35 research outputs found

    Six freshwater microturbellarian species (Platyhelminthes) in permanent wetlands of the Coastal plain of southern Brazil: new records, abundance, and distribution

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    Microturbellarians occur in a wide range of ecosystems, but their diversity and distribution are largely unknown. In this work, we report on the morphology, abundance, and distribution of 6 species of microturbellarians, namely Baicalellia evelinae, Catenula evelinae, C. leuca, C. turgida, Gieysztoria chiqchi, and Stenostomum hemisphericum. We provide photographs and schematic drawings of the specimens in vivo. Three of them were known only for their type localities. Most species showed low to moderate abundance and were found in a single wetland in this study. Gieysztoria chiqchi is reported from Brazil for the first time. All records extend the ranges of the species at least 800 km to the southeast.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Six freshwater microturbellarian species (Platyhelminthes) in permanent wetlands of the Coastal plain of southern Brazil: new records, abundance, and distribution

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    Microturbellarians occur in a wide range of ecosystems, but their diversity and distribution are largely unknown. In this work, we report on the morphology, abundance, and distribution of 6 species of microturbellarians, namely Baicalellia evelinae, Catenula evelinae, C. leuca, C. turgida, Gieysztoria chiqchi, and Stenostomum hemisphericum. We provide photographs and schematic drawings of the specimens in vivo. Three of them were known only for their type localities. Most species showed low to moderate abundance and were found in a single wetland in this study. Gieysztoria chiqchi is reported from Brazil for the first time. All records extend the ranges of the species at least 800 km to the southeast.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A new species of terrestrial planarian (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Terricola) from South Brazil

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    Geoplana josefi sp. nov. of South Brazil is described herein. The species shows etary polymorphism. Neither youngs nor adults show the characteristic colour pattern of the mature worms. The species has a multilayered lining in the female atrium. The allopatric G. trigueira, which does not have such a lining, is similar externally and internally with adults of G. josefi, its seminal vesicle, however, being unpaired

    Histological and histochemical aspects of the penial glands of Girardia biapertura Sluys, 1997 (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Paludicola)

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    Girardia biapertura was described with sperm ducts penetrating the penis bulb, subsequently opening separately at the tip of the penis papilla and receiving the abundant secretion of penial glands. In the present work, the penial glands of this species have been histologically and histochemically analysed, and four types of secretory cells are distinguished. The openings of the penial glands into the intrabulbar and intrapapillar sperm ducts, designated here as intrapenial ducts, allow for the distinction between three histologically differentiated regions. The most proximal region possibly corresponds to the bulbar cavity of other freshwater triclads whereas the median and distal portions correspond to the ejaculatory duct. The proximal region of the intrapenial ducts receives mainly the openings of a secretory cell type (type I) that produces a proteinaceous secretion. A second type of secretory cell (type II) that secretes neutral mucopolyssacharides opens into the median region of the intrapenial ducts. The distal portion of the ducts receives two types of secretory cells (types III and IV) which secret glycoprotein and glycosaminoglycans, respectively. Types III and IV open also directly into the male atrium through the epithelium of the penis papilla. A comparison with the results presented here and those of other authors for species of Girardia is provided and the importance of the study of the penial glands for taxonomic characterisation of freshwater triclads is emphasised