185 research outputs found

    Colossal dielectric constants in transition-metal oxides

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    Many transition-metal oxides show very large ("colossal") magnitudes of the dielectric constant and thus have immense potential for applications in modern microelectronics and for the development of new capacitance-based energy-storage devices. In the present work, we thoroughly discuss the mechanisms that can lead to colossal values of the dielectric constant, especially emphasising effects generated by external and internal interfaces, including electronic phase separation. In addition, we provide a detailed overview and discussion of the dielectric properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 and related systems, which is today's most investigated material with colossal dielectric constant. Also a variety of further transition-metal oxides with large dielectric constants are treated in detail, among them the system La2-xSrxNiO4 where electronic phase separation may play a role in the generation of a colossal dielectric constant.Comment: 31 pages, 18 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J. for publication in the Special Topics volume "Cooperative Phenomena in Solids: Metal-Insulator Transitions and Ordering of Microscopic Degrees of Freedom

    A de novo paradigm for male infertility

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    Genetics of Male Infertility Initiative (GEMINI) consortium: Donald F. Conrad, Liina Nagirnaja, Kenneth I. Aston, Douglas T. Carrell, James M. Hotaling, Timothy G. Jenkins, Rob McLachlan, Moira K. O’Bryan, Peter N. Schlegel, Michael L. Eisenberg, Jay I. Sandlow, Emily S. Jungheim, Kenan R. Omurtag, Alexandra M. Lopes, Susana Seixas, Filipa Carvalho, Susana Fernandes, Alberto Barros, João Gonçalves, Iris Caetano, Graça Pinto, Sónia Correia, Maris Laan, Margus Punab, Ewa Rajpert-De Meyts, Niels Jørgensen, Kristian Almstrup, Csilla G. Krausz & Keith A. Jarvi.De novo mutations are known to play a prominent role in sporadic disorders with reduced fitness. We hypothesize that de novo mutations play an important role in severe male infertility and explain a portion of the genetic causes of this understudied disorder. To test this hypothesis, we utilize trio-based exome sequencing in a cohort of 185 infertile males and their unaffected parents. Following a systematic analysis, 29 of 145 rare (MAF < 0.1%) protein-altering de novo mutations are classified as possibly causative of the male infertility phenotype. We observed a significant enrichment of loss-of-function de novo mutations in loss-of-function-intolerant genes (p-value = 1.00 × 10−5) in infertile men compared to controls. Additionally, we detected a significant increase in predicted pathogenic de novo missense mutations affecting missense-intolerant genes (p-value = 5.01 × 10−4) in contrast to predicted benign de novo mutations. One gene we identify, RBM5, is an essential regulator of male germ cell pre-mRNA splicing and has been previously implicated in male infertility in mice. In a follow-up study, 6 rare pathogenic missense mutations affecting this gene are observed in a cohort of 2,506 infertile patients, whilst we find no such mutations in a cohort of 5,784 fertile men (p-value = 0.03). Our results provide evidence for the role of de novo mutations in severe male infertility and point to new candidate genes affecting fertility.This project was funded by The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (918-15-667) to J.A.V. as well as an Investigator Award in Science from the Wellcome Trust (209451) to J.A.V. a grant from the Catherine van Tussenbroek Foundation to M.S.O. a grant from MERCK to R.S. a UUKi Rutherford Fund Fellowship awarded to B.J.H. and the German Research Foundation Clinical Research Unit “Male Germ Cells” (DFG, CRU326) to C.F. and F.T. This project was also supported in part by funding from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (APP1120356) to M.K.O.B., by grants from the National Institutes of Health of the United States of America (R01HD078641 to D.F.C. and K.I.A., P50HD096723 to D.F.C.) and from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/S008039/1) to D.J.E.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Implementación de estrategias de marketing para la empresa Importaciones Generales Nieto S. R. L. - 2017

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    El mercado ferretero del distrito de Nueva Cajamarca (San Martín, Perú) se encuentra en constante crecimiento, ya que cada día se destinan más áreas a la agricultura, siendo esta actividad realizada por el 55% de los pobladores del distrito. Al incrementar las áreas utilizadas para a la agricultura genera mayor demanda de herramientas y equipos para uso agrícola y forestal, generando que nuevas ferreterías inicien sus actividades comerciales. Es por ello que Importaciones Generales Nieto S.R.L. tuvo la necesidad de implementar estrategias para generar la repetición de compra por parte de los consumidores. La investigación tuvo como objetivo la implementación de estrategias generadas por un plan de marketing para lograr la repetición de compra, de esa forma aumentar el volumen de ventas y la participación de mercado. Se realizó un análisis previo de la situación de la empresa, se estudió a profundidad a los competidores, se hizo un estudio detallado del mercado donde se determinó como público objetivo a las personas que se dedican a la agricultura. Se aplicó una encuesta que permitió recolectar datos para elaborar estrategias como merchandising y publicidad; que tuvieron como fin generar un impacto positivo para la empresa. La implementación de estrategias generadas por el plan de márketing tuvo un costo de S/.2,671.25 mensuales. Como resultados por la aplicación de las estrategias fue: Las ventas del mes de noviembre fueron de S/.196,063.18, que respecto a las ventas del mes de noviembre del 2016 que fueron S/.178,869.66 esto representa un crecimiento del 9.6% de ventas mensuales.Tesi

    Distribution of Major Health Risks: Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study

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    BACKGROUND: Most analyses of risks to health focus on the total burden of their aggregate effects. The distribution of risk-factor-attributable disease burden, for example by age or exposure level, can inform the selection and targeting of specific interventions and programs, and increase cost-effectiveness. METHODS AND FINDINGS: For 26 selected risk factors, expert working groups conducted comprehensive reviews of data on risk-factor exposure and hazard for 14 epidemiological subregions of the world, by age and sex. Age-sex-subregion-population attributable fractions were estimated and applied to the mortality and burden of disease estimates from the World Health Organization Global Burden of Disease database. Where possible, exposure levels were assessed as continuous measures, or as multiple categories. The proportion of risk-factor-attributable burden in different population subgroups, defined by age, sex, and exposure level, was estimated. For major cardiovascular risk factors (blood pressure, cholesterol, tobacco use, fruit and vegetable intake, body mass index, and physical inactivity) 43%–61% of attributable disease burden occurred between the ages of 15 and 59 y, and 87% of alcohol-attributable burden occurred in this age group. Most of the disease burden for continuous risks occurred in those with only moderately raised levels, not among those with levels above commonly used cut-points, such as those with hypertension or obesity. Of all disease burden attributable to being underweight during childhood, 55% occurred among children 1–3 standard deviations below the reference population median, and the remainder occurred among severely malnourished children, who were three or more standard deviations below median. CONCLUSIONS: Many major global risks are widely spread in a population, rather than restricted to a minority. Population-based strategies that seek to shift the whole distribution of risk factors often have the potential to produce substantial reductions in disease burden

    New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias

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    Characterization of the genetic landscape of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related dementias (ADD) provides a unique opportunity for a better understanding of the associated pathophysiological processes. We performed a two-stage genome-wide association study totaling 111,326 clinically diagnosed/'proxy' AD cases and 677,663 controls. We found 75 risk loci, of which 42 were new at the time of analysis. Pathway enrichment analyses confirmed the involvement of amyloid/tau pathways and highlighted microglia implication. Gene prioritization in the new loci identified 31 genes that were suggestive of new genetically associated processes, including the tumor necrosis factor alpha pathway through the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex. We also built a new genetic risk score associated with the risk of future AD/dementia or progression from mild cognitive impairment to AD/dementia. The improvement in prediction led to a 1.6- to 1.9-fold increase in AD risk from the lowest to the highest decile, in addition to effects of age and the APOE ε4 allele

    The Majorana Demonstrator: Progress towards showing the feasibility of a tonne-scale 76Ge neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment

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    The Majorana Demonstrator will search for the neutrinoless double-beta decay (0vββ) of the 76Ge isotope with a mixed array of enriched and natural germanium detectors. The observation of this rare decay would indicate the neutrino is its own anti-particle, demonstrate that lepton number is not conserved, and provide information on the absolute mass-scale of the neutrino. The Demonstrator is being assembled at the 4850 foot level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota. The array will be contained in a low-background environment and surrounded by passive and active shielding. The goals for the Demonstrator are: demonstrating a background rate less than 3 t-1 y-1 in the 4 keV region of interest (ROI) surrounding the 2039 keV 76Ge endpoint energy; establishing the technology required to build a tonne-scale germanium based double-beta decay experiment; testing the recent claim of observation of 0vββ [1]; and performing a direct search for light WIMPs (3-10 GeV/c2)

    The MAJORANA experiment: An ultra-low background search for neutrinoless double-beta decay

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    The observation of neutrinoless double-beta decay would resolve the Majorana nature of the neutrino and could provide information on the absolute scale of the neutrino mass. The initial phase of the MAJORANA experiment, known as the DEMONSTRATOR, will house 40 kg of Ge in an ultra-low background shielded environment at the 4850' level of the Sanford Underground Laboratory in Lead, SD. The objective of the DEMONSTRATOR is to determine whether a future 1-tonne experiment can achieve a background goal of one count per tonne-year in a narrow region of interest around the 76Ge neutrinoless double-beta decay peak

    Characteristics of signals originating near the lithium-diffused N+ contact of high purity germanium p-type point contact detectors

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    A study of signals originating near the lithium-diffused n+ contact of p-type point contact (PPC) high purity germanium detectors (HPGe) is presented. The transition region between the active germanium and the fully dead layer of the n+ contact is examined. Energy depositions in this transition region are shown to result in partial charge collection. This provides a mechanism for events with a well defined energy to contribute to the continuum of the energy spectrum at lower energies. A novel technique to quantify the contribution from this source of background is introduced. Experiments that operate germanium detectors with a very low energy threshold may benefit from the methods presented herein

    The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR for 0νββ: Current Status and Future Plans

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    The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR will search for neutrinoless-double-beta decay (0νββ) in 76Ge, while establishing the feasibility of a future tonne-scale germanium-based 0νββ experiment, and performing searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model. The experiment, currently under construction at the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, SD, will consist of a pair of modular high-purity germanium detector arrays housed inside of a compact copper, lead, and polyethylene shield. Through a combination of strict materials qualifications and assay, low-background design, and powerful background rejection techniques, the Demonstrator aims to achieve a background rate in the 0νββ region of interest (ROI) of no more than 3 counts in the 0νββ-decay ROI per tonne of target isotope per year (cnts/(ROI-t-y)). The current status of the Demonstrator is discussed, as are plans for its completion