11 research outputs found


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    The article is dedicated to the psychological-didactic peculiarities of pupils' group work at primary school, in particular to the specificity of its using on the basis of taking into account younger schoolchildren's age and individual peculiarities

    Hygienic assessment of PM 10 and PM 2.5 contents in the atmosphere and population health risk in zones infleunced by emissions from stationary sources located at industrial enterprises

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    Our research focused on air contamination with solid particles which occurred in settlements influenced by stationary sources located at enterprises involved in construction materials production. Our goal was to examine concentrations and fractional structure of solid particles and to assess health risks caused by air contamination with fine-dispersed solid particles for population living on territories adjoining to sanitary-hygienic zones of industrial enterprises. The research was conducted with laboratory control techniques, health risk assessment, sanitary-hygienic and statistic techniques. We measured solid particles concentrations in real-time detecting them incessantly, and it allowed us to obtain data on concentrations of fine-dispersed solid particles (10 and 2.5 microns diameter) averaged over 20-minutes period; we also managed to calculate sums of solid particles (dust/aerosol not differentiated in its compound) in the atmosphere in settlements influenced by stationary sources located at in-dustrial enterprises. We analyzed fractional structure of solid particles, performed a hygienic assessment of atmospheric air contamination, and determined population health risks caused by atmospheric air contamination with fine-dispersed particles. The obtained results gave grounds for working out analytical (laboratory) techniques for control over atmospheric air contamination at a border between a residential area and a sanitary-hygienic zone and for hygienic assessment of solid particles content in the air in settlements, both for overall fraction and for particles with aerodynamic diameter 10 microns and 2.5 micron

    Biochemical contents of highbush blueberry fruits grown in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

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    Received: October 26th, 2020 ; Accepted: February 2nd, 2021 ; Published: March 3nd, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] study of the physical and consumption qualitative indices of the highbush blueberries (the cultivars ‘Reca’, ‘Elizabeth’ and ‘Bluegold’) in the Western Lisosteppe of Ukraine has shown that the biggest fruit mass was accumulated by the berries of two last mentioned vs (1.54–1.50 g respectively). ‘Bluegold’ has this indicator as the least variable (V = 10.6%). The accumulation of fruit mass of all studied cultivars was facilitated by a moderately humid period of their development in 2018 with a hydrothermal coefficient of 1.1–1.2. The favorable year for the intensive synthesis of the dry matter and soluble solids was 2017 when the precipitation amount did not exceed 44 mm. The biggest number of the mentioned substances during the research period was accumulated by fruits of ‘Reca’ - 17.48 and 13.24%, respectively. It was established that the dry matter content had high level of stability (V = 8.2%), and middle was for soluble solids (V = 19.5%). The amount of monosaccharides from which glucose and fructose were investigated in fruits varied from 6.11 (‘Bluegold’) to 7.85 (‘Reca’), it was slightly lower in ‘Elizabeth’ berries - 7.78%. ‘Bluegold’ fruits were characterized by high stability (B = 9.6%) of the biggest content of titrated acids among the studied cultivars (2.42%). The dry weather with low number of precipitation in 2017 (hydrothermal coefficient 0.3–0.4) was favourable for the accumulation of both the mentioned acids and vitamin C in fruits of highbush blueberries in the period of their formation and growth. The amount of ascorbic acid in fruits in the specified year varied from 20.00 mg 100 g -1 WM (‘Reca’) to 27.00 mg 100 g -1 WM (‘Elizabeth’) with an intermediate value of 22.50 mg 100 g -1 WM (‘Bluegold’). The latest of the mentioned varieties had the most constant index (V = 7.0%). The content of polyphenolic substances was slightly dependent on weather conditions during the period of fruit growth, the coefficients of variation were 6.2% (‘Reca’), 7.0% (‘Elizabeth’) and 5.8% (‘Bluegold’). The fruits of the last mentioned cultivars were characterized with the biggest anthocyanins and chalcones content (68 and 13 mg 100 g -1 WM, respectively). The substantial indirect dependence of the content of the nutritive substances and anthocyanins on the berry mass was revealed in the ‘Reca’ fruits

    Hygienic assessment of impact on public health air pollution in view of the combined actions of chemicals in the area of the chemical industry

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    The article presents the results of air pollution study in the area of chemical industry. The results of evaluating possible impact of chemical pollution on the population health are reflected by the parameter values: complex indicator “R” public health risk (reflexive, chronic, and combined risk at the reflexive and chronic action), hazard index and combined action coefficient. The comparative characteristic of the received data is provided by the degree of air pollution during the evaluation, taking into account the combined effect of chemicals and during the evaluation without the combined action of chemicals. The possibility of using the results to predict the changes in the population health status and to plan epidemiological studies is determined


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    The paper dwells on basic legal and sub-legislative documents issued in the EU, the USA, Canada, by the WTO and Codex Alimentarius Commission which provide control of consumer products safety on the basis of assessing risks for consumers' life and health. Risk-oriented surveillance is shown as a system which makes for lower loads on business but still provides systemic control over most hazardous products. The EU legislation fixes the right to perform supranational control over state control systems existing in the EU member states in terms of their relevance and legitimacy. This supranational control is supported by organizational structures and regulatory and methodological documents. National control systems are systematically reviewed and analyzed in order to secure their conformity to supranational regulatory acts, to detect any cases of non-compliance, and to spread the best practices. Risk analysis reviews and results are open and discussable. As a result of products hazards assessment their turnover can be limited, or they can be withdrawn from the market, or additional information on hazards or risks they may cause is to be provided for consumers. Public and constantly operating systems of informing about hazardous goods are well-developed. International experience and practices in the sphere of risk-oriented surveillance over consumer products can be and should be applied in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) countries. The Eurasian Economic Union countries fix orientation at observing consumer goods safety principles in their legislation. There are also legal grounds for and practices in the sphere of risk-oriented approach to products manufactures. But it is necessary to further develop a products classification system as per consumer health risk parameters. And this task requires working out unified approaches to classification of both eatable and non-eatable products. It seems relevant to develop a public analytical database of risk-oriented control created with the use of the control and surveillance activities results obtained in the EEU countries. All the involved parties should more actively interact and exchange information on issues of products risks assessment as it is a vital component required for further development of the system