344 research outputs found

    Rescattering in Meson Photoproduction off Few Body Systems

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    Exclusive reactions induced at high momentum transfer in few body systems provide us with an original way to study the production and propagation of hadrons in cold nuclear matter. In very well defined parts of the phase space, the reaction amplitude develops a logarithmic singularity. It is on solid ground since it depends only on on-shell elementary amplitudes and on low momentum components of the nuclear wave function. This is the best window to study the propagation of exotic configurations of hadrons such as, for instance, the onset of color transparency. It may appear earlier in meson photo-production reactions, more particularly in the strange sector, than in more classical quasi elastic scattering of electrons. More generally, those reactions provide us with the best tool to determine the cross section of the scattering of various hadrons (strange particles, vector mesons) from the nucleon and to access the production of possible exotic states.Comment: 15 pages; 11 figures During the review process of the paper, the following changes have been implemented: 1- The title has been changed, 2- The abstact and the first paragraph of the introduction have been rephrased for consistency; 3- Figure 10 has been added; 4- The Appedix has been considerably expanded: it gives the full expressions of the elementary photoproduction amplitudes in terms of Pauli spinors and matrice

    Calculations of the Exclusive Processes 2H(e,e'p)n, 3He(e,e'p)2H and 3He(e,e'p)(pn) within a Generalized Glauber Approach

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    The exclusive processes 2H(e,e'p)n, 3He(e,e'p)2H and 3He(e,e'p)(pn), have been analyzed using realistic few-body wave functions and treating the final state interaction (FSI) within a Generalized Eikonal Approximation (GEA), based upon the direct calculation of the Feynman diagrams describing the rescattering of the struck nucleon with the nucleons of the A-1 system. The approach represents an improvement of the conventional Glauber approach (GA), in that it allows one to take into account the effects of the nuclear excitation of the A1A-1 system on the rescattering of the struck nucleon. Using realistic three-body wave functions corresponding to the AV18 interaction, the results of our parameter free calculations are compared with available experimental data. It is found that in some kinematical conditions FSI effects represent small corrections, whereas in other kinematics conditions they are very large and absolutely necessary to provide a satisfactory agreement between theoretical calculations and experimental data. It is shown that in the kinematics of the experimental data which have been considered, covering the region of missing momentum and energy with p_m < 0.6 GeV/c and E_m < 100 MeV in the perpendicular kinematics, the GA and GEA predictions differ only by less than 3-4 %.Comment: Typos detected and removed while Proof reading. Physical Review C. in Pres

    Large Q2 Electrodisintegration of the Deuteron in Virtual Nucleon Approximation

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    The two-body break up of the deuteron is studied at high Q2Q^2 kinematics, with main motivation to probe the deuteron at small internucleon distances. Such studies are associated with the probing of high momentum component of the deuteron wave function. For this, two main theoretical issues have been addressed such as electromagnetic interaction of the virtual photon with the bound nucleon and the strong interaction of produced baryons in the final state of the break-up reaction. Within virtual nucleon approximation we developed a new prescription to account for the bound nucleon effects in electromagnetic interaction. The final state interaction at high Q2Q^2 kinematics is calculated within generalized eikonal approximation (GEA). We studied the uncertainties involved in the calculation and performed comparisons with the first experimental data on deuteron electrodisintegration at large Q2Q^2. We demonstrate that the experimental data confirm GEA's early prediction that the rescattering is maximal at 700\sim 70^0 of recoil nucleon production relative to the momentum of the virtual photon. Comparisons also show that the forward recoil nucleon angles are best suited for studies of the electromagnetic interaction of bound nucleons and the high momentum structure of the deuteron. Backward recoil angle kinematics show sizable effects due to the Δ\Delta-isobar contribution. The latter indicates the importance of further development of GEA to account for the inelastic transitions in the intermediate state of the electrodisintegration reactions.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    The space-time structure of hard scattering processes

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    Recent studies of exclusive electroproduction of vector mesons at JLab make it possible for the first time to play with two independent hard scales: the virtuality Q^2 of the photon, which sets the observation scale, and the momentum transfer t to the hadronic system, which sets the interaction scale. They reinforce the description of hard scattering processes in terms of few effective degrees of freedom relevant to the Jlab-Hermes energy range.Comment: 4 pages; 5 figure

    Short-Distance Structure of Nuclei

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    One of Jefferson Lab's original missions was to further our understanding of the short-distance structure of nuclei. In particular, to understand what happens when two or more nucleons within a nucleus have strongly overlapping wave-functions; a phenomena commonly referred to as short-range correlations. Herein, we review the results of the (e,e'), (e,e'p) and (e,e'pN) reactions that have been used at Jefferson Lab to probe this short-distance structure as well as provide an outlook for future experiments.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, for publication in Journal of Physics

    A mechanism for the Double-Spin Asymmetry in Electromagnetic ρ\rho Production at HERMES

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    We calculate the contribution of meson and pomeron exchanges to the double-spin asymmetry in ρ\rho-meson electromagnetic production at HERMES energies. We show that the observed double-spin asymmetries, which are large, can be explained by the interference between the natural parity f2f_2-secondary Reggeon and the unnatural parity anomalous f1f_1 exchanges.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Late

    Structural Analysis and Photocurrent Spectroscopy of CCCs on 99.99% Aluminum

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    A characterization of chromate conversion coatings (CCCs) formed in the presence and in the absence of accelerator (ferro-ferricyanide redox couple) has been performed by various techniques (transmission electron microscopy, TEM, glow discharge optical emission spectrometry, GDOES, X-ray absorption near-end structure, XANES, and photon correlation spectroscopy). The results of a detailed investigation on morphological, compositional, and solid-state properties of freshly converted aluminum samples at different immersion times (30 s-90 min) are reported. The TEM and GDOES data suggest the presence of iron-cyanide species only in the external layer of CCC of nearly constant thickness. The XANES data suggest the presence of both Cr(VI) and Cr(III) species with a ratio Cr(VI)/Cr(III) close to 1:2. This ratio remains constant with the conversion time and seems slightly affected by the composition of conversion solution. The photoelectrochemical study suggests an insulating or slightly p-type behavior for CCC layers. A bandgap value of about 2.55 eV has been estimated, regardless of the conversion solution, although some differences in the photocurrent spectra have been observed for coatings formed in the presence or absence of accelerator. The location of electronic energy levels of the Al/CCC/electrolyte interface has been derived which could account for the different kinetics of coating formation in the presence of accelerator

    The pd3HΛK+pd\to ^3H_\Lambda K^+ reaction cross section

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    The one- and two-step mechanisms of the pd3HΛK+pd\to ^3H_\Lambda K^+ reaction in the range of incident proton kinetic energy 1.13-3.0 GeV have been investigated. A remarkable peculiarity of the two-step mechanism which incorporates subprocesses ppdπ+pp\to d\pi ^+ and π+nK+Λ\pi^+n\to K^+\Lambda is the so called velocity matching providing the presence of all intermediate particles nearly to the on-mass-shell. The differential cross section has been calculated using a realistic model for the hypertritium 3HΛ^3H_\Lambda wave function. The maximum value of the cross section is estimated as \sim 1nb/sr. The contribution of the one-step mechanism with the elementary process pNNKΛpN\to NK\Lambda into the cross section has been found to be two - three orders of magnitude smaller in comparison with the two-step mechanism.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 3 Postscript figure

    Attenuation and modification of the ballast water microbial community during voyages into the Canadian Arctic

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    Aim: Ballast water is a major vector of non-indigenous species introductions world-wide. Our understanding of population dynamics of organisms entrained in ballast is largely limited to studies of zooplankton and phytoplankton. Bacteria are more numerous and diverse than zooplankton or phytoplankton, yet remain comparatively understudied. We apply a metagenomics approach to characterize changes in the microbial ballast water community over the course of three voyages on one ship, and assess the effects of ballast water exchange (BWE), spring/summer sampling month and time since voyage start. Location: Quebec City and Deception Bay, Quebec, and the coastal marine region offshore of eastern Canada. Methods: We used universal primers to Ion Torrent sequence a fragment of the bacterial 16S ribosomal DNA for samples collected over three voyages of one ship between Quebec City and Deception Bay in June, July and August 2015. We compared richness (total number of species in the community) and diversity (accounts for both species abundance and evenness) using linear mixed-effects analysis and compared community composition using non-metric multidimensional scaling and permutational multivariate analysis of variance. Initial comparisons were between months. Subsequent analyses focused on each month separately. Results: Ion Torrent sequencing returned c. 2.9 million reads and revealed monthly differences in diversity and richness, and in community structure in ballast water. June had higher richness and diversity than either July or August, and showed most clearly the effect of BWE on the microbial community. Main conclusions: Our results suggest that environmental conditions associated with different spring/summer sampling months drive differences in microbial diversity in ballast water. This study showed that BWE removes some components of the freshwater starting microbial community and replaces them with other taxa. BWE also changed proportional representation of some microbes without removing them completely. It appears that some taxa are resident in ballast tanks and are not removed by BWE. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Lt

    Photoproduction of the Eta-Prime Mesons as a New Tool to Probe Baryon Resonances

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    We examine eta prime photoproduction, as a novel tool to study baryon resonances around 2 GeV, of particular interest to the quark shell model, which predicts a number of them. We find important roles of the form factors at the strong vertices, and show that the N^*(2080) can be probed efficiently by this reaction.Comment: Will be published in Phys. Rev.