147 research outputs found

    Dynamic eye colour as an honest signal of aggression

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordAnimal eyes are some of the most widely recognisable structures in nature. Due to their salience to predators and prey, most research has focussed on how animals hide or camouflage their eyes [1]. However, across all vertebrate Classes many species actually express brightly coloured or conspicuous eyes, suggesting they may have also evolved a signalling function. Nevertheless, perhaps due to the difficulty with experimentally manipulating eye appearance, very few species beyond humans [2] have been experimentally shown to use eyes as signals [3]. Using staged behavioural trials we show that Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata), which can rapidly change their iris colour, predominantly express conspicuous eye colouration when performing aggressive behaviours towards smaller conspecifics. We then show, using a novel visually-realistic robotic system to create a mismatch between signal and relative competitive ability, that eye colour is used to honestly signal aggressive motivation. Specifically, robotic ‘cheats’, i.e. smaller and thus less-competitive robotic fish that displayed aggressive eye colouration when defending a food patch, attracted greater food competition from larger real fish. Our study suggests that eye colour may be an under-appreciated aspect of signalling in animals, shows the utility of our new biomimetic robotic system for investigations in animal behaviour, and provides rare experimental evidence that socially-mediated costs towards low-quality individuals may maintain the honesty of dynamic colour signals.This work was supported by a research grant from the Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2015-047) awarded to D.P.C. and S.K.D. D.P.C. and S.K.D. also acknowledge funding from the Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF – 1323-00105). We are very grateful to Rajendra Mahabir for assistance in the field, to Fiona Moultrie, Joah Madden, Sam Ellis, Ashley Ward, and John Endler for valuable discussion, and to Tom Houslay for advice on the R code to generate the plots

    Evidence for Diffuse Central Retinal Edema In Vivo in Diabetic Male Sprague Dawley Rats

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    Background: Investigations into the mechanism of diffuse retinal edema in diabetic subjects have been limited by a lack of animal models and techniques that co-localized retinal thickness and hydration in vivo. In this study we test the hypothesis that a previously reported supernormal central retinal thickness on MRI measured in experimental diabetic retinopathy in vivo represents a persistent and diffuse edema. Methodology/Principal Findings: In diabetic and age-matched control rats, and in rats experiencing dilutional hyponatremia (as a positive edema control), whole central retinal thickness, intraretinal water content and apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC, ‘water mobility’) were measured in vivo using quantitative MRI methods. Glycated hemoglobin and retinal thickness ex vivo (histology) were also measured in control and diabetic groups. In the dilutional hyponatremia model, central retinal thickness and water content were supernormal by quantitative MRI, and intraretinal water mobility profiles changed in a manner consistent with intracellular edema. Groups of diabetic (2, 3, 4, 6, and 9 mo of diabetes), and age-matched controls were then investigated with MRI and all diabetic rats showed supernormal whole central retinal thickness. In a separate study in 4 mo diabetic rats (and controls), MRI retinal thickness and water content metrics were significantly greater than normal, and ADC was subnormal in the outer retina; the increase in retinal thickness was not detected histologically on sections of fixed and dehydrated retinas from these rats

    Increased Expression of Fatty-Acid and Calcium Metabolism Genes in Failing Human Heart

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    Heart failure (HF) involves alterations in metabolism, but little is known about cardiomyopathy-(CM)-specific or diabetes-independent alterations in gene expression of proteins involved in fatty-acid (FA) uptake and oxidation or in calcium-(Ca(2+))-handling in the human heart.RT-qPCR was used to quantify mRNA expression and immunoblotting to confirm protein expression in left-ventricular myocardium from patients with HF (n = 36) without diabetes mellitus of ischaemic (ICM, n = 16) or dilated (DCM, n = 20) cardiomyopathy aetiology, and non-diseased donors (CTL, n = 6).Significant increases in mRNA of genes regulating FA uptake (CD36) and intracellular transport (Heart-FA-Binding Protein (HFABP)) were observed in HF patients vs CTL. Significance was maintained in DCM and confirmed at protein level, but not in ICM. mRNA was higher in DCM than ICM for peroxisome-proliferator-activated-receptor-alpha (PPARA), PPAR-gamma coactivator-1-alpha (PGC1A) and CD36, and confirmed at the protein level for PPARA and CD36. Transcript and protein expression of Ca(2+)-handling genes (Two-Pore-Channel 1 (TPCN1), Two-Pore-Channel 2 (TPCN2), and Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate Receptor type-1 (IP3R1)) increased in HF patients relative to CTL. Increases remained significant for TPCN2 in all groups but for TPCN1 only in DCM. There were correlations between FA metabolism and Ca(2+)-handling genes expression. In ICM there were six correlations, all distinct from those found in CTL. In DCM there were also six (all also different from those found in CTL): three were common to and three distinct from ICM.DCM-specific increases were found in expression of several genes that regulate FA metabolism, which might help in the design of aetiology-specific metabolic therapies in HF. Ca(2+)-handling genes TPCN1 and TPCN2 also showed increased expression in HF, while HF- and CM-specific positive correlations were found among several FA and Ca(2+)-handling genes

    High resolution structural evidence suggests the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum forms microdomains with acidic stores (lysosomes) in the heart

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    Nicotinic Acid Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate (NAADP) stimulates calcium release from acidic stores such as lysosomes and is a highly potent calcium-mobilising second messenger. NAADP plays an important role in calcium signalling in the heart under basal conditions and following β-adrenergic stress. Nevertheless, the spatial interaction of acidic stores with other parts of the calcium signalling apparatus in cardiac myocytes is unknown. We present evidence that lysosomes are intimately associated with the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in ventricular myocytes; a median separation of 20 nm in 2D electron microscopy and 3.3 nm in 3D electron tomography indicates a genuine signalling microdomain between these organelles. Fourier analysis of immunolabelled lysosomes suggests a sarcomeric pattern (dominant wavelength 1.80 μm). Furthermore, we show that lysosomes form close associations with mitochondria (median separation 6.2 nm in 3D studies) which may provide a basis for the recently-discovered role of NAADP in reperfusion-induced cell death. The trigger hypothesis for NAADP action proposes that calcium release from acidic stores subsequently acts to enhance calcium release from the SR. This work provides structural evidence in cardiac myocytes to indicate the formation of microdomains between acidic and SR calcium stores, supporting emerging interpretations of NAADP physiology and pharmacology in heart

    A New Methodology to Associate SNPs with Human Diseases According to Their Pathway Related Context

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) with hundreds of żthousands of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are popular strategies to reveal the genetic basis of human complex diseases. Despite many successes of GWAS, it is well recognized that new analytical approaches have to be integrated to achieve their full potential. Starting with a list of SNPs, found to be associated with disease in GWAS, here we propose a novel methodology to devise functionally important KEGG pathways through the identification of genes within these pathways, where these genes are obtained from SNP analysis. Our methodology is based on functionalization of important SNPs to identify effected genes and disease related pathways. We have tested our methodology on WTCCC Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) dataset and identified: i) previously known RA related KEGG pathways (e.g., Toll-like receptor signaling, Jak-STAT signaling, Antigen processing, Leukocyte transendothelial migration and MAPK signaling pathways); ii) additional KEGG pathways (e.g., Pathways in cancer, Neurotrophin signaling, Chemokine signaling pathways) as associated with RA. Furthermore, these newly found pathways included genes which are targets of RA-specific drugs. Even though GWAS analysis identifies 14 out of 83 of those drug target genes; newly found functionally important KEGG pathways led to the discovery of 25 out of 83 genes, known to be used as drug targets for the treatment of RA. Among the previously known pathways, we identified additional genes associated with RA (e.g. Antigen processing and presentation, Tight junction). Importantly, within these pathways, the associations between some of these additionally found genes, such as HLA-C, HLA-G, PRKCQ, PRKCZ, TAP1, TAP2 and RA were verified by either OMIM database or by literature retrieved from the NCBI PubMed module. With the whole-genome sequencing on the horizon, we show that the full potential of GWAS can be achieved by integrating pathway and network-oriented analysis and prior knowledge from functional properties of a SNP

    Investigating the Role of Islet Cytoarchitecture in Its Oscillation Using a New β-Cell Cluster Model

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    The oscillatory insulin release is fundamental to normal glycemic control. The basis of the oscillation is the intercellular coupling and bursting synchronization of β cells in each islet. The functional role of islet β cell mass organization with respect to its oscillatory bursting is not well understood. This is of special interest in view of the recent finding of islet cytoarchitectural differences between human and animal models. In this study we developed a new hexagonal closest packing (HCP) cell cluster model. The model captures more accurately the real islet cell organization than the simple cubic packing (SCP) cluster that is conventionally used. Using our new model we investigated the functional characteristics of β-cell clusters, including the fraction of cells able to burst fb, the synchronization index λ of the bursting β cells, the bursting period Tb, the plateau fraction pf, and the amplitude of intracellular calcium oscillation [Ca]. We determined their dependence on cluster architectural parameters including number of cells nβ, number of inter-β cell couplings of each β cell nc, and the coupling strength gc. We found that at low values of nβ, nc and gc, the oscillation regularity improves with their increasing values. This functional gain plateaus around their physiological values in real islets, at nβ∼100, nc∼6 and gc∼200 pS. In addition, normal β-cell clusters are robust against significant perturbation to their architecture, including the presence of non-β cells or dead β cells. In clusters with nβ>∼100, coordinated β-cell bursting can be maintained at up to 70% of β-cell loss, which is consistent with laboratory and clinical findings of islets. Our results suggest that the bursting characteristics of a β-cell cluster depend quantitatively on its architecture in a non-linear fashion. These findings are important to understand the islet bursting phenomenon and the regulation of insulin secretion, under both physiological and pathological conditions

    A review of combined advanced oxidation technologies for the removal of organic pollutants from water

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    Water pollution through natural and anthropogenic activities has become a global problem causing short-and long-term impact on human and ecosystems. Substantial quantity of individual or mixtures of organic pollutants enter the surface water via point and nonpoint sources and thus affect the quality of freshwater. These pollutants are known to be toxic and difficult to remove by mere biological treatment. To date, most researches on the removal of organic pollutants from wastewater were based on the exploitation of individual treatment process. This single-treatment technology has inherent challenges and shortcomings with respect to efficiency and economics. Thus, application of two advanced treatment technologies characterized with high efficiency with respect to removal of primary and disinfection by-products in wastewater is desirable. This review article focuses on the application of integrated technologies such as electrohydraulic discharge with heterogeneous photocatalysts or sonophotocatalysis to remove target pollutants. The information gathered from more than 100 published articles, mostly laboratories studies, shows that process integration effectively remove and degrade recalcitrant toxic contaminants in wastewater better than single-technology processing. This review recommends an improvement on this technology (integrated electrohydraulic discharge with heterogeneous photocatalysts) viz-a-vis cost reduction in order to make it accessible and available in the rural and semi-urban settlement. Further recommendation includes development of an economic model to establish the cost implications of the combined technology. Proper monitoring, enforcement of the existing environmental regulations, and upgrading of current wastewater treatment plants with additional treatment steps such as photocatalysis and ozonation will greatly assist in the removal of environmental toxicants

    Aldose reductase in the BB rat: isolation, immunological identification and localization in the retina and peripheral nerve

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    Aldose reductase was purified from testis of nondiabetic BB rats using DEAE cellulose, hydroxylapatite and sephadex G-100 column chromatography. The molecular weight of the isolated enzyme was found to be 36,500±1000. Antibody against the isolated enzyme was raised in rabbits. It was purified by affinity chromatography, characterised by double immunodiffusion and Western blot analysis and used to localize the enzyme in retina and in peripheral nerve of the BB rat. In the retina, aldose reductase immunoreactivity was seen in the ganglion cells, Müller cell processes, retinal pigment epithelium and in the pericytes and endothelial cells of retinal capillaries. In peripheral nerve, aldose reductase immunoreactivity was found in the paranodal cytoplasm of Schwann cells and in pericytes and endothelial cells of endoneurial capillaries.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46019/1/125_2004_Article_BF00270423.pd