39 research outputs found

    Factors affecting compliance with the measles vaccination schedule in a Brazilian city

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The success of vaccination campaigns depends on the degree of adherence to immunization initiatives and schedules. Risk factors associated with children's failure to receive the measles vaccine at the correct age were studied in the city of SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil. DESIGN AND SETTING: Case-control and exploratory study, in the metropolitan area of SĂŁo Paulo. METHODS: The caregivers of 122 children were interviewed regarding their perceptions and understanding about the measles vaccination and the disease. RESULTS: The results showed that age, region of residence, marital status and education level were unrelated to taking measles vaccines adequately. Most individuals remembered being informed about the last annual vaccination campaign by television, but no communication channel was significantly associated with vaccination status. The answers to questions about knowledge of the disease or the vaccine, when analyzed alone, were not associated with taking measles vaccinations at the time indicated by health agencies. The results showed that, when parents felt sorry for their children who were going to receive shots, they delayed the vaccination. Most of the children did not take the measles vaccination on the exactly recommended date, but delayed or anticipated the shots. CONCLUSION: It is clear that there is no compliance with the government's recommended measles vaccination schedule (i.e. first dose at nine and second at 15 months of age, as recommended in 1999 and 2000). Feeling sorry for the children receiving shots can delay vaccination taking

    J-PLUS: The Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey

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    The Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS) is an ongoing 12-band photometric optical survey, observing thousands of square degrees of the Northern Hemisphere from the dedicated JAST/T80 telescope at the Observatorio Astrofisico de Javalambre (OAJ). The T80Cam is a camera with a field of view of 2 deg(2) mounted on a telescope with a diameter of 83 cm, and is equipped with a unique system of filters spanning the entire optical range (3500-10 000 angstrom). This filter system is a combination of broad-, medium-, and narrow-band filters, optimally designed to extract the rest-frame spectral features (the 3700-4000 angstrom Balmer break region, H delta, Ca H+K, the G band, and the Mg b and Ca triplets) that are key to characterizing stellar types and delivering a low-resolution photospectrum for each pixel of the observed sky. With a typical depth of AB similar to 21.25 mag per band, this filter set thus allows for an unbiased and accurate characterization of the stellar population in our Galaxy, it provides an unprecedented 2D photospectral information for all resolved galaxies in the local Universe, as well as accurate photo-z estimates (at the delta z/(1 + z) similar to 0.005-0.03 precision level) for moderately bright (up to r similar to 20 mag) extragalactic sources. While some narrow-band filters are designed for the study of particular emission features ([O II]/lambda 3727, H alpha/lambda 6563) up to z < 0.017, they also provide well-defined windows for the analysis of other emission lines at higher redshifts. As a result, J-PLUS has the potential to contribute to a wide range of fields in Astrophysics, both in the nearby Universe (Milky Way structure, globular clusters, 2D IFU-like studies, stellar populations of nearby and moderate-redshift galaxies, clusters of galaxies) and at high redshifts (emission-line galaxies at z approximate to 0.77, 2.2, and 4.4, quasi-stellar objects, etc.). With this paper, we release the first similar to 1000 deg(2) of J-PLUS data, containing about 4.3 million stars and 3.0 million galaxies at r < 21 mag. With a goal of 8500 deg(2) for the total J-PLUS footprint, these numbers are expected to rise to about 35 million stars and 24 million galaxies by the end of the survey

    International Consensus Statement on Rhinology and Allergy: Rhinosinusitis

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    Background: The 5 years since the publication of the first International Consensus Statement on Allergy and Rhinology: Rhinosinusitis (ICAR‐RS) has witnessed foundational progress in our understanding and treatment of rhinologic disease. These advances are reflected within the more than 40 new topics covered within the ICAR‐RS‐2021 as well as updates to the original 140 topics. This executive summary consolidates the evidence‐based findings of the document. Methods: ICAR‐RS presents over 180 topics in the forms of evidence‐based reviews with recommendations (EBRRs), evidence‐based reviews, and literature reviews. The highest grade structured recommendations of the EBRR sections are summarized in this executive summary. Results: ICAR‐RS‐2021 covers 22 topics regarding the medical management of RS, which are grade A/B and are presented in the executive summary. Additionally, 4 topics regarding the surgical management of RS are grade A/B and are presented in the executive summary. Finally, a comprehensive evidence‐based management algorithm is provided. Conclusion: This ICAR‐RS‐2021 executive summary provides a compilation of the evidence‐based recommendations for medical and surgical treatment of the most common forms of RS

    Tractatus de tutelis et curis minorum, deque officio et obligatione tutorum, accuratorum, et mercede ipsorum /

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    2 ej. de la misma obraEn port. grab. xil. esc. heráldicoTexto a dos col.Inic. grab.ColofónCCPB000037012-6BHR/A-014-124BHR/B-049-069.Perg.0704288376HÂȘ Derecho/N-29113v-5-61-13-2853-5-561BHR/A-016-285Ɠ6, A-Z8, Aa-Zz8, Aaa4, Ɠ-ƓƓƓƓƓ8, ƓƓƓƓƓƓ1

    Primera Parte De las Differencias de libros que ay en el vniuerso / Declaradas por el Maestro Alexio Venegas ...

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    Sig. a-c8, A-Zz8, Aaa6Grav. xil. sols als f. 156, 173v, 174. - La f. de grav. (de l'Anunciació) al final dels Preliminars. - Capitals grav.Text amb postil·les marginals. - Reclams. - Errates de fol.: del f. 360 passa al 40