2,250 research outputs found

    Usurpação privada por a invenção de crise: A privatização da educação para refugiados

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    How has education for refugees been shaped by broader dynamics of educational privatization? This paper argues that the invoking of the ‘refugee crisis’ narrative has been a crucial force in facilitating the privatization of this sector. The urgency of crisis helps to naturalize private actors’ participation in refugees’ education as equal partners to host governments, multilateral agencies, and civil society. Consistent with Stephen Ball’s (2012) distinction between privatization in and of education, the privatization of refugee education also advances through two dimensions: the creation of a new space – a new ‘market’ – for private actors, and the infusion of market and business principles such as ‘innovation’ into all aspects of education. The crisis narrative has created a new ‘horizon of taken-for-granted’ (Hall, 1993), where it is simply natural that private actors must participate in the assumption of the traditional responsibilities of the state in providing education for refugees. ¿Cómo es que la educación para refugiados se ha vista transformada por la dinámica más amplia de la privatización de educación? Este articulo sostiene que el uso de la narrativa de “la crisis de refugiados” ha actuado como fuerza esencial para facilitar la privatización de este sector educativo. La urgencia de crisis ayuda a naturalizar la participación de actores privados en la educación de refugiados a nivel igual que gobiernos de países de acogida, organizaciones multilaterales, y la sociedad civil. De acuerdo con la distinción de Stephen Ball (2012) entre privatización en y de educación, la privatización de la educación de refugiados también avanza por dos dimensiones: la creación de un nuevo espacio- un nuevo “mercado”- para actores privados, y la inserción de principios mercantiles y empresariales tales como “la innovación” en todos aspectos de la educación. La narrativa de crisis ya ha creado un nuevo “ámbito de dado-por-hecho” (Hall, 1993), en la cual se considera natural que los actores privados tengan que asumir responsabilidades tradicionalmente del estado en la provisión de educación para refugiados.Como é que a educação para refugiados se transformou por a dinâmica más ampla da privatização da educação? Este artigo argumenta que o uso da narrativa da “crise dos refugiados” há servido como força essencial para possibilitar a privatização de este sector educacional. A urgência de crise ajuda a naturalizar a participação de atores privados na educação dos refugiados de maneira igual que governos de países anfitriões, organizações multilateral, e a sociedade civil. De acordo com a distinção de Stephen Ball (2012) entre privatização em y de educação, a privatização da educação de refugiados também avança por dois dimensões: a criação de um novo espaço- um novo “mercado”- para atores privados, e a inserção de princípios do mercado e do comercio como “a inovação” em todas partes da educação. A narrativa da crise já formou um novo “âmbito de tomado-por-certo” (Hall, 1993), na qual se considera natural que os atores privados tenham que assumir cargos tradicionalmente do estado na fornecimento de educação para refugiados


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    Training management is an important function of universities, giving recommendations to the principal when developing the training development strategies; organizing training courses, recruitment; examination and assuring the quality according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training. This can be considered as a "backbone" in education, which is the basis of school development. In particular, doing research and proposing solutions to improve the quality of the training programs in the school regularly are necessary. This article introduces some achievements and limitations in the Bachelor of physical education training program in Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy. Consequently, some effective solutions to improve the training program are also proposed.  Article visualizations

    Accounting information quality in emerging markets: Conservatism in financial reporting of Vietnamese firms in the context of international economic integration

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    We test conservatism in financial reporting of Vietnamese listed firms over the period of 2005-2014. We find that Vietnamese financial statements ensure conservatism’s specifications consisting of asymmetric gain and loss recognition timeliness and asymmetric persistence of earnings changes. We further find that the degree of conservatism has increased significantly over the post-crisis economic restructuring period. The findings provide empirical evidence to the improved quality of accounting information in Vietnam. © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved

    The impact of financial statement disclosure on conservatism in financial reporting: Evidence from Vietnam

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    The aim of this paper is to test the impact of financial statement disclosure on conservatism in Vietnamese financial statements. I use inter-earning announcement period returns and fiscal year returns to serve as economic news reflected in earnings during the financial statement disclosure period and prior to the financial statement disclosure period. I test conservatism in financial reporting of Vietnamese listed non-financial firms over the period of 2005-2015 using the two returns measures in succession. I find that conservatism principle is only ensured within the audited financial statement disclosure period. The findings have implications for our understanding of the role of auditors as well as rules and regulations of financial statement disclosure in improving the quality of accounting information. © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved

    Digital Transformation of the Banking Industry in Developing Countries

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    Purpose:  The study's objective is to test the impact of digital transactions on banking performance. Based on the previous research and the actual situations, it has been recognized that the critical role of digital banking is in developing the banking industry, especially in developing countries.   Theoretical framework:  In the next section, the study presents background information to promote the research. The digital transformation has changed how customers use financial services. This has pushed banks to adapt more quickly to the wave of digital transformation if they don't want to lose their valuable customer base.   Design/methodology/approach:  the methodology applied uses POOL, FEM, REM, and FGLS models to examine the impact of banking transactions made by digital technology on the bank's deposit and lending revenue. This article studies banking operations on digital platforms from 2012 to 2019 in developing countries.   Findings: The article's findings showed that digital banks' flexible products and services bring many benefits with a high level of interaction, such as supporting the relationship between customers and banks and improving operating revenue.   Research, Practical & Social implications: Practical implications enhanced the development potential of digital banking is relatively large, stemming from the market demand development orientation of the banking industry.   Originality/value: The paper's originality and value help banks invest in digital technology as the way forward to better serve their customers

    The affine cones over Fano-Mukai fourfold of genus 77 are flexible

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    In this paper, we will show that the affine cones over any smooth Fano-Mukai fourfold of genus 77 are flexible.Comment: 9 pages, comments are welcome