, saat ini masih dilakukan secara manual. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan beberapa permasalahan muncul seperti kesulitan pencarian data ketika dibutuhkan, adanya kesalahan perhitungan, dan dan kesalahan dalam pembuatan laporan karena faktor data yang tidak mudah diakses oleh pihak terkait. Selain hal tersebut, belum tersedia sistem keamanan yang dapat diakses secara langsung oleh pihak-pihak berkepentingan demi ketenangan dan kenyamanan di lingkungan sekolah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan solusi berupa aplikasi administrasi keuangan, bantuan CCTV, serta aplikasi untuk monitoring keamanan dan kegiatan dalam PG dan TK IT Little Moslem yang dapat dipantau melalui aplikasi berbasis PHP yang terhubung ke jaringan. Program ini disertai pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi tersebut oleh pengelola, guru-guru, dan orang tua siswa PAUD Little Moslem. Berdasarkan hasil survey, sebanyak 98,45% peserta memahami dan menggunakan aplikasi pengelolaan administrasi keuangan berbasis PHP, sehingga selain mampu menghadapi tantangan digital, dengan adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan terwujudnya Lembaga PAUD yang memiliki mutu, layanan yang baik, serta dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pengguna Lembaga PAUD

    Implementasi QR Code Berbasis Android pada Sistem Presensi

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    Presensi merupakan hal utama dalam suatu kegiatan, karena menjadi bukti dari laporan pelaksanaan. Umumnya, presensi kehadiran dilakukan secara manual, yaitu siswa membubuhkan tanda tangan pada daftar hadir yang diedarkan, atau guru memanggil siswa satu persatu. Namun metode tersebut mengakibatkan terjadinya pemborosan waktu dan sumber daya. Hadirnya teknologi QR-Code berbasis android memberikan solusi agar presensi dapat berjalan dengan efisien. Penelitian ini memiliki tiga konfigurasi sistem, diantaranya sistem encoder, sistem hardware, dan sistem decoder. Sistem encoder melakukan proses encode data berupa Nomor Induk Siswa Nasional (NISN) menjadi QR-Code menggunakan kode Bose, Chaudhuri, Hocquenghem (BCH). Sistem hardware terdiri dari perangkat android dan kartu pelajar. Sistem decoder melakukan proses deteksi QR-Code dengan aplikasi Smart Presence. Sistem diuji dengan pengujian black box, pengujian jarak deteksi, pengujian deteksi berdasarkan cahaya, serta pengujian kartu pelajar bernoda dan rusak. Sistem presensi mampu mendeteksi QR-Code dengan jarak minimal sebesar 3 cm dan jarak maksimal sebesar 45 cm dengan tingkat akurasi sebesar 98 % dan rata-rata waktu komputasi sebesar 1,3 detik. AbstractPresence is the main thing in an activity because it becomes evidence of the implementation report. Generally, attendance is done manually, i.e. students sign on the circulated attendance list, or the teacher calls students one by one. However, this method resulted in a waste of time and resources. The presence of Android-based QR-Code technology provides a solution so that the presence can run efficiently. This research has three system configurations, including the encoder system, hardware system, and decoder system. The encoder system encodes data in the form of a National Student Number (NISN) into a QR-Code using the Bose, Chaudhuri, Hocquenghem (BCH) codes. The hardware system consists of an Android device and a student card. The decoder system carries out the QR-Code detection process with the Smart Presence application. The system was tested with black-box testing, detection distance testing, light-based detection testing, and stained and damaged student card testing. The presence system is able to detect QR-Code with a minimum distance of 3 cm and a maximum distance of 45 cm with an accuracy rate of 98% and an average computing time of 1.3 seconds

    Implementasi dan Analisis Kompresi Hybrid pada Citra Medis Digital Hasil Rontgen Kanker Payudara

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    Digital image compression is an attempt to transform the data or symbols of composing digital images into data or other symbols without causing significant changes in the digital image to the human views. The goal is to reduce the redundancy of the data contained in the image so it can be stored or transmitted efficiently. Breast cancer is one of the greatest cancer cases in Indonesia which requires so many digital data x-rays. This research is intended to compress digital X-ray images of breast cancer with more efficient size without altering or reducing its information and it still can be assessed by human view. Using hybrid compression method, they are 2D DCT (Two Dimensional Discret Cosine Transform) and Huffman Method, Medical expert gave 3 of 4 rate when it reach 34.36% compression ratio with 40dB PSNR. This test result used 0 till 3 depth of zero in 2D DCT quantization process