62 research outputs found

    An investigation of factors associated with the health and well-being of HIV-infected or HIV-affected older people in rural South Africa

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    BackgroundDespite the severe impact of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa, the health of older people aged 50+ is often overlooked owing to the dearth of data on the direct and indirect effects of HIV on older people's health status and well-being. The aim of this study was to examine correlates of health and well-being of HIV-infected older people relative to HIV-affected people in rural South Africa, defined as participants with an HIV-infected or death of an adult child due to HIV-related cause. MethodsData were collected within the Africa Centre surveillance area using instruments adapted from the World Health Organization (WHO) Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE). A stratified random sample of 422 people aged 50+ participated. We compared the health correlates of HIV-infected to HIV-affected participants using ordered logistic regressions. Health status was measured using three instruments: disability index, quality of life and composite health score. ResultsMedian age of the sample was 60 years (range 50-94). Women HIV-infected (aOR 0.15, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.08-0.29) and HIV-affected (aOR 0.20, 95% CI 0.08-0.50), were significantly less likely than men to be in good functional ability. Women's adjusted odds of being in good overall health state were similarly lower than men's; while income and household wealth status were stronger correlates of quality of life. HIV-infected participants reported better functional ability, quality of life and overall health state than HIV-affected participants. Discussion and Conclusions The enhanced healthcare received as part of anti-retroviral treatment as well as the considerable resources devoted to HIV care appear to benefit the overall well-being of HIV-infected older people; whereas similar resources have not been devoted to the general health needs of HIV uninfected older people. Given increasing numbers of older people, policy and programme interventions are urgently needed to holistically meet the health and well-being needs of older people beyond the HIV-related care system. <br/

    Tamoxifen-Induced Cre-loxP Recombination Is Prolonged in Pancreatic Islets of Adult Mice

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    Tamoxifen (Tm)-inducible Cre recombinases are widely used to perform gene inactivation and lineage tracing studies in mice. Although the efficiency of inducible Cre-loxP recombination can be easily evaluated with reporter strains, the precise length of time that Tm induces nuclear translocation of CreERTm and subsequent recombination of a target allele is not well defined, and difficult to assess. To better understand the timeline of Tm activity in vivo, we developed a bioassay in which pancreatic islets with a Tm-inducible reporter (from Pdx1PB-CreERTm;R26RlacZ mice) were transplanted beneath the renal capsule of adult mice previously treated with three doses of 1 mg Tm, 8 mg Tm, or corn oil vehicle. Surprisingly, recombination in islet grafts, as assessed by expression of the Ξ²-galactosidase (Ξ²-gal) reporter, was observed days or weeks after Tm treatment, in a dose-dependent manner. Substantial recombination occurred in islet grafts long after administration of 3Γ—8 mg Tm: in grafts transplanted 48 hours after the last Tm injection, 77.9Β±0.4% of Ξ²-cells were Ξ²-gal+; in Ξ²-cells placed after 1 week, 46.2Β±5.0% were Ξ²-gal+; after 2 weeks, 26.3Β±7.0% were Ξ²-gal+; and after 4 weeks, 1.9Β±0.9% were Ξ²-gal+. Islet grafts from mice given 3Γ—1 mg Tm showed lower, but notable, recombination 48 hours (4.9Β±1.7%) and 1 week (4.5Β±1.9%) after Tm administration. These results show that Tm doses commonly used to induce Cre-loxP recombination may continue to label significant numbers of cells for weeks after Tm treatment, possibly confounding the interpretation of time-sensitive studies using Tm-dependent models. Therefore, investigators developing experimental approaches using Tm-inducible systems should consider both maximal recombination efficiency and the length of time that Tm-induced Cre-loxP recombination occurs

    Surveillance biopsies in children post-kidney transplant

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    Surveillance biopsies are increasingly used in the post-transplant monitoring of pediatric renal allograft recipients. The main justification for this procedure is to diagnose early and presumably modifiable acute and chronic renal allograft injury. Pediatric recipients are theoretically at increased risk for subclinical renal allograft injury due to their relatively large adult-sized kidneys and their higher degree of immunological responsiveness. The safety profile of this procedure has been well investigated. Patient morbidity is low, with macroscopic hematuria being the most common adverse event. No patient deaths have been attributed to this procedure. Longitudinal surveillance biopsy studies have revealed a substantial burden of subclinical immunological and non-immunological injury, including acute cellular rejection, interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy, microvascular lesions and transplant glomerulopathy. The main impediment to the implementation of surveillance biopsies as the standard of care is the lack of demonstrable benefit of early histological detection on long-term outcome. The considerable debate surrounding this issue highlights the need for multicenter, prospective, and randomized studies

    Microbial diversity and biogeochemical cycling in soda lakes

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    Soda lakes contain high concentrations of sodium carbonates resulting in a stable elevated pH, which provide a unique habitat to a rich diversity of haloalkaliphilic bacteria and archaea. Both cultivation-dependent and -independent methods have aided the identification of key processes and genes in the microbially mediated carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur biogeochemical cycles in soda lakes. In order to survive in this extreme environment, haloalkaliphiles have developed various bioenergetic and structural adaptations to maintain pH homeostasis and intracellular osmotic pressure. The cultivation of a handful of strains has led to the isolation of a number of extremozymes, which allow the cell to perform enzymatic reactions at these extreme conditions. These enzymes potentially contribute to biotechnological applications. In addition, microbial species active in the sulfur cycle can be used for sulfur remediation purposes. Future research should combine both innovative culture methods and state-of-the-art β€˜meta-omic’ techniques to gain a comprehensive understanding of the microbes that flourish in these extreme environments and the processes they mediate. Coupling the biogeochemical C, N, and S cycles and identifying where each process takes place on a spatial and temporal scale could unravel the interspecies relationships and thereby reveal more about the ecosystem dynamics of these enigmatic extreme environments
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