603 research outputs found

    Optimizing mating schemes in fish breeding

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    The optimal contribution selection method and the simulated annealing algorithm were used to maximize the genetic gain and reduce inbreeding in fish breeding populations. This study considered the following mating designs: full factorial (3 x 3); full factorial (6 x 6) and nested (6 males x 18 females). A quantitative trait based on a strictly additive and polygenic model was simulated. Two levels for the number of genotyped offspring (360 or 720) and three levels of heritability (0.1; 0.3; 0.5) were assumed. The best results in terms of DF and DG were obtained with the full factorial design (6 x 6) and considering a trait with a high heritability. The optimal family size was found at 20 fish per mating

    Massive Pericardial Effusion in a 14-Year-Old Girl with Mild Fatigue and Neck Pain

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    Pericardial effusion is rare in pediatric patients and is characterized by a variable clinical presentation. Mild symptoms may be present despite severe effusion. We here report the case of a patient with massive pericardial effusion with mild clinical presentation. Our case points out the need not to exclude this diagnosis in patients with mild general impairment. This clinical suspicion can be lifesaving

    A behavior-based framework for safe deployment of humanoid robots

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    We present a complete framework for the safe deployment of humanoid robots in environments containing humans. Proceeding from some general guidelines, we propose several safety behaviors, classified in three categories, i.e., override, temporary override, and proactive. Activation and deactivation of these behaviors is triggered by information coming from the robot sensors and is handled by a state machine. The implementation of our safety framework is discussed with respect to a reference control architecture. In particular, it is shown that an MPC-based gait generator is ideal for realizing all behaviors related to locomotion. Simulation and experimental results on the HRP-4 and NAO humanoids, respectively, are presented to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Activity of a Pediatric Emergency Department of a Tertiary Center in Bologna, Italy, during SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

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    During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the pediatric emergency department (ED) of Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy faced a reorganization to better deal with the new clinical needs. We herein describe the main changes in the organization and in the attendances to our pediatric ED. From the 1 March 2020 to the 31 January 2022, 796 children positive for SARS-CoV-2 presented to our pediatric ED, but only 26 required hospitalizations, of which only 9 for COVID-19 related reasons. During this period, we also registered a temporal correlation between multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) admissions and the peaks of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the Italian population. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) remained during last year the viral infection with the highest hospitalization rate. The analysis and description of the changes in the activity of the pediatric ED during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic may help to better understand the routinary activity and be prepared for any possible new challenge

    The role of the antigorite + brucite to olivine reaction in subducted serpentinites (Zermatt, Switzerland)

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    Metamorphic olivine formed by the reaction of antigorite + brucite is widespread in serpentinites that crop out in glacier-polished outcrops at the Unterer Theodulglacier, Zermatt. Olivine overgrows a relic magnetite mesh texture formed during ocean floor serpentinization. Serpentinization is associated with rodingitisation of mafic dykes. Metamorphic olivine coexists with magnetite, shows high Mg# of 94–97 and low trace element contents. A notable exception is 4 µg/g Boron (> 10 times primitive mantle), introduced during seafloor alteration and retained in metamorphic olivine. Olivine incorporated 100–140 µg/g H2O in Si-vacancies, providing evidence for low SiO2-activity imposed by brucite during olivine growth. No signs for hydrogen loss or major and minor element diffusional equilibration are observed. The occurrence of olivine in patches within the serpentinite mimics the former heterogeneous distribution of brucite, whereas the network of olivine-bearing veins and shear zones document the pathways of the escaping fluid produced by the olivine forming reaction. Relic Cr-spinels have a high Cr# of 0.5 and the serpentinites display little or no clinopyroxene, indicating that they derive from hydrated harzburgitic mantle that underwent significant melt depletion. The enrichment of Mg and depletion of Si results in the formation of brucite during seafloor alteration, a pre-requisite for later subduction-related olivine formation and fluid liberation. The comparison of calculated bulk rock brucite contents in the Zermatt-Saas with average IODP serpentinites suggests a large variation in fluid release during olivine formation. Between 3.4 and 7.2 wt% H2O is released depending on the magnetite content in fully serpentinized harzburgites (average oceanic serpentinites). Thermodynamic modelling indicates that the fluid release in Zermatt occurred between 480 °C and 550 °C at 2–2.5 GPa with the Mg# of olivine varying from 68 to 95. However, the majority of the fluid released from this reaction was produced within a narrow temperature field of < 30 °C, at higher pressures 2.5 GPa and temperatures 550–600 °C than commonly thought. Fluids derived from the antigorite + brucite reaction might thus trigger eclogite facies equilibration in associated metabasalts, meta-gabbros, meta-rodingites and meta-sediments in the area. This focused fluid release has the potential to trigger intermediate depths earthquakes at 60–80 km in subducted oceanic lithosphere. © 2020, The Author(s).ISSN:1661-8734ISSN:1661-872

    A simple solution to mitigate noise effects in time-redundant sequences of small baseline multi-look DInSAR interferograms

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    We present a simple and effective filtering algorithm to mitigate noise effects in a time-redundant sequence of multi-look small baseline (SB) differential synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferograms by exploiting the temporal relationships among the selected interferometric data pairs. The proposed method relies on the estimation of the (wrapped) filtered phase terms associated to each SAR acquisition; this result is achieved via a non-linear minimization procedure which is applied to the phase signal of conventional multi-look interferograms without any pixel selection process, and with no a-priori information on the statistics of the involved complex-valued SAR images. Following their estimation, the phase images are paired to reconstruct a new sequence of filtered SB differential interferograms, which are used to generate surface deformation products, such as deformation velocity maps and displacement time-series. The filtering algorithm effectiveness is demonstrated by analysing a set of SAR images..

    Efectos del consumo de esteviosido en glucemia e insulinemia posprandial en pacientes obesos

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    La obesidad es una enfermedad metabólica que produce complicaciones como hipertensión arterial, diabetes mellitus y enfermedades coronarias. Existe un producto de origen natural con acción edulcorante no nutritivo obtenido de la Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni (Srb) o comúnmente llamada yerba dulce que tiene como principal componente un esteviósido usado como edulcorante natural, aprobado por el Código Alimentario Argentino y FDA para el consumo humano. Estudios realizados a partir de la ingesta del esteviósido en animales con diabetes, quedo demostrado que presentaba propiedades antihipertensivas y antihiperglucemiantes. Es un estudio autocontrolado, para el cual se considero un grupo de 27 pacientes obesos del Hospital Vera Barros, y tuvo como objetivo analizar el efecto del consumo de esteviósido en obesos con diferentes valores de glucemias según la Asociación Americana de Diabetes 2007
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