169 research outputs found

    Holographic Principle during Inflation and a Lower Bound on Density Fluctuations

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    We apply the holographic principle during the inflationary stage of our universe. Where necessary, we illustrate the analysis in the case of new and extended inflation which, together, typify generic models of inflation. We find that in the models of extended inflation type, and perhaps of new inflation type also, the holographic principle leads to a lower bound on the density fluctuations.Comment: 12 Pages. Latex. Typos fixed; references adde

    A multifrequency angular power spectrum analysis of the Leiden polarization surveys

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    The Galactic synchrotron emission is expected to be the most relevant source of astrophysical contamination in cosmic microwave background polarization measurements, at least at frequencies 30'. We present a multifrequency analysis of the Leiden surveys, linear polarization surveys covering essentially the Northern Celestial Hemisphere at five frequencies between 408 MHz and 1411 MHz. By implementing specific interpolation methods to deal with these irregularly sampled data, we produced maps of the polarized diffuse Galactic radio emission with pixel size of 0.92 deg. We derived the angular power spectrum (APS) (PI, E, and B modes) of the synchrotron dominated radio emission as function of the multipole, l. We considered the whole covered region and some patches at different Galactic latitudes. By fitting the APS in terms of power laws (C_l = k l^a), we found spectral indices that steepen with increasing frequency: from a = -(1-1.5) at 408 MHz to a = -(2-3) at 1411 MHz for 10 < l < 100 and from a = -0.7 to a = -1.5 for lower multipoles (the exact values depending on the considered sky region and polarization mode). The bulk of this steepening can be interpreted in terms of Faraday depolarization effects. We then considered the APS at various fixed multipoles and its frequency dependence. Using the APSs of the Leiden surveys at 820 MHz and 1411 MHz, we determined possible ranges for the rotation measure, RM, in the simple case of an interstellar medium slab model. Taking also into account the polarization degree at 1.4 GHz, we could break the degeneracy between the identified RM intervals. The most reasonable of them turned out to be RM = 9-17 rad/m^2.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures. Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    Can the Gravitational Wave Background from Inflation be Detected Locally?

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    The Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) detection of microwave background anisotropies may contain a component due to gravitational waves generated by inflation. It is shown that the gravitational waves from inflation might be seen using `beam-in-space' detectors, but not the Laser Interferometer Gravity Wave Observatory (LIGO). The central conclusion, dependent only on weak assumptions regarding the physics of inflation, is a surprising one. The larger the component of the COBE signal due to gravitational waves, the {\em smaller} the expected local gravitational wave signal.Comment: 8 pages, standard LaTeX (no figures), SUSSEX-AST 93/7-

    Recovering the Inflationary Potential

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    A procedure is developed for the recovery of the inflationary potential over the interval that affects astrophysical scales (\approx 1\Mpc - 10^4\Mpc). The amplitudes of the scalar and tensor metric perturbations and their power-spectrum indices, which can in principle be inferred from large-angle CBR anisotropy experiments and other cosmological data, determine the value of the inflationary potential and its first two derivatives. From these, the inflationary potential can be reconstructed in a Taylor series and the consistency of the inflationary hypothesis tested. A number of examples are presented, and the effect of observational uncertainties is discussed.Comment: 13 pages LaTeX, 6 Figs. available on request, FNAL-Pub-93/182-

    Inflation at the Electroweak Scale

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    We present a simple model for slow-rollover inflation where the vacuum energy that drives inflation is of the order of GF−2G_F^{-2}; unlike most models, the conversion of vacuum energy to radiation (``reheating'') is moderately efficient. The scalar field responsible for inflation is a standard-model singlet, develops a vacuum expectation value of the order of 4\times 10^6\GeV, has a mass of order 1\GeV, and can play a role in electroweak phenomena.Comment: 14 page

    Extended Inflation with a Curvature-Coupled Inflaton

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    We examine extended inflation models enhanced by the addition of a coupling between the inflaton field and the space-time curvature. We examine two types of model, where the underlying inflaton potential takes on second-order and first-order form respectively. One aim is to provide models which satisfy the solar system constraints on the Brans--Dicke parameter ω\omega. This constraint has proven very problematic in previous extended inflation models, and we find circumstances where it can be successfully evaded, though the constraint must be carefully assessed in our model and can be much stronger than the usual ω>500\omega > 500. In the simplest versions of the model, one may avoid the need to introduce a mass for the Brans--Dicke field in order to ensure that it takes on the correct value at the present epoch, as seems to be required in hyperextended inflation. We also briefly discuss aspects of the formation of topological defects in the inflaton field itself.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX (no figures), to appear, Physical Review D, mishandling of the solar system constraint on extended gravity theories corrected, SUSSEX-AST 93/6-

    Natural Inflation: Particle Physics Models, Power Law Spectra for Large Scale Structure, and Constraints from COBE

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    A pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson, with a potential of the form V(ϕ)=Λ4[1±cos⁥(ϕ/f)],naturallygivesrisetoinflationifV(\phi) = \Lambda^4[1 \pm \cos(\phi/f)], naturally gives rise to inflation if f \sim M_{Pl}and and \Lambda \sim M_{GUT}.Weshowhowthiscanariseintechnicolor−likeandsuperstringmodels,andworkoutanexplicitstringexampleinthecontextofmultiplegauginocondensationmodels.Westudythecosmologyofthismodelindetail,andfindthatsufficientreheatingtoensurethatbaryogenesiscantakeplacerequires. We show how this can arise in technicolor-like and superstring models, and work out an explicit string example in the context of multiple gaugino condensation models. We study the cosmology of this model in detail, and find that sufficient reheating to ensure that baryogenesis can take place requires f > 0.3 M_{Pl}.Theprimordialdensityfluctuationspectrumgeneratedisanon−scale−invariantpowerlaw,. The primordial density fluctuation spectrum generated is a non-scale-invariant power law, P(k) \propto k^{n_s},with, with n_s \simeq 1 - (M^2_{Pl}/8\pi f^2),leadingtomorepoweronlargelengthscalesthanthe, leading to more power on large length scales than the n_s = 1Harrison−Zeldovichspectrum.ThestandardCDMmodelwith Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum. The standard CDM model with 0 \la n_s \la 0.6-0.7couldinprincipleexplainthelarge−scaleclusteringobservedintheAPMandIRASgalaxysurveysaswellaslarge−scaleflows,buttheCOBEmicrowaveanisotropyimpliessuchlowamplitudes(orhighbiasfactors, could in principle explain the large-scale clustering observed in the APM and IRAS galaxy surveys as well as large-scale flows, but the COBE microwave anisotropy implies such low amplitudes (or high bias factors, b>2)fortheseCDMmodelsthatgalaxyformationoccurstoolatetobeviable;combiningCOBEwithsufficientlyearlygalaxyformationorthelarge−scaleflowsleadsto) for these CDM models that galaxy formation occurs too late to be viable; combining COBE with sufficiently early galaxy formation or the large-scale flows leads to n_s >0.6,or, or f > 0.3 M_{Pl}aswell.Forextendedandpowerlawinflationmodels,thisconstraintiseventighter, as well. For extended and power law inflation models, this constraint is even tighter, n_s > 0.7$; combined with other bounds on large bubbles in extended inflation, this leaves little room for most extended models.Comment: 42 pages, (12 figures not included but available from the authors
