46 research outputs found

    Are Survival Outcomes Different for Young and Old Patients with Oral and Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to address whether age can be a determinant of overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), recurrence, distant metastasis (DM) and second primary (SP) in surgically treated oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OOPSCC). A total of 4981 cases and 44254 controls from 25 comparative observational studies were included in the analysis. A significantly better OS (matched subgroup analysis: OR 1.64; 95% CI 1.31–2.04, overall analysis: OR 1.48; 95% CI 1.09–2.01) was observed in young patients compared to older adults, with heterogeneity ranging from moderate to severe. Worse DFS (unmatched subgroup analysis OR 0.43; 95% CI 0.27–0.68) was observed in young patients compared to older adults with minimal to moderate heterogeneity. The frequency of recurrence (OR 1.49; 95% CI 1.10–2.02) and DM (OR 1.83; 95% CI 1.10–3.03) was significantly higher in the young patients, as found in unmatched and matched subgroup analysis, with the least heterogeneities. Young age can be considered as an independent prognostic factor for recurrence and distant metastases in OOP-SCC. Larger and methodologically robust observational studies with longer follow-up are needed to establish the definitive role of age as an independent prognostic factor on OS and DFS in OOPSCC.</jats:p

    Agriculture and rural development in the European Union multiannual financial perspective 2014-2020

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    Wspólna Polityka Rolna (WPR) Unii Europejskiej w ciągu jej istnienia podlega ciągłej ewolucji, a zmieniające się uwarunkowania wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne wymagają kolejnych dostosowań do aktualnej sytuacji gospodarczej. W pracy przeanalizowano procedury i zalecenia tworzenia przyszłej Perspektywy Finansowej na lata 2014-2020 i w jej ramach limity wydatków przeznaczone na rolnictwo oraz ściśle z nim związane: ochronę środowiska i rozwój obszarów wiejskich.Since its inception, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union (EU) has evolved and changed in response to numerous internal and external factors. Further adjustments are needed to adapt to the current economic situation. This article examines procedures and recommendations for the future development of the EU Multiannual Financial Perspectives, 2014 – 2020. The discussion also addresses the limits of expenditures allocated to agriculture, environmental protection, and rural development

    The state and prospects of the development of rural areas economic activities

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    Unia Europejska promuje i finansuje zrównoważony rozwój obszarów wiejskich. Polska ma szanse wykorzystać te fundusze i unowocześniać obszary wiejskie jako miejsce zamieszkania i pracy ludności rolniczej i nierolniczej. Niedobór miejsc pracy na obszarach wiejskich należy tworzyć przez rozwój przedsiębiorczości i zwiększenie atrakcyjności inwestycyjnej tych terenów.The European Union policy promotes and finances the sustainable development of rural areas. Although rural areas are closely related to the use of rural lands and the fulfillment of food needs of the whole country, they do not generate income on the same level with other sectors. That's why it is important to put a special emphasis on the development of below and above rural activities to create conditions to employ the excess of rural population that live in a country

    The effect of payments from the European Union and national funds on the financial situation of agricultural producers in Poland

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    Przedstawiono poziom wsparcia rolnictwa w krajach należących do OECD, UE i w Polsce. Dokonana analiza wykazała znaczące i zróżnicowane zaangażowanie rządów różnych krajów we wspieraniu rolnictwa, a szczególnie dochodu rolniczego w gospodarstwie. Stwierdzono, że w warunkach polskiego rolnictwa środki pomocowe z UE i krajowe, w znacznym stopniu wspierają i wpływają na bezpośrednią poprawę sytuacji dochodowej krajowych producentów rolnych.This paper assesses the level of support for agriculture within countries that belong to the OCECD and the EU, as well as the level of support for agriculture within Poland. The conducted research reveals significant differences in the level of agricultural support from the various European governments and, subsequently, in the net effect on rural, agricultural incomes. The paper shows that resources from the EU and National Punds strongly influence and support agriculture in Poland and have a considerable positive impact on the financial situation of rural, agricultural producers

    Agriculture in European Union budget

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    Od powstania przed 60 laty Wspólnot Europejskich około połowa budżetu tej organizacji była i jest przeznaczana na rolnictwo, aby Europa była samowystarczalna w zakresie produkcji rolniczej. Wspólna Polityka Rolna (WPR) podlega ciągłej ewolucji, a zmieniające się uwarunkowania wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne wymagają kolejnych dostosowań. W pracy przeanalizowano dwie ostatnie Perspektywy Finansowe i wydatki ponoszone w ich ramach na rolnictwo oraz ściśle z nim związaną ochronę środowiska i rozwój obszarów wiejskich.Since the European Community was founded 60 years ago, about half of the budget of the organization was allocated to agriculture so as to make Europe self-suffi cient in agricultural production. Common Agricultural Policy during its existence constantly evaluates and the changing internal and external conditions require successive accommodations. In the paper two last Financial Perspectives were analyzed, especially expenditures for agriculture and strictly connected with them expenditures for environment defense and development of rural area

    Costs and incomes of agriculture enterprises

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    Przedstawiono sytuację ekonomiczną reprezentatywnej części gospodarstw rolnych uczestniczących w Polskim FADN, po wstąpieniu Polski do Unii Europejskiej. Badania obejmują analizę ponoszonych kosztów i osiąganych dochodów przez gospodarstwa w latach 2006-2008. Otrzymane wyniki wykazały, że wszystkie obliczone kategorie kosztów z roku na rok wzrastały. Uzyskana natomiast wartość produkcji wahała się, nie dotrzymując tempa wzrostu ponoszonym kosztom. Wobec powyższego osiągane przez gospodarstwa dochody nie dorównywały wynagrodzeniom netto w gospodarce narodowej.The paper presents an economic situation of chosen representative agriculture enterprises that took part in Polish PADN after Poland accessed EU. The research includes the analysis of costs and incomes of farms in years 2006-2008. The results indicate that all calculated categories of costs were gradually increasing, whereas the value of production did not catch up with the rate of costs growth. Thus, the income gained by agriculture enterprises was lower compared to net income in national economy


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    The article analyzes the structure of production of cereals in the country, it is established that during the processing of grain into grains a significant part of secondary material resources (flour and husk) is formed. Therefore, it is important to use husk of cereals as raw material for biofuel production. Different methods of producing organic solid biofuels have been analyzed, and it is shown that there are shortcomings of finished products - briquettes and pellets obtained without the use of binders, one of which is the problem of transportation over long distances, during which a considerable amount of compressed biofuel is destroyed due to an increase in humidity and, consequently, a decrease in their calorific values. Fuel pellets are mainly produced without addition, while for the production of briquettes with improved quality indicators, various additives and binders are used. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the complex technology of the processing of the waste of grain mills into pressed products. Object and object of research are formulated for achievement of the set goal. The object of research is the technological process of processing of waste of cereal mills, the regimes of certain technological processes, in particular preparation of binders. The subject of research is barley and barley husk, binders (barley glue). The use of starchy raw material - flour is suggested and grounded as a binder. On the basis of experimental studies, it has been proved that the most effective method is to prepare a paste of barley flour with a content of 15% CP followed by its introduction into biofuels in the amount of 5%. The article suggests and substantiates the complex technology of processing of cereal-based waste products into pressed products (fodder mixtures and biofuels), which includes the following technological lines: a pipeline preparation line; line of preparation for the binders; line of preparation of macro components; granulation line; briquetting line. The fuel pellets produced by this technology will have 1.13 kg / m3, fragility up to 10%. The scheme of the technological process of complex processing of cereal-based waste products into pressed products is presented. The principal technological scheme for the production of a granulated feed mixture or fuel pellets of feed is a holistic system within which the subsystems A, B, B, G1, D are interconnected. The principal technological scheme for the production of briquetted biofuels is a holistic system within which interconnections' The subsystems A, B, B, G, E function functioning seamlessly