838 research outputs found

    The variability behavior of CoRoT M-giant Stars

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    For 6 years the Convection, Rotation, and Planetary Transits (CoRoT) space mission has acquired photometric data from more than one hundred thousand point sources towards and directly opposite from the inner and outer regions of the Galaxy. The high temporal resolution of the CoRoT data combined with the wide time span of the observations has enabled the study of short and long time variations in unprecedented detail. From the initial sample of 2534 stars classified as M-giants in the CoRoT databasis, we selected 1428 targets that exhibit well defined variability, using visual inspection. The variability period and amplitude of C1 stars (stars having Teff < 4200 K) were computed using Lomb-Scargle and harmonic fit methods. The trends found in the V-I vs J-K color-color diagram are in agreement with standard empirical calibrations for M-giants. The sources located towards the inner regions of the Galaxy are distributed throughout the diagram while the majority of the stars towards the outer regions of the Galaxy are spread between the calibrations of M-giants and the predicted position for Carbon stars. The stars classified as supergiants follow a different sequence from the one found for giant stars. We also performed a KS test of the period and amplitude of stars towards the inner and outer regions of the Galaxy. We obtained a low probability that the two samples come from the same parent distribution. The observed behavior of the period-amplitude and period-Teff diagrams are, in general, in agreement with those found for Kepler sources and ground based photometry, with pulsation being the dominant cause responsible for the observed modulation. We also conclude that short-time variations on M-Giant stars do not exist orare very rare and the few cases we found are possibly related to biases or background stars.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Gapped Excitations in the High-Pressure Antiferromagnetic Phase of URu2_2Si2_2

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    We report a neutron scattering study of the magnetic excitation spectrum in each of the three temperature and pressure driven phases of URu2_2Si2_2. We find qualitatively similar excitations throughout the (H0L) scattering plane in the hidden order and large moment phases, with no changes in the ω\hbar\omega-widths of the excitations at the Σ\Sigma = (1.407,0,0) and ZZ = (1,0,0) points, within our experimental resolution. There is, however, an increase in the gap at the Σ\Sigma point from 4.2(2) meV to 5.5(3) meV, consistent with other indicators of enhanced antiferromagnetism under pressure.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    LPIN1 deficiency: A novel mutation associated with different phenotypes in the same family

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    Free PMC Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5050266/Rhabdomyolysis (RM) is characterized by acute and often severe skeletal muscle damage resulting in myoglobinuria and, in severe cases, acute renal failure. In adults is typically due to trauma, intoxication or infection, whereas in children is frequently associated with inherited muscle disorders. LPIN1 mutations were identified as a cause of severe recurrent RM, which usually begin in childhood, and infections are the most frequent trigger.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Salmonella clinical isolates from Brazilian pig herds: genetic relationship and antibiotic resistance profiling.

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    Abstract In Brazil, since 2011 clinical cases of salmonellosis has been increasing substantially. Nevertheless, few information is available about the antimicrobial profile, distribution, serotypes and genetic relationship among the strains. The objectives of this study were: to identify the Salmonella serotypes, to characterize the in vitro antimicrobial resistance profiles and to determine the genetic relationship of clinical isolates in Brazil. During 2016, clinical isolates of Salmonella (111) from nine States were sent to Embrapa Swine and Poultry for complementary analysis. First, isolates were serotyped by Kauffmann White Scheme. In parallel, the strains were tested against fifteen antimicrobials by disk diffusion method and genotyping was performed by Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) using the XbaI restriction enzyme. As expected, the main serovars found were Typhimurium and Choleraesuis. Four strains showed resistance to only one antimicrobial and 76.5% (85/111) were considered multiresistant. The highest level of resistance was found against to tetracycline. More than 80% of the strains were susceptible to fosfomycin, lincomycin/spectinomycin and norfloxacin. It was possible to identify one major Choleraesuis clonal group present in different Brazilian States. Further, several small clonal groups were obtained for Typhimurium. In conclusion, clinical salmonellosis caused by Typhimurium and Choleraesuis is endemic in pig production areas and the majority of the strains are multi-resistantSafePork 2017

    Composição da carcaça e caracterização físico-química de músculo de porco Alentejano acabado em montanheira – resultados preliminares

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    O porco Alentejano é uma raça suína autóctone do sul de Portugal, tradicionalmente acabada em regime de montanheira. Durante o período de engorda, que ocorre nos meses de outono e inverno, os animais são alimentados com os recursos naturais do Montado, como bolota/lande e pastagem, sendo abatidos com cerca de 120-150 Kg de peso vivo e com 18-24 meses de idade (Freitas et al., 2007). O porco Alentejano é caracterizado por apresentar baixas taxas de crescimento e elevada atividade lipogénica nas fases iniciais de desenvolvimento (Neves et al., 2012). Como consequência da composição em ácidos gordos dos recursos alimentares disponíveis, a gordura intramuscular dos porcos acabados em Montanheira apresentam elevada quantidade de ácido oleico (18:1 cis-9) (Lopez-Bote, 1998). Dadas estas particularidades, a carne e a gordura destes animais são utilizadas para o fabrico de diversos produtos de alta qualidade, existindo neste momento uma elevada gama de produtos com Denominação de Origem Protegida (DOP) ou Indicação Geográfica Protegida (IGP) com origem no Porco Alentejano. Apesar do impacto económico e na qualidade do produto final, a composição da carcaça e as propriedades físico-químicas da carne dos porcos Alentejanos utilizados para o fabrico destes produtos ainda estão pouco caracterizadas. Assim, neste trabalho procedeu-se à avaliação da composição da carcaça e à caracterização físico-química do músculo Longissimus lumborum de porco Alentejano acabado em regime de montanheira. Este trabalho faz parte de um conjunto alargado de estudos que compõem o projeto “SeletcPorAl - Seleção e melhoramento genómico de características produtivas do porco Alentejano”, que visa a identificação e validação de marcadores moleculares associados a características fenotípicas de interesse económico para o Porco Alentejano, como a composição da carcaça e a qualidade da carn