36 research outputs found

    An annotated checklist of the jumping plant-lice (Insecta: Hemiptera: Psylloidea) from the Mercantour National Park, with seven new records for France and one new synonymy

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    A total of 68 psyllid species are listed from the Mercantour National Park in Southeast France, where a targeted collecting campaign was conducted between 2009 and 2012, as part of the project "ATBI+M" Mercantour. The insects were collected using Malaise traps, flight intercept traps and sweep nets to sample in the vegetation. Additional information on distribution, biology and host-plants is provided for each species. Seven species are recorded for the first time from France: Craspedolepta artemisiae (Foerster, 1848), Craspedolepta nebulosa (Zetterstedt, 1828), Cacopsylla propinqua (Schaefer, 1949), Cyamophila prohaskai (Priesner, 1927), Eryngiofaga cf. refuga (Loginova, 1966), Bactericera parastriola Conci, Ossiannilsson & Tamanini, 1988 and Trioza flixiana Burckhardt & Lauterer, 2002. Trioza (Trioza) rapisardai Conci & Tamanini, 1984 is a new subjective synonym of Trioza brachyceraea Hodkinson & White, 1979, which was previously known only from the male holotype. The abundance, distribution and introduction status of some species are discussed

    Genetic differentiation among host-associated Alebra leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)

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    The limited importance ascribed to sympatric speciation pro cesses via host race formation is partially due to the few cases of host races that have been reported among host populations. This work sheds light on the taxonomy of Alebra leafhoppers and examines the possible existence of host races among host-associated populations. The species of this genus show varying degrees of host association with deciduous trees and shrubs and, frequently, host popu lations of uncertain taxonomic status coexist and occasion ally become pests. Allozyme electrophoresis of 21 Greek populations including sympatric, local and geographically distant samples collected on 13 different plant species, show that they represent at least five species: A. albostriella Falle´n, A. viridis (Rey) (sensu Gillham), A. wahlbergi Bo Keywords: host races; leafhoppers; sympatric speciation; sibling species; allozymes; Alebra Introduction Sympatric speciation is a controversial subject in evol utionary biology (see Mayr, 1963; Futuyma and Mayer, 1980; Paterson, 1981; Via, 2001). One of the reasons for this controversy is that sympatric speciation seems to be an extremely rare phenomenon occurring only in very few groups of taxa, represented chiefly by phytophagous insects (Tauber and Tauber, 1977; Menken, 1981; Wood, 1993; Emelianov et al, 1995; Via, 1999; Finchak et al, 2000; Craig et al, 2001). The limited number of reported cases among organisms with sexual reproduction can be at least partially attributed to the fact that taxa undergoing sympatric speciation events must fulfill very restrictive biological and ecological requirements. Most sympatric speciation models demand that there is intraspecific genetic variation in traits that differentially affect the fitness of individuals that colonise new habitats or hosts (Dieckman and Doebeli, 1999; Hawthorne and Via, 2001 but see Higashi et al, 1999 and Takimoto et al, 2000). They assume that selection acting on these traits can prevent genetic exchange between populations (Bush, 1975; Tauber and Tauber, 1977; Diehl and Bush, 1989). In phytophagous insects, this means that host pref erences must be genetically determined and mating should occur on the host (Bush, 1975; Diehl and Bush, Correspondence: D Aguin-Pombo, Department of Biology, University of Madeira, Campus Universitario da Penteada, 9000 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. E-mail: aguin uma.pt Received 12 December 2000; accepted 13 December 2001 heman and two new species. Of these, one is associated to Quercus frainetto and other is specific to Crataegus spp. Significant genetic differences among sympatric and local host populations were found only in A. albostriella, between populations on Turkey oak, beech and common alder. It is suggested that the last two of these host populations may represent different host races. The results show that both the host plant and geographical distance affect the patterns of differentiation in the genus. The formation of some spec ies seems to have been the result of allopatric speciation events while, for others, their origin can be equally explained either by sympatric or allopatric speciation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The jumping plant-lice of Iran (Homoptera, Psylloidea)

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    Volume: 100Start Page: 829End Page: 89

    Comment on the proposed conservation of Tibicina Amyot, 1847 and Lyristes Horv\ue1th, 1926. Z. N. (S.) 239

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    Volume: 42Start Page: 211End Page: 21

    Taxonomy and biogeography of Central European Kybos (Insecta, Hemiptera, Cicadellidae)

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    The Central European species of the taxonomically difficult Holarctic typhlocybinegenus Kybos are revised. Currently it is impossible to identify females and nymphs. Inaddition the otherwise diagnostic shape of the male genitalia is linked by intermediatesin some morphologically similar nominal species. The second important diagnosticstructure, the male sound apodemes, is not yet fully developed in teneral males, a factwhich was not sufficiently taken into consideration by some authors. The present studyevaluates the morphological variation of the male genitalia and sound apodemes. Femalesand nymphs are investigated for taxonomically relevant characters. The studydid not yield previously unknown characters particularly for the females and nymphsbut suggested that the variation of the male genitalia has previously been underestimated.For this reason K. perplexus Ribaut, 1952 and K. paraltaicus Orosz, 1996 aresynonymised with K. strigilifer (Ossiannilsson, 1941) (new synonymies). The base ofthe female ovipositor is variable within Kybos and separates species groups but doesnot diagnose species. Nymphs vary in leg dimensions and colour forming the samespecies groups as the female genitalia but, again, do not diagnose species. In the cladisticanalysis the female genital characters make the most important contribution totree structure whereas the male genitalia are of less importance, contrary to speciesdiagnoses. It is interesting to note that the cladogram comprises a monophyletic groupof Betulaceae feeders