49 research outputs found

    Revisión crítica : efectividad de los dispositivos de crioterapia compresiva en el postoperatorio de pacientes sometidos a cirugía de rodilla

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    Las cirugías de rodilla se han convertido en las intervenciones quirúrgicas más comunes en el mundo, siendo la crioterapia un método eficaz usado durante muchos años en el postoperatorio de estos pacientes. Actualmente, existen métodos de crioterapia compresiva que proponen mejores resultados que la crioterapia simple. Es así, que la presente investigación de tipo secundaria tuvo como objetivo identificar la efectividad de los dispositivos de crioterapia compresiva en el postoperatorio de pacientes sometidos a cirugía de rodilla. La metodología empleada fue la Enfermería Basada en la Evidencia. De igual manera, las palabras clave identificadas fueron: Crioterapia, dispositivo, cirugía y rodilla. Este estudio empleó la búsqueda de datos, encontrando ciento cincuenta y seis artículos en la base de datos de PubMed y haciendo una elección de nueve artículos que se relacionaban con la pregunta clínica: ¿Los dispositivos de crioterapia compresiva son efectivos en el postoperatorio de pacientes sometidos a cirugía de rodilla? Asimismo, al validarse cuatro artículos según la lista de chequeo de Gálvez Toro, se seleccionó uno, que cumplió con un conjunto de pautas descritas en el Programa de Lectura Crítica CASPe. Con ello, se logró comprobar la importancia entre un vendaje compresivo de efecto frío que usa un mecanismo de enfriamiento por evaporación, y una nevera portátil que emplea mangas favoreciendo la pérdida de calor por transferencia térmica, validando los resultados del artículo. Finalmente, el nivel de evidencia para estudios con análisis cuantitativo fue de 2+, que considera los estudios de casos y controles bien realizados. Además se motiva a investigadores, profesionales de Enfermería y futuros profesionales de Enfermería a fomentar la investigación, tomándola como una aptitud de la profesión de Enfermería

    Realizzazione fisica di superfici non orientabili mediante prototipazione rapida

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    Il termine Prototipazione Rapida (RP da Rapid Prototyping, conosciuta anche come Solid Freeform Fabrication – SFF) si riferisce ad un insieme di tecnologie usate per costruire prototipi di oggetti tridimensionali a partire da modelli geometrici definiti solidi ricostruiti con programmi di progettazione assistita dal calcolatore (Computer Aided Design – CAD). Importanti applicazioni della Prototipazione Rapida si sono ampiamente diffuse negli ultimi anni in vari ambiti: si va dal campo industriale a quello biomedico a quello del design. La complessità geometrica delle forme solide da realizzare è conseguentemente aumentata e richiede lo studio sempre più accurato anche da un punto di vista matematico. Questo documento analizza le competenze matematiche necessarie per trattare la ricostruzione di oggetti dalla geometria particolare, come ad esempio le Superfici non orientabili (Nastro di Möbius, Bottiglia di Klein) per arrivare alla definizione di una loro parametrizzazione utile per la costruzione di modelli solidi stampabili direttamente con tecnica RP. In particolare, sono trattati i problemi legati alla generazione degli spessori necessari alla realizzazione fisica

    Compensación salarial y el rendimiento laboral en la Unidad Ejecutora 400 - Tarapoto 2022

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    La investigación se planteó como objetivo general determinar la relación entre la compensación salarial y el rendimiento laboral en la Unidad Ejecutora 400-Tarapoto, 2022, para lo cual se ejecutó un estudio de enfoque cuantitativo de tipo aplicada, diseño no experimental de corte transversal. La población fue estudiada en su totalidad, donde se extrajo una muestra de 62 trabajadores haciendo uso del muestreo por convivencia, para recabar la información necesaria para el cumplimiento de los objetivos de la investigación, se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta empleando dos cuestionarios válidos y confiables, los cuales contaron con ítems estructurados bajo una escala de Likert en su totalidad. El principal resultado evidenció a través del cálculo de coeficiente de correlación no paramétrico de Spearman la existencia de una correlación significativa directa y de grado alto, puesto que el valor del coeficiente fue 0.79 y una significancia menor a 0.05. El estudio concluye que el nivel que perciben los trabajadores respecto a la compensación salarial se encuentra directamente relacionado con su rendimiento laboral dentro de la institución, señala, en cuanto mejor se perciba la compensación salarial, el rendimiento laboral presentará niveles altos en los trabajadores

    Musculoskeletal disorders and incongruous postures in workers on ropes: A pilot study

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    Background: Occupational hazards believed to cause musculoskeletal disorders in rope workers are traditionally associated with maintaining incongruous postures for prolonged periods of time. Design and methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 132 technical operators in the wind energy and acrobatic construction sectors, who work on ropes, analysing the ergonomic characteristics of the environments, the way in which tasks are carried out, the strain perceived by individual workers, and assessing the presence of any musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) by means of an objective examination focused on the anatomical districts that were the object of our study. Results: Analysis of the data obtained showed that there were differences in the perception of the level of physical intensity and perceived exertion between the groups of workers. Statistical analysis also revealed a significant association between the frequency of MSDs analysed and perceived exertion. Discussion: The most significant finding to emerge from this study is the high prevalence of MSDs of the cervical spine (52.94%), the upper limbs (29.41%), and the dorso-lumbar spine (17.65%). These values differ from those classically found in those exposed to the risk of conventional manual handling of loads. Conclusions: The high prevalence of disorders of the cervical spine, the scapulo-humeral girdle and the upper limbs, indicates the need to consider the forced position to be assumed for a large part of the work activity, staticity, and the inability to move the lower limbs for long periods as the predominant risk in rope work

    Musculoskeletal disorders and incongruous postures in workers on ropes: A pilot study

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    Background:Occupational hazards believed to cause musculoskeletal disorders in rope workers are traditionally associated with maintaining incongruous postures for prolonged periods of time. Design and methods:A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 132 technical operators in the wind energy and acrobatic construction sectors, who work on ropes, analysing the ergonomic characteristics of the environments, the way in which tasks are carried out, the strain perceived by individual workers, and assessing the presence of any musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) by means of an objective examination focused on the anatomical districts that were the object of our study. Results:Analysis of the data obtained showed that there were differences in the perception of the level of physical intensity and perceived exertion between the groups of workers. Statistical analysis also revealed a significant association between the frequency of MSDs analysed and perceived exertion. Discussion:The most significant finding to emerge from this study is the high prevalence of MSDs of the cervical spine (52.94%), the upper limbs (29.41%), and the dorso-lumbar spine (17.65%). These values differ from those classically found in those exposed to the risk of conventional manual handling of loads. Conclusions:The high prevalence of disorders of the cervical spine, the scapulo-humeral girdle and the upper limbs, indicates the need to consider the forced position to be assumed for a large part of the work activity, staticity, and the inability to move the lower limbs for long periods as the predominant risk in rope work

    Active case-finding for TB among incarcerated women in Peru

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    GRIDA3—a shared resources manager for environmental data analysis and applications

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    GRIDA3 (Shared Resources Manager for Environmental Data Analysis and Applications) is a multidisciplinary project designed to deliver an integrated system to forge solutions to some environmental challenges such as the constant increase of polluted sites, the sustainability of natural resources usage and the forecast of extreme meteorological events. The GRIDA3 portal is mainly based on Web 2.0 technologies and EnginFrame framework. The portal, now at an advanced stage of development, provides end-users with intuitive Web-interfaces and tools that simplify job submission to the underneath computing resources. The framework manages the user authentication and authorization, then controls the action and job execution into the grid computing environment, collects the results and transforms them into an useful format on the client side. The GRIDA3 Portal framework will provide a problem-solving platform allowing, through appropriate access policies, the integration and the sharing of skills, resources and tools located at multiple sites across federated domains

    Nuclear ERK1/2 signaling potentiation enhances neuroprotection and cognition via Importinα1/KPNA2

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    Cell signaling is central to neuronal activity and its dysregulation may lead to neurodegeneration and cognitive decline. Here, we show that selective genetic potentiation of neuronal ERK signaling prevents cell death in vitro and in vivo in the mouse brain, while attenuation of ERK signaling does the opposite. This neuroprotective effect mediated by an enhanced nuclear ERK activity can also be induced by the novel cell penetrating peptide RB5. In vitro administration of RB5 disrupts the preferential interaction of ERK1 MAP kinase with importinα1/KPNA2 over ERK2, facilitates ERK1/2 nuclear translocation, and enhances global ERK activity. Importantly, RB5 treatment in vivo promotes neuroprotection in mouse models of Huntington's (HD), Alzheimer's (AD), and Parkinson's (PD) disease, and enhances ERK signaling in a human cellular model of HD. Additionally, RB5‐mediated potentiation of ERK nuclear signaling facilitates synaptic plasticity, enhances cognition in healthy rodents, and rescues cognitive impairments in AD and HD models. The reported molecular mechanism shared across multiple neurodegenerative disorders reveals a potential new therapeutic target approach based on the modulation of KPNA2‐ERK1/2 interactions

    Adaptación y propiedades psicométricas de la versión española de la escala de trabajo emocional de Frankfurt en docentes que trabajan en una red de colegios privados de Lima Metropolitana

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    El trabajo emocional es un constructo que ha cobrado importancia pues abarca el bienestar emocional en contextos organizacionales. En Perú, no se cuenta con instrumentos que permitan evaluarlo. La presente investigación adaptó y estimó las propiedades psicométricas de la versión española de la Escala de Trabajo Emocional de Frankfurt (FEWS) en 516 docentes escolares entre los 25 y 50 años de edad (427 mujeres), de una red de colegios privados. Se encontraron evidencias de validez vinculadas al contenido, a través del criterio de diez jueces expertos. Al analizar las evidencias de validez vinculadas a la estructura interna, se obtuvo un modelo de cuatro factores, eliminándose la dimensión de control de interacción, y agrupándose las dimensiones de expresión de emociones positivas y sensibilidad requerida en un solo factor. Se obtuvieron evidencias de validez mixtas (basadas en la relación con otras variables) entre las dimensiones de trabajo emocional, síndrome de desgaste profesional y satisfacción laboral. Los resultados permitieron concluir que las interpretaciones y decisiones que se tomen a partir de las puntuaciones obtenidas mediante la escala del FEWS, presentan evidencias de validez (factores representan el 64.81% de la varianza explicada) y confiabilidad (.74>¿>.88) en docentes escolares de Lima Metropolitana. Sin embargo, a futuro se recomienda adaptar la escala excluyendo la dimensión de expresión de emociones neutras dado que fue cuestionada por los jueces en el proceso de revisión de ítems y no presentó correlaciones significativas con ninguna de las dimensiones de las escalas de síndrome de desgaste profesional y satisfacción laboral.Emotional labor is a construct that has gained importance given that it encompasses emotional well-being in organizational contexts. In Peru, there is no instrument to evaluate it. The present investigation adapted and estimated the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Frankfurt Emotional Work Scale (FEWS) in 516 school teachers between 25 and 50 years old (427 female) from a network of private schools. Evidence of content validity was found through the criteria of ten expert judges. When analyzing the evidence of internal structure validity, a four-factor model was obtained, eliminating the dimension of interaction control and grouping the dimensions of expression of positive emotions and required sensitivity into a single factor. Mixed evidences of validity (based on relation to other variables) were obtained between the dimensions of emotional labor, burnout and job satisfaction. The results allowed to conclude that the interpretations and decisions made from the scores obtained through the FEWS scale, present evidence of validity (factors represent 64.81% of explained variance) and reliability (.74>¿>.88) in school teachers in Metropolitan Lima. However, it is suggested to adapt the scale excluding the dimension of expression of neutral emotions in future investigations, since it was questioned by the judges in the item review process and did not present significant correlations with any of the dimensions of the burnout and job satisfaction scales

    Algoritmi di conversione csg-rayrep e ray-rep-csg

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    Nell’ambito della realizzazione di modelli materiali di entità geometriche solide, con l’aumentare della complessità delle forme da realizzare stanno acquistando crescente importanza e la ricerca delle frontiere degli oggetti e le tecniche di riempimento automatico del loro interno. Il presente lavoro costituisce un passo nella direzione descritta e in particolare: si analizzano alcuni schemi di rappresentazione utili allo scopo CSG, B-Rep, Ray-Rep; si propone l’idea di utilizzare la Ray-Rep per generare riempimenti su una particolare tecnica di produzione, la Fused Deposition Modelling; si sviluppano degli algoritmi di conversione dallo schema CSG allo schema Ray-Rep e viceversa, per la verifica dei risultati su solidi campione