2,289 research outputs found

    An Investigation of the KFK_{F}-type Lorentz-Symmetry Breaking Gauge Models in N=1N=1-Supersymmetric Scenario

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    In this work, we present two possible venues to accomodate the KFK_{F}-type Lorentz-symmetry violating Electrodynamics in an N=1N=1-supersymmetric framework. A chiral and a vector superfield are chosen to describe the background that signals Lorentz-symmetry breaking. In each case, the  Kμνκλ\ K_{\mu \nu \kappa \lambda }-tensor is expressed in terms of the components of the background superfield that we choose to describe the breaking. We also present in detail the actions with all fermionic partners of the background that determine  Kμνκλ\ K_{\mu \nu \kappa \lambda }.Comment: 10 page

    Defective apoptosis in intestinal and mesenteric adipose tissue of crohn's disease patients

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    Background: Crohn's disease (CD) is associated with complex pathogenic pathways involving defects in apoptosis mechanisms. Recently, mesenteric adipose tissue (MAT) has been associated with CD ethiopathology, since adipose thickening is detected close to the affected intestinal area. However, the potential role of altered apoptosis in MAT of CD has not been addressed. Aims: To evaluate apoptosis in the intestinal mucosa and MAT of patients with CD. Methods: Samples of intestinal mucosa and MAT from patients with ileocecal CD and from non-inflammatory bowel diseases patients (controls) were studied. Apoptosis was assessed by TUNEL assay and correlated with the adipocytes histological morphometric analysis. The transcriptional and protein analysis of selected genes and proteins related to apoptosis were determined. Results: TUNEL assay showed fewer apoptotic cells in CD, when compared to the control groups, both in the intestinal mucosa and in MAT. In addition, the number of apoptotic cells (TUNEL) correlated significantly with the area and perimeter of the adipose cells in MAT. Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis reveal a significantly lower transcript and protein levels of Bax in the intestinal mucosa of CD, compared to the controls; low protein levels of Bax were found localized in the lamina propria and not in the epithelium of this tissue. Furthermore, higher level of Bcl-2 and low level of Caspase 3 were seen in the MAT of CD patients. Conclusion: The defective apoptosis in MAT may explain the singular morphological characteristics of this tissue in CD, which may be implicated in the pathophysiology of the disease. © 2014 Dias et al.Crohn's disease (CD) is associated with complex pathogenic pathways involving defects in apoptosis mechanisms. Recently, mesenteric adipose tissue (MAT) has been associated with CD ethiopathology, since adipose thickening is detected close to the affected intestinal area. However, the potential role of altered apoptosis in MAT of CD has not been addressed. Aims: To evaluate apoptosis in the intestinal mucosa and MAT of patients with CD. Methods: Samples of intestinal mucosa and MAT from patients with ileocecal CD and from non-inflammatory bowel diseases patients (controls) were studied. Apoptosis was assessed by TUNEL assay and correlated with the adipocytes histological morphometric analysis. The transcriptional and protein analysis of selected genes and proteins related to apoptosis were determined. Results: TUNEL assay showed fewer apoptotic cells in CD, when compared to the control groups, both in the intestinal mucosa and in MAT. In addition, the number of apoptotic cells (TUNEL) correlated significantly with the area and perimeter of the adipose cells in MAT. Transcriptomic and proteomic analysis reveal a significantly lower transcript and protein levels of Bax in the intestinal mucosa of CD, compared to the controls; low protein levels of Bax were found localized in the lamina propria and not in the epithelium of this tissue. Furthermore, higher level of Bcl-2 and low level of Caspase 3 were seen in the MAT of CD patients. Conclusion: The defective apoptosis in MAT may explain the singular morphological characteristics of this tissue in CD, which may be implicated in the pathophysiology of the disease96e9854

    Granuloma eosinofílico na clavícula. Apresentação atípica de uma patologia rara

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    O granuloma eosinofílico de localização óssea é uma lesão benigna e apresenta geralmente um curso indolente. Esta entidade foi descrita em 1940 por Lichtenstein e Jaffe e a sua etiologia permanece desconhecida, sendo sugerida a sua associação a outros síndromes. A sua localização mais comum é a nível do crânio, fémur e coluna vertebral e pode apresentar-se como uma lesão simples ou lesões múltiplas. Tem geralmente bom prognóstico, não havendo contudo um consenso quanto ao seu tratamento. Os autores presentam o caso de um homem de 36 anos que apresentava um granuloma eosinofílico de localização atípica – a clavícula – complicado com fratura patológica. Foi submetido a tratamento cirúrgico com excisão da massa tumoral e estabilização com placa e enxerto de ilíaco tricortical autólogo. Foi conseguido um excelente resultado funcional que se mantinha no follow-up a três anos. Não existe na literatura, ao conhecimento dos autores, qualquer descrição de um caso de fratura patológica na apresentação de um granuloma eosinofílico

    Desempenho de genótipos de mandioca para indústria em Dourados, MS.

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    O desenvolvimento de variedades de mandioca é hoje considerado o fator de maior demanda por parte da cadeia produtiva da mandiocultura do mundo, senda a falta de variedades adaptadas a diferentes ambientes apontada como a maior causa da baixa produtividade da mandioca no Brasil. A interação genótipo x ambiente é considerada alta para a cultura, o que determina a necessidade da realização de vários trabalhos de avaliação distribuídos pelas regiões de interesse (FUKUDA & SILVA, 2003; ZATARIM et al., 2007; SAGRILO et al., 2010). A partir de 2008, com o desenvolvimento das ações do projeto "Rede Cooperativa de Avaliação e Transferência de genótipos de Mandioca", passou-se a avaliar os genótipos de mandioca de forma sistematizada, com metodologia clara, em todas as regiões do Brasil, visando otimizar os trabalhos de melhoramento e a adoção de novas cultivares. O presente trabalho consta da avaliação de genótipos de mandioca para indústria, na região de Dourados, MS, no período entre 2009 e 2010.Melhoramento genético. Resumo n. 243

    Herbage Accumulation and Mass in Massai Grass Plots Mixed with Forage Peanut and Fertilized with Nitrogen

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate herbage accumulation and mass during the growing season of Massai grass mixed with peanut forage and fertilized with nitrogen. The work was carried out at Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 11/2021 to 03/2022. A randomized block experimental design was used, in plots of Massai grass Megathyrsus maximus, in a factorial arrangement, with seven replications. Four treatments formed by the combination of the presence or absence of Archis pintoi and nitrogen fertilization (0 and 50 kg ha-1 of N). Canopy heights of the plots were evaluated weekly and when they reached values of about 50 cm two samples were collected and the total herbage accumulation and mass were calculated. The treatments without nitrogen fertilization and legume had the lowest herbage accumulation and mass (5,080 and 2,060 kg ha-1 of DM, respectively), when compared to the plots that had nitrogen fertilization and legume. The treatments with or without legume but with nitrogen fertilization had the same herbage accumulation and mass (9,775 and 2,630 kg ha-1 of DM, respectively). Thus, the presence of the legume resulted in greater herbage accumulation and mass in relation to those plots without legume and nitrogen fertilization. However, when nitrogen fertilization was performed no additive effect with the presence of the legume was observed, indicating that the nitrogen fertilization somehow inhibited the benefit of the legume on forage production. So, based on the short-term results obtained, the use of nitrogen fertilization or the use of forage peanuts should be done separately

    Covariant and Heavy Quark Symmetric Quark Models

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    There exist relativistic quark models (potential or MIT-bag) which satisfy the heavy quark symmetry (HQS) relations among meson decay constants and form factors. Covariant construction of the momentum eigenstates, developed here, can correct for spurious center-of-mass motion contributions.Proton form factor and M1 transitions in quarkonia are calculated. Explicit expression for the Isgur-Wise function is found and model determined deviations from HQS are studied. All results depend on the model parameters only. No additional ad hoc assumptions are needed.Comment: 34 pages (2 figures not included but avaliable upon request), LATEX, (to be published in Phys.Rev.D

    Polyomavirus Nephropathy: Ten-Year Experience

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    BACKGROUND: Polyomavirus nephropathy (BKVN) is an important cause of chronic allograft dysfunction (CAD). Recipient determinants (male sex, white race, and older age), deceased donation, high-dose immunosuppression, diabetes, delayed graft function (DGF), cytomegalovirus infection, and acute rejection (AR) are risk factors. Reducing immunosuppression is the best strategy in BKVN. The objective of our study was to evaluate CAD progression after therapeutic strategies in BKVN and risk factors for graft loss (GL). METHODS: Retrospective analysis of 23 biopsies, from patients with CAD and histological evidence of BKVN, conducted over a period of 10 years. Glomerular filtration rate was <30 mL/min in 16 patients at the time of the BKVN diagnosis. RESULTS: BKVN was histologically diagnosed in 23 recipients (19 men, 4 women). All patients were white, with age of 51.2 ± 12.1 years (6 patients, age >60 years), and 22 had a deceased donor. Diabetes affected 4 patients, DGF occurred in 3, cytomegalovirus infection in 2, and AR in 15. All patients were medicated with calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) (95.7% tacrolimus) and corticoids, and 16 also received an antimetabolite. One year after antimetabolite reduction/discontinuation and/or CNI reduction/switching and/or antiviral agents, graft function was decreased in 11 patients, increased/stabilized in 10, and unknown in 2. GL occurred in 9 patients. Older age (hazard ratio, 1.76; 95% confidence interval, 0.94-3.28) and DGF (hazard ratio, 2.60; 95% confidence interval, 0.54-12.64) were the main risk factors for GL. The lower GFR at the time of the BKVN diagnosis was associated with an increased risk of initiation of dialysis. CONCLUSIONS: GL occurred in 39.1% of patients with BKVN and DGF; older age and lower GFR at the time of diagnosis were important risk factors. Early diagnosis of BKVN is essential to prevent GL.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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