6,590 research outputs found

    On the shape and evolution of a cosmic ray regulated galaxy-wide stellar initial mass function

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    In this paper, we present a new derivation of the shape and evolution of the integrated galaxy-wide initial mass function (IGIMF), incorporating explicitly the effects of cosmic rays (CRs) as regulators of the chemical and thermal state of the gas in the dense cores of molecular clouds. We predict the shape of the IGIMF as a function of star formation rate (SFR) and CR density, and show that it can be significantly different with respect to local estimates. In particular, we focus on the physical conditions corresponding to IGIMF shapes that are simultaneously shallower at high-mass end and steeper at the low-mass end than a Kroupa IMF. These solutions can explain both the levels of α\alpha-enrichment and the excess of low-mass stars as a function of stellar mass, observed for local spheroidal galaxies. As a preliminary test of our scenario, we use idealized star formation histories to estimate the mean IMF shape for galaxies of different z=0z=0 stellar mass. We show that the fraction of low-mass stars as a function of galaxy stellar mass predicted by these mean IMFs agrees with the values derived from high-resolution spectroscopic surveys.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Galicia e Alxeria, sociedades patriarcais e matriarcais: a cultura e a escola dende a perspectiva dun inmigrante alxeriano

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    [RESUMO] Ofrecemos nesta comunicación a visión da sociedade, cultura e escola de Galicia e Alxeria, en boca dun alumno de Educación Secundaria inmigrante para Galicia. Os datos forman parte dunha investigación dentro da temática do alumnado inmigrante en Galicia, do choque cultural e da adaptación. Recórrese á entrevista semiestruturada como xeito de acceso á información, cuxos resultados aportan información sobre a escola alxeriana en primeira persoa e voz do protagonista do noso estudo de caso: niveis educativos, características do profesorado e das escolas... Tamén aportamos algunhas peculiaridades da adaptación á sociedade galega que viviu este rapaz con respecto ás dificultades idiomáticas (chegou ao noso país sen coñecer en absoluto a nosa lingua), impacto da cultura galega na súa de orixe, a importancia de manter os trazos da súa cultura (para el, o máis importante é manter o compromiso coa súa xente), relixión, comparación de sociedades (matriarcal e patriarcal), etc. Pechamos a comunicación facendo fincapé na importancia do concepto de intelixencia socio e multicultural no intento de velar polos procesos de integración e inclusión de calidade deste alumnado

    A Cross-Sectional Survey on Burnout Prevalence and Profile in the Sicilian Population of Ambulance Driver-Rescuers

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    Introduction: Burnout is present at a high rate in emergency medicine. The ambulance driver-rescuers, who furnish first aid to the victims, are the non-medical part of the Italian 118-service staff. There is a lack of research on burnout risk in Italian Emergency Medical Services and, particularly, for this category of workers. The two Italian studies, including a little group of ambulance driver-rescuers, reported inconsistent findings. Hypothesis: This survey investigated for the first time the prevalence and exact profile of burnout in a large sample of Italian driver-rescuers. As a secondary aim, the study described how the items of the Italian version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) cluster in components in this sample. Methods: This cross-sectional census survey was conducted from June 2015 through May 2016 and involved all the driver-rescuers operating in Sicily, the biggest and most southern region of Italy. The subjects received a classification according to different profiles of burnout by using the Italian version of the MBI-HSS (burnout, engagement, disengagement, over-extension, and work-inefficacy). In order to explore the existence of independent factors, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was conducted on the survey to obtain eigenvalues >one for each component in the data. Results: The final sample comprised 2,361 responders (96.6% of the initial sample). Of them, 29.8% were in burnout (95% confidence interval [CI], 27.8% to 31.8%) and 1.7% presented a severe form (95% CI, 1.1% to 2.3%); 30.0% were engaged in their work (95% CI, 21.0% to 34.8%), 24.7% of responders were disengaged (95% CI, 22.9% to 26.5%), 1.2% presented an over-extension profile (95% CI, 0.8% to 1.7%), and 12.6% felt work-inefficacy (95% CI, 11.3% to 14.1%). The factors loaded into a five-factor solution at PCA, explaining 48.1% of the variance and partially replicating the three-factor structure. The Emotional Exhaustion (EE) component was confirmed. New dimensions from Personal Accomplishment (PA) and Depersonalization (DP) sub-scales described empathy and disengagement with patients, respectively, and were responsible for the increased risk of burnout. Conclusions: These results endorse the importance of screening and psychological interventions for this population of emergency workers, where burnout could manifest itself more insidiously. It is also possible to speculate that sub-optimal empathy skills could be related to the disengagement and work-inefficacy feelings registered

    Heidegger and Lacan

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    Lacanian psychoanalysis cannot disregard its debts to philosophy, especially continental philosophy. Lacan’s conception of language is derived from multiple philosophical sources (i.e., Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard) including Heidegger’s philosophy of language and pride of place. Heidegger’s view of language prepares the ground for reversing the relationship between language and human beings, overcoming common sense about language and the communicative model of language. Language is much more than a set of labels; it shapes the human world and structures social relations themselves. In addition, language acts as a social link. The function of language as a social link allows us to think of it in relation to the Law and the very function of this human subjectivity. In reference to the Other of the Law and language, the subject finds her recognition, and this implies that the language is not reducible to communication. The process of technical-scientific domination of Western institutions leads to a reduction of their functions to the formal aspects, which may lead to a reification of the human as well as a state of alienation

    Assessing Child Obesity and Physical Activity in a Hard-to-Reach Population in California's Central Valley, 2012-2013.

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    IntroductionIn California's agricultural Central Valley, the rate of childhood obesity is higher than the national average. Adequate physical activity contributes to obesity prevention and its assessment is useful to evaluate the impact of interventions.MethodsNiños Sanos, Familia Sana (Healthy Children, Healthy Family [NSFS]) uses community-based participatory research to implement an intervention program to reduce childhood obesity among people of Mexican origin in the Central Valley. Anthropometric measurements were conducted on more than 650 children enrolled in NSFS. Physical activity data from a subgroup of children aged 4 to 7 years (n = 134) were collected via a wearable accelerometer.ResultsChildren were classified on the basis of age and sex-adjusted body mass index as healthy weight (57.7%); overweight (19.3%), or obese (23%). Logistic regression showed that moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) was associated with a child's likelihood of having a healthy BMI (odds ratio: 1.03; 95% CI, 1.01-1.05; P = .017).ConclusionNSFS's community-based participatory approach resulted in successful use of a commercial electronic device to measure physical activity quantity and quality in this hard-to-reach population. Promotion of adequate daily MVPA is an appropriate and necessary component of NSFS's childhood obesity prevention strategy

    Comparación del modulo resiliente de la subrasante obtenido a partir de deflexiones de impacto y mediante ensayos de laboratorio en un proyecto vial del departamento de Cundinamarca

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    El presente estudio se llevará a cabo en la carretera El Portal El Antojo que vía une la ciudad de Bogotá, con la carretera Bogotá Villavicencio, esta es de gran importancia porque sirve de apoyo principalmente cuando la Concesión realiza labores de mantenimiento en el túnel de El Boquerón obligando a desviar el tráfico por esta carretera. Para calcular el módulo resiliente de la subrasante en carretera El Portal El Antojo se llevaron a cabo medidas de deflexión en el mes de enero de 2010, mediante el empleo del FWD KUAB 50 2m de la firma GEVIAL LTDA. Para el análisis y procesamiento de la información se llevará a cabo de acuerdo con los lineamientos y normas establecidos en la guía metodológica para la rehabilitación de pavimentos asfálticos de carreteras del INVIAS. Se determinarán parámetros estructurales como la deflexión central, el módulo resiliente de la subrasante, y el número estructural de la vía seleccionada a través de un procedimiento de retro cálcul

    The unequal-time matter power spectrum: impact on weak lensing observables

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    We investigate the impact of a common approximation on weak lensing power spectra: the use of single-epoch matter power spectra in integrals over redshift. We disentangle this from the closely connected Limber's approximation. We derive the unequal-time matter power spectrum at one-loop in standard perturbation theory and effective field theory to deal with non-linear physics. We compare these formalisms and conclude that the unequal-time power spectrum using effective field theory breaks for larger scales. As an alternative, we introduce the midpoint approximation. We also provide, for the first time, a fitting function for the time evolution of the effective field theory counterterms based on the Quijote simulations. Then we compute the angular power spectrum using a range of approaches: the Limber's approximation, and the geometric and midpoint approximations. We compare our results with the exact calculation at all angular scales using the unequal-time power spectrum. We use DES Y1 and LSST-like redshift distributions for our analysis. We find that the use of the Limber's approximation in weak lensing diverges from the exact calculation of the angular power spectrum on large-angle separations, <10\ell < 10. Even though this deviation is of order 2%2\% maximum for cosmic lensing, we find the biggest effect for galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing. We show that not only is this true for upcoming galaxy surveys, but also for current data such as DES Y1. Finally, we make our pipeline and analysis publicly available as a Python package called unequalpy.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, software https://github.com/Lucia-Fonseca/unequalpy.gi

    Adaptation of a culturally relevant nutrition and physical activity program for low-income, Mexican-origin parents with young children.

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    Latino children experience higher rates of obesity than do non-Latino white children. Family-centered nutrition interventions can slow the rate of weight gain in this population. Niños Sanos, Familia Sana (Healthy Children, Healthy Family) is a 5-year, community-based, participatory research study that targets rural Mexican-origin farmworker families with children aged 2 to 8 years in California's Central Valley. Adaptation of a culturally relevant obesity prevention program involved qualitative research to tailor key obesity prevention messages, pilot testing and implementation of key messages and activities at family nights, and continual modification to incorporate culturally innovative elements. Of the 238 families enrolled, 53% (125) attended the recommended minimum of 5 (of 10 possible) classes during the first year. A university and community partnership can guide development of a culturally tailored obesity prevention program that is suitable for reaching a high-risk Mexican-origin audience through cooperative extension and other public health programs