22 research outputs found

    Focus and coverage of Bolsa Família Program in the Pelotas 2004 birth cohort

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the focalization and coverage of Bolsa Família Program among the families of children who are part of the 2004 Pelotas birth cohort (2004 cohort). METHODS The data used derives from the integration of information from the 2004 cohort and the Cadastro Único para Programas Sociais do Governo Federal (CadÚnico – Register for Social Programs of the Federal Government), in the 2004-2010 period. We estimated the program coverage (percentage of eligible people who receive the benefit) and its focus (proportion of eligible people among the beneficiaries). We used two criteria to define eligibility: the per capita household income reported in the cohort follow-ups and belonging to the 20% poorest families according to the National Economic Indicator (IEN), an asset index. RESULTS Between 2004 and 2010, the proportion of families in the cohort that received the benefit increased from 11% to 34%. We observed an increase in all wealth quintiles. In 2010, by income and wealth quintiles (IEN), 62%-72% of the families were beneficiaries among the 20% poorest people, 2%-5% among the 20% richest people, and about 30% of families of the intermediate quintile. According to household income (minus the benefit) 29% of families were eligible in 2004 and 16% in 2010. By the same criteria, the coverage of the program increased from 43% in 2004 to 71% in 2010. In the same period, by the wealth criterion (IEN), coverage increased from 29% to 63%. The focalization of the program decreased from 78% in 2004 to 32% in 2010 according to income, and remained constant (37%) according to the IEN. CONCLUSIONS Among the families of the 2004 cohort, there was a significant increase in the program coverage, from its inception until 2010, when it was near 70%. The focus of the program was below 40% in 2010, indicating that more than half of the beneficiaries did not belong to the target population

    Patch-based potentials for interactive contour extraction

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    International audienceThe problem of interactive contour extraction of targeted objects of interest in images is challenging and finds many applications in image editing tasks. Several methods have been proposed to address this problem with a common objective: performing an accurate contour extraction with minimum user effort. For minimal paths techniques, achieving this goal depends critically on the ability of the so-called potential map to capture edges. In this context we propose new patch-based potentials designed to have small values at the boundary of the targeted object. To evaluate these potentials, we consider the livewire framework and quantify their abilities in terms of number of needed seed points. Both visual and quantitative results demonstrated the strong capability of our proposed potentials in reducing the user's interaction while preserving a good accuracy of extraction

    Satisfação dos usuários com serviços da farmácia: tradução e validação do Pharmacy Services Questionnaire para o Brasil Patient satisfaction with pharmacy services: translation and validation of the Pharmacy Services Questionnaire for Brazil

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    Este estudo teve por objetivo traduzir e validar para o português o Pharmacy Services Questionnaire (PSQ). O instrumento possui 20 questões que medem a satisfação dos usuários com serviços da farmácia, organizadas em dois domínios. Utiliza uma escala de respostas Likert de 1 (ruim) a 5 (excelente). O Questionário de Satisfação com os Serviços da Farmácia (QSSF) foi aplicado a 137 diabéticos entre 31 e 89 anos (60,6% mulheres), clientes de farmácias privadas, em sua maioria usuários de serviços públicos de saúde (65,7%), com baixa escolaridade (67,9% até ensino fundamental) e utilizando em média 4,3 medicamentos por pessoa. O escore geral na população estudada foi de 3,6 [DP = 1,1 (IC95%: 3,4-3,8)]. Após análise fatorial, os domínios "exposição agradável" e "manejo da terapia" incluíram 8 e 12 itens, respectivamente, e se correlacionaram significativamente entre si (r = 0,92; p < 0,001) e com o escore geral. O instrumento obteve um a de Cronbach de 0,98 para o escore geral. Os domínios exposição agradável e manejo da terapia mostraram um a de 0,941 e 0,980. O QSSF apresenta aspectos de confiabilidade e validade adequados para sua utilização.<br>The aim of this study was to translate into Portuguese and validate the Pharmacy Services Questionnaire (PSQ). The instrument includes 20 questions that measure user satisfaction with pharmacy services, and is organized according to two factors. It uses a Likert scale of answers from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). The PSQ-Brazil was applied to 137 diabetics from 31 to 89 years of age (60.6% women), clients of private pharmacies, mostly users of public health services (65.7%), with low education (67.9% elementary schooling or less), and who used an average of 4.3 medicines per person. Overall score in the sample was 3.6 (SD = 1.1 [95%CI 3.4-3.8]). After factor analysis, "pleasant exposure" and "treatment management" included 8 and 12 items, respectively, and were significantly correlated with each other (r = 0.92, p < 0.001) and with the overall score. The instrument obtained a Cronbach's alpha of 0.98 for the overall score. The pleasant exposure and treatment management variables showed alphas of 0.94 and 0.98. PSQ-Brazil shows adequate reliability and validity for use in the country