5,759 research outputs found

    Upaya Pengelola Pesantren Lorong Raudhah Indonesia Makassar dalam Meningkatkan Literasi bagi Lanjut Usia

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    The main problem discussed in this thesis research is the efforts made by the management of the Jalan Raudhah Indonesia Islamic boarding school in Makassar to increase Islamic literacy for the elderly and the impact of literacy activities carried out at the Jalan Raudhah Indonesia Islamic boarding school in Makassar. The aim of this research is to describe the efforts made by the management of the Indonesian Alley Raudhah Islamic boarding school to increase Islamic literacy for the elderly as well as the impact of literacy activities at the Indonesian Alley Raudhah Islamic boarding school. The type of research used is descriptive research with a managerial and pedagogical approach. Then the data sources in this research are primary data and secondary data..Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that the efforts of the management of the Jalan Raudhah Indonesia Islamic boarding school in Makassar to increase literacy for the elderly were through a process of habituation, learning and development. The impact of literacy activities carried out in the Indonesian Alley Raudhah Islamic boarding school is the ability to read, write and speak spoken language for elderly students.The implication of the literacy activities carried out by the management of the Jalan Raudhah Indonesia Islamic boarding school in Makassar is that elderly students are more informed and can spend their old age with various positive activities and get closer to the Creator, besides that harmony between residents in the Islamic boarding school environment is well established


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    Dengue adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh nyamuk aedes aegypti. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor lingkungan fisik dengan kehadiran larva aedes aegypti di wilayah endemik sub-Kassi Kassi Makassar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional untuk menguji hubungan antara variabel independen dengan nilai signifikansi ditentukan uji chi-square. Populasinya dan sampelnya adalah seluruh TPA/breading site potensial di dalam dan di luar rumah yang berada di Kelurahan kassi-kassi Kecamatan Rapocini Kota Makassar. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan komputer melalui program SPSS, dan data yang telah diolah akan disajikan dalam bentuk tabel distribusi yang disertai dengan narasi. Hasil analisis dengan uji chi-square menunjukkan variabel suhu udara dengan nilai p = 0,043. Suhu air dengan nilai p = 0,036, kelembaban dengan p = 0,014. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu ada hubungan antara suhu udara, suhu air dan kelembaban udara dengan keberadaan larva Aedes aegypti. Sedangkan curah hujan tidak mendukung keberadaan aedes aegypty.\ud Kata Kunci : DBD, suhu udara, kelembaban, larva aedes aegypt

    Pengalaman Hidup Pasien Stoma Pascakolostomi

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    The number of patient with colostomy that it caused by colorectal cancer has been increasing significantlyin Indonesia. Colostomy was affected to physical, psychosocial, spiritual and economic of patients. Health providers, especially nurses need to provide holistic care for post colostomy patients. The aims of this qualitative study were to describe the life experience of post colostomy patients and to explore new insight of nursing interventions. The new insight would increase nurses' knowledge and improve the quality of nursing care. This phenomenological study was obtained data using in-depth interviews to 8 informants. The informants consist of 5 men and 3 women. The characteristic of informants included age between 30-73 years, and the length of time living with a colostomy between 4 months to 6 years. The data were analyzed using the Colaizzi method. This study found several themes such as limited daily activities, psychosocial changes; spiritual distress; changes in sexualactivities;sources of support;live with a colostomy; live adaptation; the burdens living with a colostomy. Living with a colostomy faced problems including the limitation to fulfill their needs, psychosocial changes, spiritual distress, and economic problems. Based on those problems, nurses can give support and attention for post colostomy patients


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    Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan penyakit akibat infeksi virus dengue yang ditularkan melalui gigitan nyamuk Aedes sp. Faktor lingkungan berpengaruh besar terhadap peningkatan dan penularan penyakit DBD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran densitas larva Aedes aegypti berdasarkan karakteristik lingkungan fisik dan kimia di daerah endemis dan non endemis DBD di Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional dengan desain deskriptif melalui pengamatan langsung dengan menggunakan lembar observasi dan titik koordinat ditentukan dengan menggunakan Geographic Position System (GPS). Populasi adalah Kelurahan Gunung Sari sebagai daerah endemis DBD dan Kelurahan Rappocini sebagai daerah non endemis DBD. Sampel penelitian adalah RW09 Kelurahan Gunung Sari dan RW 04 Kelurahan Rappocini. Penentuan sampel dilakukan dengan metode proporsional random sampling. Hasil penelitian di rumah daerah endemis dan non endemis ditemukan CI tinggi 13% dan 17%, kelembaban pekarangan potensial 67,8% dan 67%, kelembaban dapur potensial 80,9% dan 89,6%, kelembaban kamar mandi potensial 67,8% dan 91,5%, suhu potensial 63,5% dan 56,5%, pH potensial 94,8% dan 88,7%, dan salinitas potensial 100% dan 100%. Kesimpulan pemetaan yang dilakukan menunjukkan sebagian besar rumah didaerah endemis maupun non endemis memiliki kepadatan larva Aedes aegypti yang rendah tapi memiliki faktor lingkungan fisik dan kimia yang potensial untuk perkembangbiakan larva

    Kinerja Pegawai dalam Pelayanan Logistik Pasca Bencana Pada Kantor BPPD Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan

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    This study uses a qualitative research type by focusing on the study of the performance of South Halmahera Regency BPBD employees in post-disaster logistics services. Qualitative research emphasizes inductive analysis, not deductive analysis. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that the performance of BPBD employees in South Halmahera Regency, seen from the productivity aspect of post-disaster logistics services, had not been maximally implemented. The aspect of the quality of logistics services has also not been maximally implemented, because the timeliness of logistics services is sometimes not timely when distributing them to villages, while the attitude of BPBD staff is very good. The aspect of employee responsiveness has been very good in post-disaster logistics services, employees are very responsive to various logistical issues and are not selective in providing logistics services


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    This study aims to describe the interpersonal communication skills of librarians in building good relationships with users. The type of research used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. The method used is a methodological and scientific approach. The data is obtained using interview, observation and documentation guidelines. The data analysis is using data reduction, data display, and verification. The results showed that basically, the interpersonal communication of librarians in serving the users was quite good. However, the attitude of respect, empathy, audible, celebratory and humble shown by the Librarian towards the users is still less prominent and does not have clear standards. Thus librarians become less proactive in serving users

    Batu Bata Ringan Dengan Filler Paduan Serat Ijuk Aren dan Sekam Padi Terkarbonasi

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    Selama ini keberadaan ijuk aren dan sekam padi terkarbonasi belum di manfaatkan secara maksimal terutama dalam dunia konstruksi yang bersifat non struktural dalam pembuatan batu bata ringan.  Secara teoritis penambahan serat dalam  pembuatan batu bata ringan dengan filler serat ijuk aren dan sekam padi terkarbonasi mampu menambah kuat tekan pada pasangan batu bata ringan untuk keperluan non struktural, dimana secara terbatas material serat dapat di gunakan dari bahan-bahan alami. Penelitian ini bertujuan unntuk mengetahui  pengaruh  komposisi  tanah  liat  dari  serat  ijuk  aren  dan  sekam  padi terkarbonasi  terhadap  karakteristik  batu  bataringan  (berat  jenis,  sifat  mekanik).  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisi terbaik antara batu  bata  dan  filler serta ijuk aren  dan  sekam  padi  terkarbonasi  adalah  komposisi  4.500/50  ijuk/450  sekam,  dengan massa  jenis  950  g/cm³,  kuat  tekan  3,012  MPa.  Sedangkan  batu  bata  ringan  tanpa  filler diperoleh  massa  jenis  1250  g/cm3  dan  morfologi  yang  berpori.  Peningkatan  komposisi sekam padi terkarbonasi cenderung meningkatkan kekuatan mekaniknya, hal ini menja- dikan batu bata lebih ringan dan memperbaiki sifat mekaniknya