14 research outputs found

    Local mean-field study of capillary condensation in silica aerogels

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    We apply local mean-field (i.e. density functional) theory to a lattice model of a fluid in contact with a dilute, disordered gel network. The gel structure is described by a diffusion-limited cluster aggregation model. We focus on the influence of porosity on both the hysteretic and the equilibrium behavior of the fluid as one varies the chemical potential at low temperature. We show that the shape of the hysteresis loop changes from smooth to rectangular as the porosity increases and that this change is associated to disorder-induced out-of-equilibrium phase transitions that differ on adsorption and on desorption. Our results provide insight in the behavior of 4^4He in silica aerogels.Comment: 19 figure


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    O kiwi é uma frutífera exótica de clima temperado cuja principal característica de seus frutos é o alto teor de vitamina C. A propagação por semente é de importância, pois além de produzir plantas que se destinem à porta-enxertos, contribui para a obtenção de novas cultivares. Pesquisas tem demonstrado um baixo índice de germinação das sementes de kiwi. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar dois diferentes métodos de elevação do índice de germinação de sementes de kiwi, da cultivar Bruno: estratificação à baixa temperatura (4 0C), através dos tratamentos de zero, duas e quatro semanas; ácido giberélico (AG3) testado em cinco diferentes concentrações (0, 100, 500, 1.000 e 2.500 ppm). A testemunha, para ambos os métodos, apresentou um baixo percentual de germinação das sementes (2,49%). Sementes não submetidas aos tratamentos de estratificação, mostraram uma resposta significativa aos tratamentos com AG3, até a concentração de 500 ppm, após a qual se mantiveram constantes. O índice máximo de germinação de sementes não estratificadas, foi de 36,85% com 2.500 ppm de AG3. A estratificação (40C), através de seus tratamentos de duas e quatro semanas, apresentou um efeito significativo na germinação das sementes (70,23%), não ocorrendo diferença significativa entre estes. Conclui-se que o melhor método de ampliação do índice de germinação de sementes de kiwi da cultivar Bruno, foi a estratificação à baixa temperatura (40C), com tratamentos de duas ou quatro semanas de estratificação.<br>The kiwifruit is an exotic fruit tree of temperate climate whose main characteristic is the high content of vitamin C. Seed propagation of this species is very important to produce new varieties and rootstocks. Research results have demonstrated that this species shows a low porcentage of seed germination. The objective of this study was to evaluate different procedures to overcome seed dormancy: stratification (4°C) for 2 and 4 weeks; (gibberelic acid) GA3 with 0, 100, 500, 1,000 and 2,500 ppm). The seed germination of the check was 2,49%. Seeds not submitted to the stratification treatment showed a significative response to GA3 doses until 500 ppm. Seeds submitted to the stratification treatment (2 and 4 weeks) did not show response to GA3. The highest level of germination was 36.85% at the level of 2,500 ppm. There was a significant effect of stratification on seed germination (70,23%), however not between the two treatments. Seeds stratified for 2 weeks showed a significantly higher germination than the seeds submitted to the 500 ppm GA3 treatment. In conclusion, stratification for two weeks was the best procedure to overcome satisfactorly kiwi seed dormancy, cv. Bruno

    Grain Yield of Rice Cultivars and Lines Developed in the Philippines since 1966

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    Genetic improvement in grain yield has been intensively studied in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), maize (Zea mays L.), and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. Such information is limited in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The objective of this study was to determine the trend in the yield of rice cultivars–lines developed since 1966. Twelve cultivars–lines were grown at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) farm and the Philippine Rice Research Institute farm during the dry season of 1996. Seven cultivars–lines were grown at IRRI farm in the dry season of 1998. Growth analyses were performed at key growth stages, and yield and yield components were determined at physiological maturity. Regression analysis of yield versus year of release indicated an annual gain in rice yield of 75 to 81 kg ha-1, equivalent to 1% per year. The highest yields obtained with the most recently released cultivars was 9 to 10 Mg ha-1, which is equivalent to reported yields of IR8 and other early IRRI cultivars obtained in the late 1960s and early 1970s at these same sites. Therefore, the 1% annual increase in yield may not represent genetic gain in yield potential. The increasing trend in yield of cultivars released before 1980 was mainly due to the improvement in harvest index (HI), while an increase in total biomass was associated with yield trends for cultivars–lines developed after 1980. Results suggest that further increases in rice yield potential will likely occur through increasing biomass production rather than increasing HI

    Studies on stem cuttings of kiwi (Actinidia chinensis PL. CV Bruno)

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    The work was carried out to study the effects of some auxins and boron in the rooting of kiwi (Actinidia chinensis Planch cv Bruno) stem cuttings.. These cuttings were treated on the base individually with H2O; NAA 300 mg.L-1; IBA 300 mg.L-1; NAA 300 mg.L-1 + Boron; IBA 300 mg.L-1 + Boron; NAA 0,5%-talc and IBA 0,5%-talc. After the treatments, the cuttings were placed in styrofoam trays with vermiculite under moist conditions for 120 days. The evaluation of auxin and boric acid effects were made by observing rooted stem cuttings percentage; reducing and total sugar analysis (g/100 g of dry matter); and tryptophan analysis (in µg/100 mg of dry matter). The effects of such treatments were observed during four seasons of the year. The results showed that summer season was the best for rooting. Use of IBA or NAA in the cuttings showed to be unnecessary.<br>O presente trabalho teve como objetivo, estudar o efeito de auxinas sintéticas e do boro, sobre o enraizamento de estacas caulinares de kiwi (Actinidia chinensisPlanch. cv Bruno). As estacas continham dois nós com aproximadamente 10 cm de comprimento, contendo 2 folhas cortadas ao meio. As bases das estacas receberam os seguintes tratamentos: control (H2O); NAA 300 mg.L-1; IBA 300 mg.L-1; NAA 300 mg.L-1 + B; IBA 300 mg.L-1 + B; NAA 0,5%-pó e IBA 0,5%-pó. Após os tratamentos as estacas foram plantadas em bandejas de enraizamento contendo vermiculita pura e colocadas em câmara de nebulização por 120 dias até a coleta das mesmas. Para a avaliação do efeito das auxinas e boro, foram realizadas as seguintes observações: 1. porcentagem de estacas enraizadas; 2. análise de açúcares redutores e açúcares totais (em g/100 g de matéria seca); 3. análise de triptofano (em µg/100 mg de matéria seca). Além disso, foram verificados o efeito dos tratamentos em quatro épocas, que corresponderam às estações do ano (primavera, verão, outono e inverno). Através dos resultados obtidos no processo de enraizamento de estacas caulinares de kiwi (Actinidia chinensis Planch. cv Bruno), conclui-se ser o verão a melhor época de coleta dos ramos para a produção das estacas sem a necessidade do tratamento com auxinas

    Trap and soil monolith sampled edaphic spiders (arachnida: araneae) in Araucaria angustifolia forest Aranhas (arachnida: araneae) edáficas amostradas por armadilhas e monólitos de solo em florestas com Araucaria angustifolia

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    Forests with Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Kuntze trees are endangered in Brazil, and information on the diversity of soil spider families associated to these environments is practically inexistent. The present study was set up to evaluate the abundance and diversity of soil spider families in natural and reforested Araucaria forests, impacted or not by fire, and to identify the most efficient method to collect these organisms. The study was conducted in four areas: native forest with predominance of Araucaria (NF); Araucaria reforestation (R); Araucaria reforestation submitted to an accidental fire (RF); and native grass pasture with native Araucaria and submitted to an intense accidental fire (NPF). Considering both sampling methods (Monolith and Pitfall traps), 20 spider families were identified. The pitfall trap method was more effective as it captured 19 out of the 20 recorded families, while the Monolith method extracted only ten spider families. Spider family abundance and Shannon's diversity index (H) were affected by the employed collection method; the values for these attributes were always higher for the NF and lower for the NPF. Correspondence analysis (CA) showed a spatial separation among spider familiy assemblages from the different studied areas. It is suggested that changes in the abundance of soil spider families in Araucaria forests are mainly caused by recurrent human intervention over the last few years.<br>As florestas com Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Kuntze estão ameaçadas de extinção no Brasil, e são praticamente inexistentes as informações sobre a diversidade de famílias de aranhas de solo associadas nestes ambientes. O estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar, em florestas com araucária naturais e reflorestadas, impactadas ou não pela queima acidental, a abundância e diversidade de famílias de aranhas, além de identificar o método mais eficiente para coletar estes organismos. O estudo foi conduzido em quatro áreas: floresta nativa com predominância de araucária (NF); reflorestamento de araucária (R); reflorestamento de araucária submetido a incêndio acidental (RF); e pastagem natural com araucárias nativas e ocorrência de incêndio acidental (NPF). Considerando os dois métodos de amostragem (Monólito e armadilhas de solo), foram identificadas 20 famílias de aranhas associadas às áreas. O método das armadilhas de solo foi mais eficiente, capturando 19 das 20 famílias registradas, enquanto o do Monólito extraiu apenas dez destas famílias de aranhas. A abundância de famílias de aranhas e o índice de diversidade de Shannon (H) foram afetados pelo método de coleta utilizado, sendo os valores destes atributos sempre superiores na NF e inferiores na NPF. A análise de correspondência (AC) demonstrou que existe separação espacial entre as áreas estudadas. Sugere-se que as modificações na abundância de famílias de aranhas de solo sejam provocadas principalmente pelas intervenções antrópicas que as florestas de araucária vêm sofrendo nos últimos anos

    Enraizamento de estacas, crescimento e respostas anatômicas de mudas clonais de cacaueiro ao ácido indol-3-butírico Stem cutting rooting, growth and anatomical responses of cacao tree clonal changes to the indole-3-butyric acid

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    Avaliaram-se os efeitos do ácido indol-3-butírico (AIB) no crescimento e na morfologia interna de quatro clones de Theobroma cacao (CCN-10, CP-53, PS-1319 e CA-1.4). O AIB foi aplicado na base da estaca de caule, em talco inerte, nas concentrações de 2; 4; 6 e 8 g kg-1, juntamente com o controle (sem AIB). A avaliação do crescimento de raízes, caule e folhas dos quatro clones foi realizada aos 160 dias após o estaqueamento (DAE) para todas as concentrações de AIB, período também em que se realizou a coleta de material para os estudos anatômicos dos diversos órgãos, mas somente para a concentração de 4g kg-1 AIB e o controle. O clone CA-1.4 apresentou incremento na biomassa seca de raiz (BSR) com o aumento das concentrações de AIB, ao passo que, nos demais clones, houve diminuições de BSR a partir dos 4 g kg-1 AIB. O mesmo fato foi observado para a biomassa seca de caule (BSC) e de folha (BSF), exceto para a BSC do CCN-10 que não respondeu ao incremento das concentrações de AIB. Houve aumento de área foliar total para os clones CP-53 e PS-1319 com o incremento de AIB até 4 g kg-1, enquanto o aumento do número de folhas ocorreu somente para os clones CA-1.4 e CP-53 até as concentrações 8 e 4 g kg-1 AIB, respectivamente. Houve diminuição do número de estacas mortas para os clones CA-1.4 e CCN-10 até 8 g kg-1 de AIB e para o CP-53 até 4 g kg-1 de AIB. As melhores concentrações de AIB para o enraizamento de estacas de ramos dos clones de cacaueiros CP-53, PS-1319 e CCN-10 foram de 4, 4 e 6 g kg-1 AIB, respectivamente, enquanto para o clone CA-1.4 foi de 8 g kg-1 AIB; o aumento da concentração de AIB promoveu mudanças anatômicas nos órgãos vegetativos de todos os clones, influenciando na atividade do câmbio vascular e induzindo a formação de um maior número de raízes adventícias nas estacas.<br>The effects of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) on growth and internal morphology of four clones of Theobroma cacao (CCN-10, CP-53, PS-1319 and CA-1.4) were evaluated. The IBA was applied in the base of stem cuttings, as an inert talc, in mixture concentrations of 2, 4, 6 and 8 g kg-1 together with the control, without IBA. The evaluation of the growth of roots, stem and leaves of the four clones were accomplished by 160 days after the cutting (DAC) for all the IBA concentrations. However, the anatomical studies of the several plant organs were also made to the 160 DAC, but only for the concentration of 4g kg-1 IBA and the control. The clone CA-1.4 presented increment in the root dry biomass (RDB) with the increase of the IBA concentrations, while for the other clones there were decreases of RDB starting from the 4 g kg-1 IBA. The same fact was observed for the stem and leaf dry biomass, except for CCN-10 that did not answer to the increment of the concentrations of IBA. There was an increase of the total leaf area for the clones CP-53 e PS-1319 with the increment of the IBA (concentration up to 4 g kg-1), while the leaves number only increased for the clones CA-1.4 and CP-53, concentrations up to 8 and 4 g kg-1 IBA, respectively. There was a decrease in the number of dead cuttings for the clones CA-1.4 and CCN-10 (up 8 g kg-1) of IBA and for the CP-53 (up to 4 g kg-1 of IBA). The best IBA concentrations for the branch cutting rooting of the cacao clones CP-53, PS-1319 and CCN-10 were of 4, 4 and 6 g kg-1 respectively, while for the clone CA-1.4 was the one of 8 g kg-1; the increase of the IBA concentration promoted anatomical changes in the plant organs of all the clones, influencing the activity of the vascular cambium in the stem and inducing the formation of a larger number of adventitious roots in the stem cuttings