225 research outputs found

    Automatic conditioning of the LHC injection kickers

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    The LHC injection systems, located near the interaction regions 2 and 8, comprise 4 fast pulsed kicker magnets (MKI) per ring to bring the beam onto the orbit. Each magnet is housed in a separate vacuum tank. Their nominal operating voltage is 54 kV, and the nominal pulse length 7.86 µs. To prepare these magnets for operation they are once assembled and baked out, gradually subjected to higher and higher voltages and greater pulse lengths, until their voltage holding capability is sufficiently beyond the nominal operating conditions. In the past this "conditioning" was carried out manually, and thus a manpower-intensive, and also technically not optimal procedure. To overcome these drawbacks a program has been developed, running in a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), which has been used to condition the full suite of LHC injection kickers automatically

    Rethinking professional practice: the logic of competition and the crisis of identity in housing practice

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    The relationship between professionalism, education and housing practice has become increasingly strained following the introduction of austerity measures and welfare reforms across a range of countries. Focusing on the development of UK housing practice, this article considers how notions of professionalism are being reshaped within the context of welfare retrenchment and how emerging tensions have both affected the identity of housing professionals and impacted on the delivery of training and education programmes. The article analyses the changing knowledge and skills valued in contemporary housing practice and considers how the sector has responded to the challenges of austerity. The central argument is that a dominant logic of competition has culminated in a crisis of identity for the sector. Although the focus of the article is on UK housing practice, the processes identified have a wider relevance for the analysis of housing and welfare delivery in developed economies

    Technologies for restricting mould growth on baled silage

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    End of project reportSilage is made on approximately 86% of Irish farms, and 85% of these make some baled silage. Baled silage is particularly important as the primary silage making, storage and feeding system on many beef and smaller sized farms, but is also employed as a secondary system (often associated with facilitating grazing management during mid-summer) on many dairy and larger sized farms (O’Kiely et al., 2002). Previous surveys on farms indicated that the extent of visible fungal growth on baled silage was sometimes quite large, and could be a cause for concern. Whereas some improvements could come from applying existing knowledge and technologies, the circumstances surrounding the making and storage of baled silage suggested that environmental conditions within the bale differed from those in conventional silos, and that further knowledge was required in order to arrive at a secure set of recommendations for baled silage systems. This report deals with the final in a series (O’Kiely et al., 1999; O’Kiely et al., 2002) of three consecutive research projects investigating numerous aspect of the science and technology of baled silage. The success of each depended on extensive, integrated collaboration between the Teagasc research centres at Grange and Oak Park, and with University College Dublin. As the series progressed the multidisciplinary team needed to underpin the programme expanded, and this greatly improved the amount and detail of the research undertaken. The major objective of the project recorded in this report was to develop technologies to improve the “hygienic value” of baled silage

    Centrosome amplification induces high grade features and is prognostic of worse outcomes in breast cancer

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    Table S1. Patient characteristics. Table S2. Hazard ratios from multivariate analysis. Table S3. Sequences of primers used for qRT-PCR. Figure S1. Distribution of average centrosome number per cell in the breast cancer patients represented in our TMA. Figure S2. Correlations between centrosome amplification and nodal status, patient age, and tumor size. Figure S3. Centrosome clustering but not structural abnormalities correlate with worse outcomes in breast cancer. Figure S4. CIN is prognostic of worse breast cancer-related survival. Figure S5. Centrosome amplification correlates with adverse clinical factors. Figure S6. CA correlates with higher ploidy and CIN. (DOCX 6223 kb

    Modification of the LEP electrostatic separator systems for operation with bunch trains

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    To meet the LEP2 luminosity requirements for W-pair production, it is planned to operate LEP with Bunch Trains from 1995 onwards. This new mode of operation entails significant modification both to the existing separator hardware and its control system. The changes have been implemented so as to provide maximum flexibility for the realisation of the Bunch Train scheme, and also make a return to operation with Pretzel separation possible during 1995. Two LEP Interaction Points (IP) were equipped with new separators in late 1994, enabling first tests with the collision of one train of four e+ bunches with one train of e- bunches. During the 1994/95 shutdown, four separators have been installed in the two remaining experimental IPs, and eight separators in the non-experimental IP have been displaced to new positions. Details are given of optics requirements for the separator installations, the polarity of the closed orbit separator bumps, system modifications, and performance considerations. Results are presented of investigations into the effects of separator polarity on High Voltage performance and on the commissioning of the new hardware systems during tests of the Bunch Train scheme in 1994

    Mitochondrial ATP fuels ABC transporter-mediated drug efflux in cancer chemoresistance

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    Chemotherapy remains the standard of care for most cancers worldwide, however development of chemoresistance due to the presence of the drug-effluxing ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters remains a significant problem. The development of safe and effective means to overcome chemoresistance is critical for achieving durable remissions in many cancer patients. We have investigated the energetic demands of ABC transporters in the context of the metabolic adaptations of chemoresistant cancer cells. Here we show that ABC transporters use mitochondrial-derived ATP as a source of energy to efflux drugs out of cancer cells. We further demonstrate that the loss of methylation-controlled J protein (MCJ) (also named DnaJC15), an endogenous negative regulator of mitochondrial respiration, in chemoresistant cancer cells boosts their ability to produce ATP from mitochondria and fuel ABC transporters. We have developed MCJ mimetics that can attenuate mitochondrial respiration and safely overcome chemoresistance in vitro and in vivo. Administration of MCJ mimetics in combination with standard chemotherapeutic drugs could therefore become an alternative strategy for treatment of multiple cancers

    No room at the top? The glass wall for professional services managers in pre-1992 English universities

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    Pre-1992 English universities are changing the way they appoint their deputy and pro-vice-chancellors (PVCs). Traditionally, PVC posts were filled by internal secondment from within the professoriate, but these days an increasing number are appointed by means of external open competition involving advertisement and/or executive search. So has this ‘opening up’ of PVC positions created new career progression opportunities for professional services managers? Findings from a census, online survey and interviews with a range of senior university managers suggest not. Despite the PVC role becoming more managerial, those getting the jobs remain overwhelmingly career academics. Professional services managers confront a glass wall, excluded from consideration by a non-negotiable requirement for academic credibility. Aware they have little chance of getting a PVC job, they are unlikely to apply. The continued monopolisation of PVC posts by academic managers represents a form of social closure that serves to maintain their elite status

    Absorptive capacity and market orientation in public service provision

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in Journal of Strategic Marketing on 05.04.2012, available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/0965254X.2011.643915The application of market orientation to public organisations does not adequately account for the unique features of this context. Drawing on absorptive capacity literature, this is the first study to examine the role of the organisation's learning environment on the market orientation-performance interface for two opposing public management contexts. The research involved a national survey questionnaire to 1060 internal and external public leisure service providers in England. Empirical testing through structural equation modelling revealed that not all dimensions of market orientation are universally positive and marketing scholars should seek to examine and understand market orientation in the context of the organisation and its learning mechanisms, as absorptive capacity has clear and different moderation effects under different management contexts. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC