900 research outputs found

    Abundances and kinematics for ten anticentre open clusters

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    Open clusters are distributed all across the disk and are convenient tracers of its properties. In particular, outer disk clusters bear a key role for the investigation of the chemical evolution of the Galactic disk. The goal of this study is to derive homogeneous elemental abundances for a sample of ten outer disk OCs, and investigate possible links with disk structures such as the Galactic Anticenter Stellar Structure. We analyse high-resolution spectra of red giants, obtained from the HIRES@Keck and UVES@VLT archives. We derive elemental abundances and stellar atmosphere parameters by means of the classical equivalent width method. We also performed orbit integrations using proper motions. The Fe abundances we derive trace a shallow negative radial metallicity gradient of slope -0.027+/-0.007 dex.kpc-1 in the outer 12 kpc of the disk. The [alpha/Fe] gradient appears flat, with a slope of 0.006+/-0.007 dex.kpc-1 . The two outermost clusters (Be 29 and Sau 1) appear to follow elliptical orbits. Be 20 also exhibits a peculiar orbit with a large excursion above the plane. The irregular orbits of the three most metal-poor clusters (of which two are located at the edge of the Galactic disk), if confirmed by more robust astrometric measurements such as those of the Gaia mission, are compatible with an inside-out formation scenario for the Milky Way, in which extragalactic material is accreted onto the outer disk. We cannot determine if Be 20, Be 29,and Sau 1 are of extragalactic origin, as they may be old genuine Galactic clusters whose orbits were perturbed by accretion events or minor mergers in the past 5 Gyr, or they may be representants of the thick disk population. The nature of these objects is intriguing and deserves further investigations in the near future.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures; accepted for publication in A&

    Asiago eclipsing binaries program. III. V570 Per

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    The orbit and physical parameters of the previously unsolved SB2 EB V570 Per are derived using high resolution Asiago Echelle spectroscopy and B, V photo-electric photometry. The metallicity from chi^2 analysis is [M/H]=+0.02 +/- 0.03, and reddening from interstellar NaI and KI absorption lines is E(B-V) =0.023 +/- 0.007. The two components have masses of 1.449 +/- 0.006 and 1.350 +/- 0.006 Msun and spectral types F3 and F5, respectively. They are both still within the Main Sequence band (T_1 =6842 +/- 25 K, T_2 =6562 +/- 25 K from chi^2 analysis, R_1 =1.523 +/- 0.030, R_2 =1.388 +/- 0.019 Rsun) and are dynamically relaxed to co-rotation with the orbital motion (Vrot sin i_{1,2} =40 and 36 (+/-1) km/sec). The distance to V570 Per obtained from the orbital solution is 123 +/- 2 pc, in excellent agreement with the revised Hipparcos distance of 123 +/- 11 pc. The observed properties of V570 Per components are compared to BaSTI models computed on purpose for exactly the observed masses and varied chemical compositions. This system is interesting since both components have their masses in the range where the efficiency of convective core overshooting has to decrease with the total mass as a consequence of the decreasing size of the convective core during the central H-burning stage. Our numerical simulations show that, a small but not null overshooting is required, with efficiencies lambda_{OV} =0.14 and 0.11 for the 1.449 and 1.350 Msun components, respectively. This confirms the finding of Paper II on the similar system V505 Per. At the approx 0.8 Gyr age of the system, the element diffusion has reduced the surface metallicity of the models from the initial [M/H]=+0.17 to [M/H]=+0.02, in perfect agreement with the spectroscopically derived [M/H]=+0.02 +/- 0.03 value.Comment: accepted by A&A. This revised upload to astro-ph correct a formatting error generated by uncorrect A&A style fil

    BeppoSAX observation of the X-ray binary pulsar Vela X-1

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    We report on the spectral (pulse averaged) and timing analysis of the ~ 20 ksec observation of the X-ray binary pulsar Vela X-1 performed during the BeppoSAX Science Verification Phase. The source was observed in two different intensity states: the low state is probably due to an erratic intensity dip and shows a decrease of a factor ~ 2 in intensity, and a factor 10 in Nh. We have not been able to fit the 2-100 keV continuum spectrum with the standard (for an X--ray pulsar) power law modified by a high energy cutoff because of the flattening of the spectrum in ~ 10-30 keV. The timing analysis confirms previous results: the pulse profile changes from a five-peak structure for energies less than 15 keV, to a simpler two-peak shape at higher energies. The Fourier analysis shows a very complex harmonic component: up to 23 harmonics are clearly visible in the power spectrum, with a dominant first harmonic for low energy data, and a second one as the more prominent for energies greater than 15 keV. The aperiodic component in the Vela X-1 power spectrum presents a knee at about 1 Hz. The pulse period, corrected for binary motion, is 283.206 +/- 0.001 sec.Comment: 5 pages, 4 PostScript figure, uses aipproc.sty, to appear in Proceedings of Fourth Compton Symposiu

    Una experiencia sobre la elaboración de material didáctico informático para complementar una asignatura de laboratorio en la Licenciatura en Química

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    En este artículo se expone y se analiza el trabajo realizado en el Departamento de Química Física y Analítica de la Universidad de Oviedo para incorporar las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación a la docencia de la asignatura “Introducción a la Experimentación en Química Física”. La metodología con la que se elaboró este proyecto se basa en tres aspectos: exposición de contenidos, actividad del alumno y corrección de dicha actividad. Para valorar la utilización del complemento virtual por los alumnos y su opinión se diseñó una encuesta.This article presents and analyzes the work done in the Department of Physical Chemistry and Analytical of the University of Oviedo to incorporate the new communication technologies to the teaching of the subject "Introduction to experimentation in Physical Chemistry". The methodology that was developed this project is based on three aspects: exhibition of content, activity of the pupil and correction of such activity. To evaluate the use of virtual complement by the pupils and their opinion was designed a survey

    In the eye of the beholder: owner preferences for variations in cats' appearances with specific focus on skull morphology

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    Changes in the popularity of cat breeds are largely driven by human perceptions of, and selection for, phenotypic traits including skull morphology. The popularity of breeds with altered skull shapes appears to be increasing, and owner preferences are an important part of this dynamic. This study sought to establish how and why a range of phenotypic attributes, including skull shape, affect preferences shown by cat owners. Two questionnaires were distributed on-line to cat owners who were asked to rate preferences for pictures of cats on a 0–10 scale. Veterinarian consensus established the skull types of the cats pictured (i.e., level of brachycephaly (BC) or dolichocephaly (DC)). Preferences were then explored relative to cat skull type, coat and eye color, and coat length. Generalized estimating equations identified relationships between physical characteristics and respondent ratings. Further sub-analyses explored effects of respondents' occupation, location and previous cat ownership on rating scores. Overall, cats with extreme changes in skull morphology (both BC and DC) were significantly less preferred than mesocephalic cats. Green eyes, ginger coat color and medium length coat were most preferred. Current owners of a BC or DC pure bred cat showed significantly greater preference for cats with similar features and significantly lower preference for the opposite extreme. Respondents from Asia were significantly more likely to prefer both BC and DC cats as compared to respondents from other locations. Finally, those in an animal care profession, as compared to other professions, provided a significantly lower preference rating for BC cats but not for DC cats. This work, despite the acknowledged limitations, provides preliminary evidence that preferences for cat breeds, and their associated skull morphologies, are driven by both cultural and experiential parameters. This information may allow for better targeting of educational materials concerning cat breeds

    Acoustic oscillations and dynamo action in the G8 sub-giant EK Eri

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    We present further evidence of the presence of acoustic oscillations on the slowly-rotating, over-active G8 sub-giant EK Eri. This star was observed with the 1-m Hertzsprung SONG telescope, at the Observatorio del Teide for two different runs of 8 and 13 nights, respectively, and separated by about a year. We determined a significant excess of power around νmax=253±3μ\nu_\mathrm{max} = 253 \pm 3\,\muHz in the first observing run and we were able to determine the large separation Δν=16.43±0.22μ\Delta\nu = 16.43 \pm 0.22\,\muHz. No significant excess of power was instead detected in a subsequent SONG observing season, as also supported by our analysis of the simultaneous TESS photometric observations. We propose a new amplitude-luminosity relation in order to account for the missing power in the power spectrum. Based on the evolutionary stage of this object we argue that standard α2Ω\alpha^2\Omega dynamo cannot be excluded as a possible origin for the observed magnetic field.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Discovery of a Transient Absorption Edge in the X-ray Spectrum of GRB 990705

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    We report the discovery of a transient equivalent hydrogen column density with an absorption edge at ~3.8 kiloelectron volts in the spectrum of the prompt x-ray emission of gamma-ray burst (GRB) 990705. This feature can be satisfactorily modeled with a photoelectric absorption by a medium located at a redshift of ~0.86 and with an iron abundance of ~75 times the solar one. The transient behavior is attributed to the strong ionization produced in the circumburst medium by the GRB photons. The high iron abundance points to the existence of a burst environment enriched by a supernova along the line of sight. The supernova explosion is estimated to have occurred about 10 years before the burst. Our results agree with models in which GRBs originate from the collapse of very massive stars and are preceded by a supernova eventComment: 15 pages,3 fig.s, link to the published paper in Science, 290, 953 (2000) through http://tonno.tesre.bo.cnr.it/~amati/curric/node6.html#papsc

    Portable CdTe detection system for mammographic X-ray spectroscopy

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    This paper describes a portable apparatus to be utilized in mammographic X-ray spectroscopy under clinical conditions. The system, based on a CdTe solid-state detector, is able to directly measure mammographic X-ray tube spectra. Good system response to monoenergetic photons was measured using X-ray and γ-ray calibration sources (109Cd and 241Am). The measured molybdenum X-ray spectra, in agreement with simulated spectra, show the good spectral capability of the system also at high photon fluence rates, as typical of clinical mammography. Low tailing, no secondary X-ray escape and low pile-up distortions in the measured spectra indicate that this portable system is suitable for mammographic X-ray spectroscopy