848 research outputs found

    УЗАГАЛЬНЕНА ДЕФІНІЦІЯ ТА ФУНКЦІОНАЛЬНІ ОЗНАКИ АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ ФОЛЬКЛОРНОЇ ЗАГАДКИ (Generalized definition and functional features of the English folklore riddle)

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    У статті шляхом аналізу існуючих у науковій літературі поглядів автором уточнено узагальнену дефініцію загадки, на основі якої обґрунтовано ієрархічно супідрядну систему її функціональних характеристик, покликану виконувати роль теоретичного підґрунтя для здійснення адекватного наукового опису особливостей взаємодії просодичних засобів її реалізації. In the article the author specifies the definition of a riddle by means of analyzing views known in scientific literature. This definition serves as a basis for the substantiation of a hierarchically subordinate system of the riddle functional characteristics. The system is intended to function as a theoretical foundation for accomplishing an adequate scientific description of prosodic means’ interaction in the riddle actualization

    Жанрові особливості та функціональне призначення тексту англійського прислів’я

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    У статті шляхом аналізу існуючих у науковій літературі уявлень щодо прислів’я уточнено його формулювання як фольклорного тексту малої форми, обґрунтовано ієрархічну супідрядність його функціональних ознак та окреслено типові жанрові ознаки. (In the article the author updates the definition of the proverb as a small form folk text by means of analyzing existing in scientific literature ideas on its versatile nature. The emphasis is placed on the interaction between the lapidary text of the proverb and the multitude of language means realizing it, viewed as a complex tool of producing a subliminal influence on the recipient. The author also outlines typical genre characteristics of the proverb as well as substantiates a hierarchical subordination of its functional features, including the proverb general didactic function, its every-day-life-culture pragmatic orientation and associative-and-educational role.

    Hysteretic nonequilibrium Ising-Bloch transition

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    We show that a parametrically driven cubic-quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation exhibits a hysteretic nonequilibrium Ising-Bloch transition for large enough quintic nonlinearity. These results help to understand the recent experimental observation of this pheomenon [A. Esteban-Martin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 223903 (2005)].Comment: 3 pages + six figure

    Interaction of two modulational instabilities in a semiconductor resonator

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    The interaction of two neighboring modulational instabilities in a coherently driven semiconductor cavity is investigated. First, an asymptotic reduction of the general equations is performed in the limit of a nearly vertical input-output characteristic. Next, a normal form is derived in the limit where the two instabilities are close to one other. An infinity of branches of periodic solutions are found to emerge from the unstable portion of the homogeneous branch. These branches have a nontrivial envelope in the bifurcation diagram that can either smoothly join the two instability points or form an isolated branch of solutions

    Patterns and localized structures in bistable semiconductor resonators

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    We report experiments on spatial switching dynamics and steady state structures of passive nonlinear semiconductor resonators of large Fresnel number. Extended patterns and switching front dynamics are observed and investigated. Evidence of localization of structures is given.Comment: 5 pages with 9 figure

    Технология создания электронного краеведческого каталога: трансформации в условиях электронной среды

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    Significant transformations in the technologies of e-catalog building in the area of local history are discussed. The author examines the main changes. She focuses on the local lore and history e-catalogs of the RF libraries and their specific features. The document support of the catalog development is presented. Based on the element structure of the technological process (goal, objects, subjects, resources, processes, instruments, methods, regulation documents, and results), the transformations in the technology are revealed. The author concludes that these changes are due to the expanding objects covered by the catalogs (including the networked); complicating regulations for the objects (mandatory competences for machine-readable cataloguing); radical changes to the advantage of digital information resources; need for continuing upgrade of hardand software; exacerbating problems of linguistic support of machine-readable cataloguing; new regulations, etc. The author also points to significantly complicating technologies. The author suggests that the solution may lie in labor consumption and efficiency calculations for the processes of the e-catalog elements design and use.Объект освещённого исследования – электронные краеведческие каталоги библиотек РФ. Обозначены специфические особенности, представлен перечень документационного обеспечения процесса их создания. На основе компонентной структуры технологического процесса (цель, объекты, субъекты, ресурсы, процессы, средства, методы, регламентирующие документы, результаты) выявлены основные трансформации, произошедшие в технологии создания краеведческого каталога. Определено, что они связаны с расширением объектов включения в каталог (в том числе сетевых); усложнением требований к субъектам (обязательное владение компетенциями машиночитаемой каталогизации); принципиальными изменениями в пользу электронных составляющих ресурсной (информационной) базы; необходимостью постоянной модернизации технических и программных средств; усугубившимися проблемами лингвистического обеспечения в условиях машиночитаемой каталогизации; созданием новых регламентов и др. Среди частных проблем создания ЭКК выделены вопросы конверсии традиционных краеведческих библиографических записей в электронные: большие объёмы ретроввода, конвертирование записей на языках малых народов, использование разных способов конверсии краеведческих каталогов. Отмечено серьёзное усложнение технологического процесса создания электронного краеведческого каталога. Решением данных проблем может стать расчёт трудоёмкости и эффективности процессов создания и использования компонентов краеведческого справочно-поискового аппарата на основе технологического проектирования

    Hard-core Radius of Nucleons within the Induced Surface Tension Approach

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    In this work we discuss a novel approach to model the hadronic and nuclear matter equations of state using the induced surface tension concept. Since the obtained equations of state, classical and quantum, are among the most successful ones in describing the properties of low density phases of strongly interacting matter, they set strong restrictions on the possible value of the hard-core radius of nucleons. Therefore, we perform a detailed analysis of its value which follows from hadronic and nuclear matter properties and find the most trustworthy range of its values: the hard-core radius of nucleons is 0.30--0.36 fm. A comparison with the phenomenology of neutron stars implies that the hard-core radius of nucleons has to be temperature and density dependent.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, references added, typos correcte

    Методические рекомендации по обучению украинских студентов английскому произношению

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    У статті викладено комплексний підхід до навчання українських студентів-майбутніх перекладачів англійської вимови. В ній наголошується на необхідності реалізації на заняттях з практики англійської мови зв’язку між фонетичними, лексичними та граматичними мовними явищами. Автори статті шляхом пояснення фонетичної термінології, пов’язаної з набуттям студентами артикуляційних навичок, узагальнюють і систематизують вимовні помилки, притаманні англійському мовленню українських студентів, та наводять практичні рекомендації щодо їхньої діагностики й корекції.The article is focused on an integrated approach to teaching English pronunciation to the Ukrainian learners who specialise in English as their future profession by way of emphasising the linkage between phonetic, lexical and grammatical language levels. The mentioned approach is viewed in the paper as a means of developing the English pronunciation being of primary importance in the English proficiency. The approach to teaching pronunciation advanced in this paper takes full account of the importance of context as a means for successful L2 pronunciation learning. In the article the authors explain some terminology connected with teaching English pronunciation, present information about the main differences and similarities in the English and Ukrainian articulation bases as well as give methodological guidelines on teaching pronunciation and describe types of instructions that can be integrated into L2 practical phonetics classes. The authors also report the results of their survey of typical mistakes and difficulties experienced by the Ukrainian B-level university students while mastering English pronunciation as well as provide practical recommendations and helpful guidelines on how to diagnose, correct and avoid pronunciation errors and mistakes. The paper also substantiates the expediency of further investigations of the contrasted phonological systems, contributing to more effective L2 English pronunciation learning and teaching.В статье изложен комплексный подход к обучению украинских студентов-будущих переводчиков английскому произношению. В ней акцентируется внимание на необходимости реализации на занятиях по практике английского языка связи между фонетическими, лексическими и грамматическими языковыми явлениями. Авторы статьи, объясняя фонетическую терминологию, связанную с приобретением студентами артикуляционных навыков, обобщают и систематизируют произносительные ошибки, присущие английской речи украинских студентов, а также дают практические рекомендации по их диагностике и коррекции

    Second virial coefficients of light nuclear clusters and their chemical freeze-out in nuclear collisions

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    Here we develop a new strategy to analyze the chemical freeze-out of light (anti)nuclei produced in high energy collisions of heavy atomic nuclei within an advanced version of the hadron resonance gas model. It is based on two different, but complementary approaches to model the hard-core repulsion between the light nuclei and hadrons. The first approach is based on an approximate treatment of the equivalent hard-core radius of a roomy nuclear cluster and pions, while the second approach is rigorously derived here using a self-consistent treatment of classical excluded volumes of light (anti)nuclei and hadrons. By construction, in a hadronic medium dominated by pions, both approaches should give the same results. Employing this strategy to the analysis of hadronic and light (anti)nuclei multiplicities measured by ALICE at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{NN}} =2.76 TeV and by STAR at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}} =200 GeV, we got rid of the existing ambiguity in the description of light (anti)nuclei data and determined the chemical freeze-out parameters of nuclei with high accuracy and confidence. At ALICE energy the nuclei are frozen prior to the hadrons at the temperature T=175.13.9+2.3T = 175.1^{+2.3}_{-3.9} MeV, while at STAR energy there is a single freeze-out of hadrons and nuclei at the temperature T=167.2±3.9T = 167.2 \pm 3.9 MeV. We argue that the found chemical freeze-out volumes of nuclei can be considered as the volumes of quark-gluon bags that produce the nuclei at the moment of hadronization.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 3 table


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    This study aimed to reveal air pollution and its influence on pathology of upper respiratory tract in teenagers of Angarsk and Sayansk. The quantitative content of chemical substances in the atmospheric air of the celitebic territory of Angarsk and Sayansk was studied based on the data of the hydro-meteorological center, the content of chemical substances in indoor air was assessed based on studying of the educational institutions. Two territories with a different pollution level were chosen to investigate in Angarsk. The higher summary risk of forming the respiratory organ pathology stipulated by the indoor air pollution and the atmospheric air with the tropic substances to the systems indicated was revealed to be in the schoolchildren in Angarsk. The studies performed in the educational school rooms have shown that on the whole the largest pollution degree was induced by the suspended substances. In the educational school rooms studied in Angarsk the increase in the hygienic normative on suspended substances was found to be in the educational classes in 43 % of samples, in the computer classes and in the sporting halls - in 44 % of samples. Sometimes the increase in the limited allowed concentration (LAC) was more than 2 times. The increase in the LAC of formaldehyde was observed to be in 13 % of samples in the educational classes. In the incidence structure according to applying for medical assistance the respiratory organ diseases were found to occupy the first place, at the same time the pathology of the upper respiratory ways prevailed in both towns. The chronic glandular and adenoid diseases as well as the allergic rhinitis were more often revealed. In comparison of the regions in Angarsk which are different in the pollution levels, it was found that the chronic pathology of the upper respiratory ways occurred 1,4 times more often in first region than in second one and 2,8 times more often than in Sayansk