90 research outputs found

    The Role of Contracts and Networks in Public Governance: The Importance of the Social Epistemology of Decision Making

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    This article addresses the role of public contracts and of public-private networks in relation to the new cognitive infrastructure of postmodern societies and the rise of an experimental rationality. The use of contracts in public law has evolved: it is no longer just a new version of the administrative decision; it is now used as a means in a broad process of breaking up the permeability of public administration. New modes of contracting are a response to increasing fragmentation of interests in industry and in society as a whole. This evolution has also given rise to the concept of the network society. Certain normative challenges have to be met in postmodern administration. The administrative act is always limited by the effect of the framing of the observations and the rules that make up the social epistemology and the cognitive infrastructure of society, which are applied and not reflected in the administrative processes. The search for the role of the contract in public administration is not productive; it is more important to have a better understanding of its embedding in the relationships between public and private actors on the one hand and the social epistemology that dominates both the private and the public use of common knowledge in society on the other. Governing Contracts – Public and Private Perspectives, Symposium. Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, November 9-10, 200

    The Evolution of General Administrative Law and the Emergence of Postmodern Administrative Law

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    The discussion on the emergence of global administrative law is centered around the question: “Is it law?” and problems of accountability. This is a narrow perspective which ignores the autonomy of the administrative “internal law” generated by administrative agencies themselves. This is shown for the evolution of domestic administrative law in the 19th century and its transformations in the 20th century. Domestic administrative law is only to a much lesser extent a product of courts or legislators than hitherto taken for granted. This is why it should not come as a surprise that the instruments and forms of global administrative law are generated by transnational administrative networks of agencies. The evolution of both domestic and transnational administrative law will allow for new heterarchical forms of accountability and legitimation once the focus on a hierarchical concept of delegation is given up. The paper tries to outline a perspective on the transformation of administrative law based on domestic administrative law but at the same time intends to open a perspective on a new look at the emergent global administrative law

    The Evolution of General Administrative Law and the Emergence of Postmodern Administrative Law

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    The discussion on the emergence of global administrative law is centered around the question: “Is it law?” and problems of accountability. This is a narrow perspective which ignores the autonomy of the administrative “internal law” generated by administrative agencies themselves. This is shown for the evolution of domestic administrative law in the 19th century and its transformations in the 20th century. Domestic administrative law is only to a much lesser extent a product of courts or legislators than hitherto taken for granted. This is why it should not come as a surprise that the instruments and forms of global administrative law are generated by transnational administrative networks of agencies. The evolution of both domestic and transnational administrative law will allow for new heterarchical forms of accountability and legitimation once the focus on a hierarchical concept of delegation is given up. The paper tries to outline a perspective on the transformation of administrative law based on domestic administrative law but at the same time intends to open a perspective on a new look at the emergent global administrative law

    The State in International Law

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    The analysis of processes of the globalisation of law needs new paradigms beyond the reference to traditional state-based law – including international law. Global administrative law, in particular, should not be conceived as a phenomenon that is no longer state-based law and not yet the law of a coming world state. It is a new heterarchical order in its own right. The theoretical and practical challenges of its network structure can only be met by approaches that are focused on a new relational rationality of meta-rules for the management of conflicts of heterogeneous norms. This goes for administrative law as well as for the transnational cooperation of courts

    The State in International Law

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    The analysis of processes of the globalisation of law needs new paradigms beyond the reference to traditional state-based law – including international law. Global administrative law, in particular, should not be conceived as a phenomenon that is no longer state-based law and not yet the law of a coming world state. It is a new heterarchical order in its own right. The theoretical and practical challenges of its network structure can only be met by approaches that are focused on a new relational rationality of meta-rules for the management of conflicts of heterogeneous norms. This goes for administrative law as well as for the transnational cooperation of courts

    A relação entre direito público e normas sociais no constitucionalismo ”” nacional, europeu e global

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    The globalisation process is a serious challenge for legal theory including the conception of a constitution beyond the state. The paper tries to develop the idea that globalisation is not only a process that undermines the territorial state form outside. There is an internal side to the globalisation process that disrupts the stable hierarchical structure of state law inasmuch as the dynamic of transformation of postmodern societies in particular undermines the stability of social norms that formed the infrastructure of state-based law as well as the law itself. The increasing dynamic of the self-transformation of these social norms opens a new perspective both on domestic constitutional law and on the law beyond the state. ----------------------------------------------------- The article is based on a presentation given at the University of Warwick, June 27, 2014. Translated by Teo Pastor.O processo de globalização é um sério desafio para a teoria jurídica, incluindo a concepção de uma constituição para além do Estado. O presente artigo busca desenvolver a tese de que a globalização não é apenas um processo que enfraquece o Estado territorial externamente. Há uma face interna para o processo de globalização, que rompe a estrutura hierárquica estável da lei estatal da mesma forma que a dinâmica da transformação das sociedades pós-modernas, sobretudo, debilita a estabilidade das normas sociais que formaram a infraestrutura do direito estatal, bem como o direito em si. A dinâmica crescente da auto-transformação dessas normas sociais abre uma nova perspectiva tanto no direito constitucional interno e quanto no direito extra estatal. ----------------------------------------------------- Artigo baseado na palestra ministrada na Universidade de Warwick, em 27 de junho de 2014. Tradução de: Teo Pastor. &nbsp

    The transformation of legal semantics in postmodern society: from the “subsumption” of cases to “balancing” and a semantics of networks

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    Aborda a disruptiva transformação do ordenamento jurídico provocada pela emergente “sociedade das redes”. Afirma que após indivíduos e organizações atuarem como atores jurídicos, existe agora o confronto com um novo tipo de quase-atores: redes que minam as fronteiras até então tidas como certas entre o interior e o exterior das organizações, entre indivíduos e organizações, alterando assim regras do jogo novamente

    Nichts weniger als ein Formenmissbrauch

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    Novos Institutos para a Proteção da Privacidade e Dignidade Pessoal na Comunicação pela Internet - “Corretor de Informaçôes”, “Cortes Privadas Cibernéticas” e Redes de Contratos

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    Symposium "Beyond Montesquieu: Re-thinking the architecture of contemporary governance": The internet needs new types of legal ordering, which are adapted to self-regulation and the rapid transformation of knowledge and social norms. Data protection, public investigation, “social media” and financial markets challenge the classical orientation of the legal system towards individual behaviour. The new “addressees” of law are networks as quasi-subjects. New regimes of proceduralisation can structure the development of a “net-friendly” paradigm of a law beyond the individual. The article tries to demonstrate the feasibility of such a model with reference to the above-mentioned challenges.A internet precisa de novos modelos de regulação jurídica, adaptados para a auto-regulação da rápida transformação do conhecimento e das normas sociais. A proteção dos dados, a pesquisa pública, a “mídia social” e os mercados financeiros desafiam a orientação clássica do sistema jurídico para a regulação dos comportamentos individuais. Os novos “destinatários” do direito são as redes que figuram como quase-sujeitos. Os novos regimes de procedimentalização pode estruturar o desenvolvimento de um paradigma jurídico “net-friendly” para além do indivíduo. O artigo procura demonstrar a viabilidade de um tal modelo com referência aos desafios acima mencionados
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