7 research outputs found

    De mitos, rituales y viajes : Un estudio antropológico de la Unión Industrial Argentina

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    En el presente artículo se analizan los mitos de origen y fundacional de una de las centrales gremial-empresaria más significativas de la Argentina: la Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA). En forma complementaria se estudian los rituales correspondientes al "Día de la Industria Argentina" que tienen a la UlA como principal protagonista. Inscripta en la línea de una antropología de los mundos contemporáneos, mi intención, al elaborar la investigación que nutre este artículo, fue también la de alimentar la continuidad de su debate.The current anide analyses the origin and founding myths of one of the most important business groups of Argentina the Industrial Argentinian Union (IAU) -an entrepenurial unión-. Rituals connected with Argentine Industry Day, that have the IAU as main protagonist are studied also. Suscribing the line of contemporary anthropology the intention guiding this research has also been to feed the continuity of its debate.Sociedad Argentina de Antropologí

    De mitos, rituales y viajes : Un estudio antropológico de la Unión Industrial Argentina

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    En el presente artículo se analizan los mitos de origen y fundacional de una de las centrales gremial-empresaria más significativas de la Argentina: la Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA). En forma complementaria se estudian los rituales correspondientes al "Día de la Industria Argentina" que tienen a la UlA como principal protagonista. Inscripta en la línea de una antropología de los mundos contemporáneos, mi intención, al elaborar la investigación que nutre este artículo, fue también la de alimentar la continuidad de su debate.The current anide analyses the origin and founding myths of one of the most important business groups of Argentina the Industrial Argentinian Union (IAU) -an entrepenurial unión-. Rituals connected with Argentine Industry Day, that have the IAU as main protagonist are studied also. Suscribing the line of contemporary anthropology the intention guiding this research has also been to feed the continuity of its debate.Sociedad Argentina de Antropologí

    Samoa observada. Verdades y ficciones acerca de la controversia antropológica Mead-Freeman

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    El presente artículo discurre acerca de la polémica que suscitó la publicación del libro del antropólogo australiano Derek Freeman, “Margared Mead and Samoa. The Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth”, cuya propuesta fue la de refutar las principales conclusiones a las que la antropóloga norteamericana Margared Mead había arribado en su primer trabajo de campo, publicado en 1928 bajo el título “Coming of Age in Samoa”.Basándome en los dos libros pilares de la controversia, así como en un video editado en 1988 que recoge la opinión de varios antropólogos norteamericanos y entrevistados samoanos sobre la problemática en cuestión, el objetivo del trabajo es analizar la polémica a partir de una reflexión sobre la temática de la verdad y la ficción, ligándola a la de la descripción, interpretación y explicación en Antropología

    Union industria Argentina : entre o mito e a historia, etnografia de uma central gremial-industrial, um estudo antropologico no ãmbito das sociedades complexas

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    Orientador: Guilhermo Raul RubenDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias HumanasResumo:O objetivo da presente tese consiste em formular uma interpretação de uma das centrais grêmio-industriais mais significativas dos industriais na Argentina: a União Industrial Argentina (UIA), a partir da análise de alguns aspectos das relações sociais mantidas por dois de seus movimentos internos, o Movimento Industrial Argentino (MIA) e o Movimento Industrial Nacional (MIN), com ênfase no estudo dos mitos, rituais e símbolos da entidade. A partir do meu "presente etnográfico", temporalmente situado entre os anos de 1992 e 1994, o exame das relações entre o MIA e o MIN constitui, a meu ver, uma opção metodológica fecunda pra o fim proposto. A etnografia da UIA, além de contribuir para acompreensão de uma nova visão sobre a central fabril, traz elementos para formular algumas hipóteses relativas à discussão contemporânea da problemática da nacionalidade na Argentina. Por último, inscrita na linha de uma antropologia das sociedades "complexas", minha intenção, ao conceber esta tese, foi também a de alimentar a continuidade de seu debate.Abstract: Not informed.MestradoMestre em Antropologia Socia

    Labyrinthes institutionnels (anthropologie d'un système de représentation patronale)

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    Cette thèse est le résultat d une recherche anthropologique d un système de représentation patronale, celui de la principale organisation représentative des entreprises privées et publiques en Italie : la Confédération Générale de l Industrie Italienne (CONFINDUSTRIA). Fondée à Turin le 5 mai 1910 et en ayant son siège à Rome dès le 8 avril 1919, la CONFINDUSTRIA rassemble 108.000 entreprises de biens et de services (4.600.000 salariés) en 2001. L intérêt majeur de cette étude est d interpréter la CONFINDUSTRIA comme une institution. Cependant nous n en avons pas exclu pour autant la contribution de l anthropologie à l étude des organisations. Or les institutions ne se réduisent pas à des grandes organisations ; ce sont aussi bien des systèmes conceptuels, plus précisément, elles sont des manières de penser autant que des manières d agir. L analyse des institutions humaines comme nous l entendons dans cette thèse porte d abord sur la découverte d un principe régulateur qui peut être donné avant ses parties, car il peut être donné comme règle avant de l être comme totalité concrète. En ce sens, l une des hypothèses principales que nous tenons à démontrer dans cette thèse, c est que la CONFINDUSTRIA peut être interprétée comme un système de représentation familiale. Pour l analyse de cette institution nous nous basons notamment sur les document de la CONFINDUSTRIA provenant des archives des sièges de Bologne, Milan et Rome. L interprétation de ces sources s appuie sur un travail de terrain intensif, mené à bien à la CONFINDUSTRIA (Rome), entre 1996 et 1997.This thesis is the result of an anthropological research on an industrial representation system : the General Confederation of Italian Industry (CONFINDUSTRIA), Italy s main employers federation of public and private firms. CONFINDUSTRIA was created in Turin on May 5 th 1910 and is based in Rome since 8 th April 1919. By 2001, it grouped together 108,000 goods and services companies (4,600,000 employees). The major interest of this study is that it interprets CONFINDUSTRIA as an institution. However, the contribution of anthropology to the study of organizations has not been excluded. In fact, institutions involve more than big organizations; they are also conceptual systems, to be more precise, the are ways of thinking as well as ways of acting. The exploration of human institutions as we understand it in this thesis focuses in the first place on the discovery of a regulating principle wich can be given before its parts, since it can be given as a rule before being given as a concrete totality. In a sense, one of the main assumptions we want to prove in this thesis is that CONFINDUSTRIA can be taken as a system of family representation. This analysis is based on material that was published by CONFINDUSTRIA and comes from their archives in Bologna, Milan and Rome. Interpretation of this material is supported by an intensive field work which was carried out at CONFINDUSTRIA (Rome) from 1996 through 1997.PARIS-Médiathèque MQB (751132304) / SudocPARIS-Fondation MSH (751062301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Etnografía y antropología en la Argentina: propuestas para la reconstrucción de un programa de investigación de lo universal

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    From the beginning of Anthropology in Argentina, ethnologists and folklore specialists conducted various forms of fieldwork. In the 1960s and 1970s, a heterogeneous group of researchers created renewed research styles and approaches closer to the Anglo-Saxon Social Anthropology. But only in the early twenty-first century, fieldwork based on participative observation and the creation of monographs ("ethnographies") became the socially accepted and normal way of production of anthropological knowledge. On one hand, I intend to expose this process of transformation, combining my biographical experience as a native of Buenos Aires Anthropology, together with, research on the history of the discipline in the country. On the other hand, I will consider the current situation of Anthropology in Argentina as an opportunity to question the ways we think and carry out the discipline. I argue that the ethnographic perspective has led the wayto understanding our realities in an original manner, but it has also delayed the effect of others. Through dialogue with the international critical literature which has questioned the current disciplinary situation, I suggest reviewing the way we understand the connection between Ethnography and what I refer to as an anthropological agenda, so that writing and fieldwork stay subordinated to problems and theories. From my viewpoint, a new program should encourage us to conduct riskier research, which would embrace real intellectual challenges. This will naturally imply turning the very ethnographic approach into a more uncertain and experimental approach